Kenny Burrell GoFundMe page
(too old to reply)
Tim McNamara
6 years ago
This was posted to www.jazzguitar.be/forum with a little bit of
questioning as to whether it's legit. If so, what a terrible situation
for the Burrells!


Anyone with contacts to Kenny who can clarify/verify?
6 years ago
I can't verify anything, but the campaign is getting a lot of support. Total raised was $33,000 yesterday when I first looked at the page; it's almost $46,000 today.

John R.
Tim McNamara
6 years ago
Post by John
I can't verify anything, but the campaign is getting a lot of support.
Total raised was $33,000 yesterday when I first looked at the page;
it's almost $46,000 today.
And some very well known contributors- Don Was, John McLaughlin, etc.
Kenny, as one of the most elegant musicians in jazz ever, is highly

The situation sounds like it has been very hard and is now dire, from
the description on the page. I had thought that Kenny would have been
better off than some jazz musicians, but "better off" in that context is
very relatively speaking since jazz musicians are usually not very well
off. He put out a lot of records as a leader, some quite famous, and
doesn't seem to have had costly habits like substance abuse. But he at
least has the UCLA jazz studies chair, I had hoped that paid him and
maybe provided benefits.

Identify theft is a bitch! Some friends of mine went through that and
the police basically said "not a lot we can do, you should change your
name and get a new Social Security number. Now that they've got your
info, they can strike at will."
6 years ago
I can't verify anything, but the campaign is getting a lot of support. Total raised was $33,000 yesterday when I first looked at the page; it's almost $46,000 today.

John R.

Go check it now, over $200,000.00. Over double the goal...
Lord Valve
6 years ago
Post by Tim McNamara
This was posted to www.jazzguitar.be/forum with a little bit of
questioning as to whether it's legit. If so, what a terrible situation
for the Burrells!
Anyone with contacts to Kenny who can clarify/verify?
His Facebook page doesn't say anything about this.

Lord Valve
6 years ago
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Tim McNamara
This was posted to www.jazzguitar.be/forum with a little bit of
questioning as to whether it's legit. If so, what a terrible situation
for the Burrells!
Anyone with contacts to Kenny who can clarify/verify?
His Facebook page doesn't say anything about this.
I can't find anything on the JazzTimes website about it.
However, if you switch the "DONATIONS" list from "RECENT"
to "HIGHEST" on the GoFundMe page, some pretty high-
powered cats show up, including Ahmad Jamal. So maybe
it's legit.

Steven Bornfeld
6 years ago
Now on Jazztimes:

Lord Valve
6 years ago
OK, I'm in for a C-note. Pony up, dudes.

Lord Valve, ThD
6 years ago
Great Idea, I did likewise.
Post by Lord Valve
6 years ago
Reading this it's not clear where he got injured: at Royce Hall or after he left the building. If it was at the Hall there should be insurance??
In any event I did send a donation to help out, because he was such an influence, and I feel that I've learned so much about playing and music in general from listening to all those recording that I feel I owe him a lot!
6 years ago
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Reading this it's not clear where he got injured: at Royce Hall or after he left the building. If it was at the Hall there should be insurance??
In any event I did send a donation to help out, because he was such an influence, and I feel that I've learned so much about playing and music in general from listening to all those recording that I feel I owe him a lot!
wondering why medicare and his gig with benefits at UCLA would not cover his medical. Usually a full time professor with full job benefits would be eligible for long term disability as well. Not saying I don't believe it, just saying I don't get it.
6 years ago
That's how I feel to, but I guess we can't forget about the Identity theft issue, maybe somebody else got the money he was supposed to get.
At his age though, I don't know if he was still a Full time prof.

No matter what, it's very sad and very scary.
6 years ago
Agreed. The statement from UCLA says
he is full time with benefits.
But sometimes life can turn into a total shit storm
and it sounds like that’s what happened here.
Lord Valve
6 years ago
Even if your insurance pays for your medical
issues, your rent doesn't stop. You still gotta eat, fix your car, buy gas, clothes, etc. And if you
have a homeowners' association chewing on your
ass, well...good luck with that. Those people
*never* stop. Never. You give a pack of lowlife
assholes the power to tell you what to do, do
you think they're not going to use it? Dream on...
If I may paraphrase Mark Twain, "First, God made
idiots, but that was just for practice. Then, He
made homeowners' associations." I'd rather live
in the meanest hood in the city (in fact, I've
done just that...only now, we're 'gentrified' and
our house is worth a bloody fortune...) than move
into an area ruled by an HOA - I don't give a shit
how "nice" it is. Those fools specialize in making
people miserable; they carve a little piece out of
America and then try to fix it so the Constitution
doesn't apply there. Not thanks - if you want that
kind of action, move to fucking Cuba.

At any rate, I see that the GoFundMe is up to almost
150 grand (in only six days!) as I write this; I
sure hope it's enough to get things squared away.
I'd sure be disappointed if Kenny never hit the
stand again, dig?

Lord Valve, ThD
6 years ago
There's an announcement on Jazziz:


A post on the Gofundme page says a Jazz Times announcement is forthcoming.

John R.
6 years ago
Post by Tim McNamara
This was posted to www.jazzguitar.be/forum with a little bit of
questioning as to whether it's legit. If so, what a terrible situation
for the Burrells!
Anyone with contacts to Kenny who can clarify/verify?
I just got a thank you note from Kenny himself, so it must be legit. Kenny clearly meant it for me personally, because it was addressed to another name I frequently receive letters under "To Whom it may Concern".; ' )
6 years ago
Heh, Good one :-)
6 years ago
Some questions have developed, according to this Washington Post story:


John R.
Lord Valve
6 years ago
Post by John
John R.
If the Washington Compost says the sky is blue or that
water's wet, you'd better check for yourself. The Compost
isn't known for its veracity, especially not in the last
three years or so.

Judgement reserved until more evidence is provided.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
6 years ago
Post by John
John R.
Well THAT'S damned interesting!
6 years ago
Post by Gerry
Post by John
John R.
Well THAT'S damned interesting!
Holy Crap, now I'm Really worried for Kenny!
6 years ago
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by Gerry
Post by John
John R.
Well THAT'S damned interesting!
Holy Crap, now I'm Really worried for Kenny!
When you have a woman 30 years your junior you'll have to accept a
little bad with the good, no? I hope he's doing okay, but assume he
probably is.
6 years ago
I Hope these antics don't get Him in trouble, especially if he's not totally aware of what's might be happening!
6 years ago
So far nobody that's talked to him seems to think he's addled or
doesn't know what the issues are. I think she's trying to ensure a
comfortable life after his departure, and though she's going after it
in some relatively unorthodox ways, she seems to have his support.
6 years ago
She just sent another update, but it didn't show anything when I clicked on it. Anyone see it?
6 years ago
Post by Gerry
in some relatively unorthodox ways, she seems to have his support.
She just sent another update, but it didn't show anything when I clicked on it. Anyone see it?
A message from Kenny:

6 years ago
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by Gerry
in some relatively unorthodox ways, she seems to have his support.
She just sent another update, but it didn't show anything when I clicked on it. Anyone see it?
Thanks, Otto.
Lord Valve
6 years ago
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by Gerry
in some relatively unorthodox ways, she seems to have his support.
She just sent another update, but it didn't show anything when I clicked on it. Anyone see it?
Check upthread for my comments re the Washington Compost.
95% of the mainstream media are professional liars. The
other 5% are amateur liars. Because the internet allows
us direct access to the people who *own* the truth, there
is no need for the antiquated, soon-to-be-discarded leftwing
media conglomerate, as evidenced by the shindig thrown at
the whitehouse for movers and shakers in the citizen journalist
movement, to the utter chagrin of bullshit factories like
the Washington Compost, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. You no longer
have to eat the shit sandwiches delivered daily by these
leftist creeps - better fare is available. Welcome to the
21st century.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
Mark Cleary
6 years ago
Post by Tim McNamara
This was posted to www.jazzguitar.be/forum with a little bit of
questioning as to whether it's legit. If so, what a terrible situation
for the Burrells!
Anyone with contacts to Kenny who can clarify/verify?
Having spent 34 years in the social service field I am very skeptical of this situation regardless of what I read. Kenny Burrell should have Medicare that would pay for many things but not all. One would think that a person of his stature and background would have a supplemental health policy easily. He could get this through any of his work as a professor at the College. Most enormous medical bills can eventually get taken care of through Medicaid at the State Level. If he is really broke then clearly all of the medical professionals in billing offices will be taking care of this end of his medical bills.

I personally believe he is not without resources and this may sound cold but I deal with folks on a daily bases that are in way deeper straights than him and nothing at all to fall back on. My inclination is that we use a famous name and them see what happens. I am not cold at all but know the ground work that goes into medical care and billing. It all seems worse than it is and while it may not be the best options do exist and I believe especially for Burrell.

Deacon Mark
6 years ago
Post by Mark Cleary
This was posted to www.jazzguitar.be/forum with a little bit of>
questioning as to whether it's legit. If so, what a terrible
situation> for the Burrells!
Anyone with contacts to Kenny who can clarify/verify?
Having spent 34 years in the social service field I am very skeptical
of this situation regardless of what I read. Kenny Burrell should have
Medicare that would pay for many things but not all.
Many of the purported reasons (which I have no reason to doubt or "be
skeptical"), involve the potential for eviction and displacement, in
which Medicare is uninvolved. Predominantly their issues aren't about
whether there will be enough money for some immediate medical issue,
which Medicare would be able to address--to some extent. The inclusion
of supplemental Part B can make all the difference over whether
catastrophi cmedical bills can bankrupt you, and I don't know whether
he has Part B.
It may indeed be worse than it is, with or without your skepticism
regarding what you have or haven't read, but since you don't know know
how bad it really is, nor do any of us, opinions on what he ought to do
about what may or may not be the problem: not much value.
6 years ago
I posted Otto's latest post from 'Kenny' on another jazz forum, and one guy told me that this was posted last week.
It seems to be a rebuttal to the Wash. Post article, so I think it's more recent.
I'm going to be thrown off my Union health insurance next year, and thrown into Medicare-land. How do you get supplemental Part B?
Steven Bornfeld
6 years ago
The numbers differ from state to state. Of course, there's part D as well.
What they tell you ("they" whom I spoke to anyway) is that you get a
plan "F" or "G". These are naturally the most expensive (best
coverage). I won't get into the weeds with the different plans (though I
should be reviewing this every year). My wife and I are paying a bit
under $300/month each for a G plan. The only diff. in NY between G and F
is that the F plan pays the part B deductible, which is about $185/year
this year. It also costs about $30 more per month, so I figure I more
than make up the difference in a year. I have United HealthCare through
Part D is even more opaque. I think we're paying about $39/month each.
From my perspective you get this for catastrophic drug expenses. I
never felt so bad for my local pharmacist. For the few generic drugs I
take, they haven't paid a penny this year. And I'm only paying about
$4-5/month for each. You may know that there are now a bunch of drugs
that retail at about $15K/month--many but not all of them cancer drugs.
After I'd spent a couple of months going over this, we had a sit-down
with an insurance broker recommended by my pharmacist, and we firmed
things up.
It sounds expensive, but it's still a lot less than when I was paying
for private insurance (through my small group at the office).
A lot of this is on the medicare.gov website, but it's pretty
overwhelming--esp. if you haven't been involved in the nuts and bolts of
coverage before (I had been administrator of our small group).

Steven Bornfeld
6 years ago
BTW, most states are less expensive than NY, and you can get a much
cheaper plan. We decided to play it safe, because there has been serious
illness here.

Tony DeCaprio
6 years ago
G works out best , IMO.
Steven Bornfeld
6 years ago
Post by Tony DeCaprio
G works out best , IMO.
I'm pretty sure the only diff. from F is the part B deductible; it does
pay the part A deductible.

6 years ago
Post by Steven Bornfeld
Post by Tony DeCaprio
G works out best , IMO.
I'm pretty sure the only diff. from F is the part B deductible; it does
pay the part A deductible.
Thanks for all the info. I'll print it out, and study it for the next six months!!!!
Steven Bornfeld
6 years ago
Post by van
Post by Steven Bornfeld
Post by Tony DeCaprio
G works out best , IMO.
I'm pretty sure the only diff. from F is the part B deductible; it does
pay the part A deductible.
Thanks for all the info. I'll print it out, and study it for the next six months!!!!
Tony DeCaprio
6 years ago
Deductible is less than what amounts to the years worth of monthly payments on F plan. Other than that , F and G are identical. I prefer to pay the deductible and have less on he monthly payments. Either way, the supplement is the way to go.
6 years ago
On 2019-07-16 06:43:49 +0000, van said:

[ trimmed for expedience: ]
I said part B, but in conferring with the woman who handles all the
details of such matters, a retired health care advisor for Legal Aid of
OC (my wife), she said it's just called "supplemental insurance" and is
a rider of both parts A and Part B. Among other things you pay nothing
extra if you are hospitalized. So the magic word is "supplemental"
insurance. Then there is the "donut hole" for medications, which I
suppose could run into the millions of dollars if the manufacturers of
aspirin decide to start charging 100k a pill. Supplemental won't help
with that.
Post by van
I posted Otto's latest post from 'Kenny' on another jazz forum, and one
guy told me that this was posted last week.
It seems to be a rebuttal to the Wash. Post article, so I think it's more recent.
I'm going to be thrown off my Union health insurance next year, and
thrown into Medicare-land. How do you get supplemental Part B?
There's are many details to consider on a personal basis. I'll email details.
Steven Bornfeld
6 years ago
Yes, that's worth pointing out. Some people (me too) forget that
supplemental (originally called "Medi-gap") pays for gaps in Part A
insurance as well.
Re: meds--I've read that in-patient billing for OTC medications has gone
up markedly over the last few years. And of course, gouging for even
very old drugs (epi-pen, insulin) is happening regularly. And the
heavily advertised drugs (think Humira, Embrel, and the other
horribly-named meds)--we hope we never know.
Post by Gerry
Post by van
I posted Otto's latest post from 'Kenny' on another jazz forum, and
one guy told me that this was posted last week.
It seems to be a rebuttal to the Wash. Post article, so I think it's more recent.
I'm going to be thrown off my Union health insurance next year, and
thrown into Medicare-land. How do you get supplemental Part B?
There's are many details to consider on a personal basis.  I'll email
Mark Cleary
6 years ago
Post by Tim McNamara
This was posted to www.jazzguitar.be/forum with a little bit of
questioning as to whether it's legit. If so, what a terrible situation
for the Burrells!
Anyone with contacts to Kenny who can clarify/verify?
I just offer my opinion and take it or leave it, I sure will not lose and sleep over the issue. This is the UseNet and full of opinions.

As to him not having Medicare Part B, that he certainly can have as long as he pays for this as part A is free. Again as one who worked directly with Social Security and Medicaid a person opting to not pay for Medicare Part D is completely stupid. I would have only occasionally someone come into my office who refuse part B because they did not want to pay for it. Right now part B runs about $139 per month for most individuals. A person refusing to pay and buy Part D is the equivalent of a person on a journey through the long desert and they did not even bring a water bottle along.

My guess is Burrell has part B. In any case to get someone evicted than out of there house is a long process and one wonders if lifestyle living has more to do with this and meets the eye.

Deacon Mark
Mark Cleary
6 years ago
My above post all refers to Medicare Part B, I typed D in two places not correct. Part D is for Rx's.

Deacon Mark
6 years ago
Since my reference to part B initially was wrong, I think that's only fair.

I hope we've communally misstated everything and can go on about our
business have sown confusion along the way.j

P.S. We can't know what the Burrell's issues are or are not, because
his wife is ensuring that they continue in secrecy. The end.