Post by RmbPost by o***@hotmail.comPost by rmbPost by o***@hotmail.comReading this it's not clear where he got injured: at Royce Hall or after he left the building. If it was at the Hall there should be insurance??
In any event I did send a donation to help out, because he was such an influence, and I feel that I've learned so much about playing and music in general from listening to all those recording that I feel I owe him a lot!
wondering why medicare and his gig with benefits at UCLA would not cover his medical. Usually a full time professor with full job benefits would be eligible for long term disability as well. Not saying I don't believe it, just saying I don't get it.
That's how I feel to, but I guess we can't forget about the Identity theft issue, maybe somebody else got the money he was supposed to get.
At his age though, I don't know if he was still a Full time prof.
No matter what, it's very sad and very scary.
Agreed. The statement from UCLA says
he is full time with benefits.
But sometimes life can turn into a total shit storm
and it sounds like that’s what happened here.
Even if your insurance pays for your medical
issues, your rent doesn't stop. You still gotta eat, fix your car, buy gas, clothes, etc. And if you
have a homeowners' association chewing on your
ass, well...good luck with that. Those people
*never* stop. Never. You give a pack of lowlife
assholes the power to tell you what to do, do
you think they're not going to use it? Dream on...
If I may paraphrase Mark Twain, "First, God made
idiots, but that was just for practice. Then, He
made homeowners' associations." I'd rather live
in the meanest hood in the city (in fact, I've
done just that...only now, we're 'gentrified' and
our house is worth a bloody fortune...) than move
into an area ruled by an HOA - I don't give a shit
how "nice" it is. Those fools specialize in making
people miserable; they carve a little piece out of
America and then try to fix it so the Constitution
doesn't apply there. Not thanks - if you want that
kind of action, move to fucking Cuba.
At any rate, I see that the GoFundMe is up to almost
150 grand (in only six days!) as I write this; I
sure hope it's enough to get things squared away.
I'd sure be disappointed if Kenny never hit the
stand again, dig?
Lord Valve, ThD