Post by s***@gmail.comLOOK,I could care less about JIMMMY Bruno, he is a prick, and an idiot on top of it, he's a FOOL
Yeah, I guess anybody who doesn't play confused-sounding
horse-shit that sounds like rabid weasels fighting in a dumpster that's tumbling down a mountainside is a fool.
There sure are a shitload of fools, huh?
Just think - if you spent just a quarter of the time you waste playing your "music" - all of which sounds exactly the same, which is to say, BAD - if you spent that time
woodshedding, you might come up with some tunes that
people would actually pay to listen to. YOU know, the kind
Jimmy plays. Real music, with structure and melody. If
people want to hear the shit you play, they could just
chuck a couple of alley-cats into a blender or something.
Have a Rilly Nice Day, mmmkay?
Lord Valve, ThD
Proud Owner, Dan de Sharf.