I just played the new Tone Master Fender Twin...and WOW
(too old to reply)
Riff Robin
5 years ago
As soon as I find one with an other than black tolex I will buy it. The sound and features are awesome. I have a 65 reissue and it is up for sale now. This is the amp we always wanted ..and it really is light. I lifted no problem and im 63. THe toneis ALL there for jazz and it does country just like u would expect a NICE twin to do. I am sold...would love to hear other thoughts on this...(well...most others if you know what I mean).
5 years ago
Post by Riff Robin
As soon as I find one with an other than black tolex I will buy it. The
sound and features are awesome. I have a 65 reissue and it is up for
sale now. This is the amp we always wanted ..and it really is light. I
lifted no problem and im 63. THe toneis ALL there for jazz and it does
country just like u would expect a NICE twin to do. I am sold...would
love to hear other thoughts on this...(well...most others if you know
what I mean).
What is the 1x12" version of this called?
Riff Robin
5 years ago
Well the other release is a 22w Deluxe Reverb....its more for rock but can work also for jazz..i did not play that one though it may also be nice. I cant wait to find a twin not black
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by Riff Robin
As soon as I find one with an other than black tolex I will buy it. The sound and features are awesome. I have a 65 reissue and it is up for sale now. This is the amp we always wanted ..and it really is light. I lifted no problem and im 63. THe toneis ALL there for jazz and it does country just like u would expect a NICE twin to do. I am sold...would love to hear other thoughts on this...(well...most others if you know what I mean).
Modeler. Meh. I pee upon it from great height.
Wait'll a line spike scrambles your software
and you have to reboot in the middle of a tune.
Playing a modeler is like fucking a rubber
woman; it's sex, I guess, but real pussy blows
it away. You'll see.

And yeah, I know exactly what you mean. You're
one of those creepazoids who think my political
stance negates my knowledge of the technical
aspects of guitar amplification, so anything
I might have to say on the subject HAS to be
bullshit. Since you open the discussion with
that attitude, I don't have any problem telling
you to go fuck yourself with an electric hedge
trimmer. Try to get one of the analog ones.

Lord Valve, ThD
Expert (fuck you)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A
5 years ago
I figured you would tell him to fuck himself with a DR field and
brush mower, and finish it off with a gas powered leaf blower.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Hey, he can play whatever he likes. He might not
like it as much as he thinks he will, is my point.
But there's no accounting for taste. I'm an organist
and I don't like Leslies. <shrug>

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
5 years ago
This is true. I've found that most guitarists who like modelers fall
into a couple categories: they may be older players with crappy hearing,
they want a lightweight amp, they're tone-deaf no-blowers, etc. I know
a few guys that gig with modelers for the lightweight amp reason; they
know the tone sucks compared to their real tube gear, but they also know
that the people attending the gig generally cannot tell the difference.
Especially by the time they are done with beer #2 and are on their way
to too many. So, they drag the cheap, easily replaced modeler to the
gigs and save the tubes for serious practice and studio work. I can't
really fault 'em for that line of reasoning.
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago

I've been playing all styles of music professionally since the mid 70s
and my Axe FXII sounds as good or better than any tube rig I've ever had
and I've had almost all of them.
It's also about 1000 times more versatile.

What's really true is that the old guys like you two who can't accept
modellers have *your* heads and *your* ears up your asses.

You're the same way politically too.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Damn - somebody pee in your cornflakes this morning?
Post by Joey Goldstein
I've been playing all styles of music professionally since the mid 70s
Make it early 60s for me...
Post by Joey Goldstein
and my Axe FXII sounds as good or better than any tube rig I've ever had
That's nice. You are free to dig what you dig,
you wont get any argument from me. Hell, you
can fuck a rubber woman, that's fine.
Post by Joey Goldstein
and I've had almost all of them.
Indeed, you have not. I, however, have been
under the hood in "almost all of them" including
the SS stuff.
Post by Joey Goldstein
It's also about 1000 times more versatile.
I suppose if you do a lot of birthday parties
and whatnot, that's probably true. "Why, of
course I can play 'Three Blind Mice,' sweetie...
let's see...patch number 91, 'CORNBALL TWANGER.'
Here we go! Everybody clap your hands!"
Post by Joey Goldstein
What's really true is that the old guys like you two who can't accept
modellers have *your* heads and *your* ears up your asses.
I didn't say I don't accept them. I didn't say you
shouldn't either. You hear what you hear, I hear
what I hear. You bought the gear you like best, and
so did I.
Post by Joey Goldstein
You're the same way politically too.
Politically? Say - how does the inside of your
colon look these days...still got a pic of Hillary
tattooed on the transverse? That worked out well,
did it not?

Watch what happens Dec 11, junior.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A
5 years ago
You the expert on that subject? Or is it a warning of what you are going to
spew next?
Post by Joey Goldstein
I've been playing all styles of music professionally since the mid 70s
and my Axe FXII sounds as good or better than any tube rig I've ever had
and I've had almost all of them.
So, you're in the "older players with crappy hearing" category? Sorry sonny,
but age takes it's toll. Especially for musicians who never bothered to
protect their hearing when they were youngsters.

You've had "almost all of them"? Yup, smells like bullshit.
Post by Joey Goldstein
It's also about 1000 times more versatile.
You can make a turd 1000x more versatile, but in the end it still stinks.
Amazing how all the best players get their "versatility" out of their skills,
not their gear. But hey, whatever turns your crank.
Post by Joey Goldstein
What's really true is that the old guys like you two who can't accept
modellers have *your* heads and *your* ears up your asses.
More likely, my hearing is far better than yours and I can hear the shortcomings
of the modellers.
Post by Joey Goldstein
You're the same way politically too.
Ahh, so NOW we get to the crux of the matter. Has nothing to do with hearing,
skills, preferences, or anything else guitar/music related. I'm "wrong"
because I don't have the Joey Goldstein-approved political leanings. Got it.

Tell me, what political leanings will make me a guitar expert? Somewhere to the
left of Chairman Mao? Do I have to enjoy disgusting, filthy cities where vagrants
piss and shit in the streets and camp in front of my place of business? Do I
have to be accepting and "tolerant" of unfettered illegal immigration, and give
them all free medical care, in order to atone for my "white privilege"? Should I
have pride in gays who march down the streets of Berkeley with their dicks
hanging out for all (including youngsters) to see? Of course, I must also
give up my fossil-fuel powered truck, while all the liberal "elites" who
know better than me travel between their "climate change" conferences in
private jets, right? Must I also accept that the United States of America is
a horrible, evil, irredeemable nation that must be torn down and replaced
with whatever leftards like you deems acceptable? I suppose that in order to
be totally woke I must absolutely support the impeachment of the president,
not for a high crime or misdemeanor, or "quid pro quo", "extortion", or "bribery",
but instead for having the audacity to challenge the domestic and foreign
policies of the entrenched "elites" and the deep state, and really just for
kicking Hillary's ass in the election?

I'm sure I missed a bunch, but the above was all the leftist horseshit I cared
to come up with. Mocking you and your fellow libtards just isn't something I'm
going to expend any real time or energy doing, even though you make it easy.

Have a nice day, loser.
Lord Valve
5 years ago

Everything else is spot fucking ON.

5 years ago
Hey, when you gotta, you gotta! ;-)
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Fucking queers.
Get a room.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
It's always about queers, isn't it? You can't find a leftist
who can write more than a line or two (on any subject!) without
talking about sucking dick. It's what they do.

See above for proof.
5 years ago
Here's the funny part: leftards tell you how we gotta be tolerant,
open, and accepting of gays and the whole LGBTQEIEIO deal. Then,
they turn right around call people they don't like "gay", "queer",
etc. Galling someone a fag only works if being queer is a bad thing,
but didn't these same libtards just get done telling us homosexuality
is "normal" and if we don't agree we're "homophobic"? Hypocrisy at
it's finest.
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
I never said there was anything wrong with it.
I just suggested that you 2 are queer for each other.
Why does that upset you so much that you have to type and type and type?
Lord Valve
5 years ago
"It's always about queers, isn't it? You can't find a leftist
who can write more than a line or two (on any subject!) without
talking about sucking dick. It's what they do.

See above for proof."
5 years ago
"Fucking queers" <- Yeah, that phrase just reeks of tolerance </sarcasm>
Post by Joey Goldstein
I just suggested that you 2 are queer for each other.
So, if LV and I agree on something, then it means we are queer for each other?
If we use your logic, then you and your fellow RMMGJ-tards are ALL queer for
each other. I'd ask if you prefer to be the pitcher or the catcher, but you
are definitely a pillow-biter. Do your fellow RMMGJ-tards at least have
the common courtesy to give you a reach-around?
Post by Joey Goldstein
Why does that upset you so much that you have to type and type and type?
Nobody is upset. Well, nobody except YOU, that is. Sometimes it takes more than
two words to properly mock you. Tough shit if you don't like it.

Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
I seem to have touched a chord.
Sorry to make you question your reality.
But you seem to know much more about all of this this than I do.
I'm sure you two can work it out.
5 years ago
Is "chord" your boyfriend's penis?
Post by Joey Goldstein
Sorry to make you question your reality.
The reality that RMMGJ is full of leftist queers? I don't question that at all.
Post by Joey Goldstein
But you seem to know much more about all of this this than I do.
I doubt that. After all, *YOU* are the one who brought up the queer shit.
It's what you leftards *ALWAYS* do. That obviously makes you the man of
experience here.
Post by Joey Goldstein
I'm sure you two can work it out.
Work out how to mock you for being a pole-smoker? I'm sure we'll manage.

Have a nice day, cakeboy.
Anon Anon
5 years ago
The "I know you are, but what am I?" argument.
Well played, for a 5 year old.
5 years ago
No, the childish play is from you, who essentially did the schoolyard
"You're a fag! You're a fag!". Face it, son; you started with the
queer talk, and that makes you the one with the deep issues. <shrug>
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
On 2019-11-20 3:50 a.m., Defiant wrote:
I've been a professional guitar player and teacher for over 40 years.
What do you do, poser?

I can hear the difference.
I just don't care.
It's close enough now and in many ways now it's actually better.
The Axe-FX does EVERYTHING I need and want in a guitar rig in a way that
a tube rig never could.
And it all fits in a 4-space shallow rack.
Tubes were NEVER all that.
And they're an expensive drag to maintain.
I'd need two Fender Twins with effects loops and EV speakers, plus a
five-space rack, to do what I do with my Axe-FX rig.

Solid state never caught on because it was never warm enough and musical
enough, and it's ugly when it distorts.
When the POD first came out and was widely adopted I thought people just
didn't care because it DID sound like crap as do all of Line 6's offerings.

But the Axe-FX is different.
Digital guitar amplification HAS come of age.
Get used to it and move on.
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
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Lord Valve
5 years ago

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Still jazzy, after all these years...
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Post by Lord Valve
Still jazzy, after all these years...
Still breaks up when playing block chords with a loud drummer.
Still has no bright cap defeat.
Still weighs about 42 lbs.
Still has no bass that can project in a club, like a Twin.
Still needs re-tubing and biasing at least once a year.
Still has no effects loop.
Still lacks a way to place time-based effects after power amp distortion
(unless you're in the studio and mic the cab).
I.e. no way to get those types of studio effects, post power amp, live.

I use a reissue around once a month because it's the house amp at the
club I play.
I hate it.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
You have my permission to hate anything you wish.

Hell, you can hate Mom, hot dogs, baseball, apple
pie and the Fourth of July and I'd have a pretty
hard time giving a shit.

Lord Valve, ThD
Expert (fuck you)
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
I've been a professional guitar player and teacher for over 40 years.
What do you do, poser?
This'll be good...mind if I respond to this post, even though
you've addressed it to Defiant? And why call him a poser...
he might know a few things you don't, eh? As might I.
Post by Joey Goldstein
I can hear the difference.
AH! The truth has outened...
Post by Joey Goldstein
I just don't care.
Did anyone say you had to?
Post by Joey Goldstein
It's close enough now and in many ways now it's actually better.
The Axe-FX does EVERYTHING I need and want in a guitar rig in a way that
a tube rig never could.
Hey - different strokes, eh?

It's interesting that an entire industry has sprung from
the desire to make three-legged fuses (that's an inside
baseball joke that any electronics nerd will get) sound
like tubes. And good things have come of that, there is
no doubt about it. But most of the sandcasters (that's
what SS amp designers are called by those who follow the
True Religion - some might call them Cathode Followers...)
simply fail to understand that the best (and easiest)
way to make something sound like a tube amp (after all...
is that not what they are trying to achieve?) is to use
tubes, which already sound fabulous and don't need software
updates. As an added bonus, they don't croak from static
discharge in the winter (or in extremely dry climates)
when you walk across a rug and plug your guitar in. (Yes,
this happens; the fact that it may not have happened to
you is due to any number of different factors, including
luck. I'm in Denver, I've seen a lot of chips fried this
way, only not lately - I quit servicing SS/digital stuff
more than ten years ago.) BONUS: If a nuke goes off in
low-earth orbit (dedicated EMP attack) or on a nearby
city (collateral EMP) anything with a transistor or an
integrated circuit in it is never going to work again.
Tubes are immune to EMP, so - assuming you can rig a
source of AC power somehow, or the gubbermint manages
to get the grid back up - dudes with tube amps gonna jam
while you digital boys gonna sit on your asses and listen.
Post by Joey Goldstein
And it all fits in a 4-space shallow rack.
I see the attraction. I see a lot of whining about "heavy
gear" by guitar players who've never had to wrestle with
over half a ton of gear at every gig. Like I did for decades.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Tubes were NEVER all that.
You might want to listen to some of those iconic
recordings from the 40s-50s-60s-70s...not only
were the players using tube amps, the recordings
were made on analog gear with tubes in it. That's
just a fact - like it or not. And what're the hottest-
selling plug-ins for Pro Tools and other digital recording
suites? Tube gear, of course...analog tape saturation
emulation, tube guitar amp emulation, analog tube compressor
simulators, tape-echo simulation... this is a near
endless list. What's the first thing a new digital
studio owner does? Try to make his state-of-the-art
digital recording rig sound like what was being used
70 years ago. Tubes! Yes, you can come close, and
they get closer all the time...but if you go to a
high-end pro studio, the first (OK, second, in many
cases) thing they show you is their amp collection.
Damn near always all tube amps. And then they show
you their vintage outboard processors...tube, of
course. There's a reason. I just find it kind of ironic
that the major thrust of the whole "modeling" industry
is BACKWARDS: not "Hey, look what we can do that's NEW,"
but "Hey, look how close we can get to what people were
doing 70 years ago."
Post by Joey Goldstein
And they're an expensive drag to maintain.
Not if you take care of them. Did you know that there are
amplifiers in the early transatlantic telephone cables
that have been running for decades - and are still running,
although they are used for low-bandwidth applications
now - without a tube change? Underneath the fuckin' OCEAN!
Post by Joey Goldstein
I'd need two Fender Twins with effects loops and EV speakers, plus a
five-space rack, to do what I do with my Axe-FX rig.
Wheeee! We're all sure you love it. It's light, it's
versatile, it takes up less room in your Volvo. And most
important of all, it's what YOU like. That's the way it
should be. But don't tell us any fairy tales about how
it sounds like a tube amp - you've already admitted you
can hear the difference but you just don't care. Good! Let's have a look at a '65 blackface Fender Super Reverb. On paper,
it's a piece of shit - noisy, non-linear, plenty of distortion.
But in the real world, where music is made, it's a seriously
gorgeous-sounding amp. Yes, it's a one-trick pony, but it does
that trick better than any other pony on Earth - period.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Solid state never caught on because it was never warm enough and musical
enough, and it's ugly when it distorts.
Damn - you *did* manage to learn *something*.
Post by Joey Goldstein
When the POD first came out and was widely adopted I thought people just
didn't care because it DID sound like crap as do all of Line 6's offerings.
So that's a brand you don't like? <shrug>
Post by Joey Goldstein
But the Axe-FX is different.
Digital guitar amplification HAS come of age.
You're free to like (and use) what you wish. I've
never said any differently. It's what I do, too.
But I didn't say anything like "What's really true
is that the old guys like you two who can't accept
modellers have *your* heads and *your* ears up your

Well, of course...it's always necessary to attack
another musician's ears if there is a disagreement
about how something sounds. In fact, back in the old
days dudes who worked as salesmen/demonstrators in
audio stores - even low- and mid-end ones - were
trained to sell "magic cables" (think 'Dinosaur Wires')
by impugning the hearing of the customers... they'd
hook two cables into an A/B comparator box and flick
the switch a couple of times and then say, "can't you
hear the difference?" And of course, most of the time
the poor schlub who's looking for a wire says HELL
yes, gimme the expensive one. Because he's not gonna
admit he "can't hear the difference." And musicians -
and my experience here comes from running a pro repair
shop/music store for 40+ years - are even worse than the
audiophools in that respect.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Get used to it and move on.
I'm used to it. No need for me to move on. I live to
see that look on guitar players' faces when they test-
drive one of my hand-built tube amps. OLD technology,
see? Just like top luthiers use when building jazz boxes...
And if they need some whiz-bang whirlygig FX shit to
make certain tones an amp can't make by itself, there
is always a pedalboard, or however many pedals they
need. Because when all that shit is bypassed and there's
nothing between the guitar and the amp but a decent guitar
cord, the Tone Monster comes out to play. And he can eat
a whole truckload of digital shit *alive*. No reason not to
have a low-powered tube amp (15-40W class) as the ultimate
link in your chain; you can put all the digi-shit in front
of it you'd like.

Just make sure you have a hardwired bypass box right before
it, so that when you need The Real Thing, it's one foot-stomp

Lord Valve, ThD
Expert (fuck you)
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Post by Lord Valve
Lord Valve, ThD
Expert (fuck you)
Like I care about anything you have to say on any subject.

That whole retro thing you described that's happening with most guitar
players these days and in all the studios....
It's all jive.
It's bullshit.
It's all marketing.
I got off of pedals and tube amps in 1989 because there was better stuff
to use even back then, like Pearce amps.
Everytime *I've* had to play through a Super Reverb I've hated it.

That whole retro thing is an overreaction to the refrigerator racks that
guys like Lukather used to use.
Modellers weren't up to snuff yet at that time so the whole retro tube
amp/pedals thing took off so that losers like you could make a living
again and kids who couldn't afford racks and roadies could still get
decent tones for a decent price.
But it was always inferior technology.

It's all marketing and it's all bullshit.
There are much better tools out there now for guitarists who can discern
what's really going on.
And I haven't had to buy or change a tube since 2009.

Oh and did I forget to tell you to GFY?
Oh. No. It's up top.
But just to be sure, GFY.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
My goodness. We're really quite emotional today.

5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
I've been a professional guitar player and teacher for over 40 years.
I remember a saying that goes something like this: "Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach." Normally I wouldn't mock someone for being a
teacher, but I make an exception when the someone in question is a
ridiculously pretentious blowhard.
Post by Joey Goldstein
What do you do, poser?
I'm an electrical engineer. I also happen to be a guitarist, and I've
also been playing for over 40 years.

BTW, I haven't owned or played anything close to "nearly" all tube gear
ever made. Claiming to have owned "nearly all" tube gear ever made is
a pretty bold statement. In fact, it sounds like something a poseur might
Post by Joey Goldstein
I can hear the difference.
I just don't care.
So, you're going from "My modeler sounds as good or better than any tube
amp" to "I just don't care."?
Post by Joey Goldstein
It's close enough now and in many ways now it's actually better.
To your ears. Has it ever occurred to you that others may not agree?
Post by Joey Goldstein
The Axe-FX does EVERYTHING I need and want in a guitar rig in a way that
a tube rig never could.
Good for you.
Post by Joey Goldstein
And it all fits in a 4-space shallow rack.
Well, *THAT* is the important thing!
Post by Joey Goldstein
Tubes were NEVER all that.
No? Then why does every modeler attempt to emulate classic tube gear?
Post by Joey Goldstein
And they're an expensive drag to maintain.
Really? I haven't replaced the tubes in my amp since I built it 14 years ago.
Granted I don't drag it to gigs every night, but it gets plenty of use every
month. It helps that I used quality parts in a conservative design, but even
the classic amps shouldn't need much in the way of maintenance, assuming
they have been properly maintained in the first place.
Post by Joey Goldstein
I'd need two Fender Twins with effects loops and EV speakers, plus a
five-space rack, to do what I do with my Axe-FX rig.
I need one amp with two effects loops and a few all-tube stomps and wah. If I'm
using my LGXT I may sometimes also use another amp to run the hex outputs
Post by Joey Goldstein
Solid state never caught on because it was never warm enough and musical
enough, and it's ugly when it distorts.
Not if it's done right. I built a little 10" combo solid state practice amp
that gives tubes a run for their money. It doesn't sound exactly like a tube
amp, but it's not ugly by any means. It *IS* warm and musical. I guarantee if
reps from any of the big amp manufacturers ever heard it they would be throwing
up serious offers for the design. Or maybe not - it would likely destroy
the sales of their low-end tube combo offerings since it blows any of 'em
away. It's also not particularly light; it has a beefy power transformer,
a good-size choke, and a big heat sink. Sucker weighs as much (or more) than
a typical single 10" tube combo.
Post by Joey Goldstein
When the POD first came out and was widely adopted I thought people just
didn't care because it DID sound like crap as do all of Line 6's offerings.
At least we agree on that.
Post by Joey Goldstein
But the Axe-FX is different.
It's got a built-in Keurig?
Post by Joey Goldstein
Digital guitar amplification HAS come of age.
If by "HAS come of age" you mean they have managed to make a device using
state-of-the-art DSP processors executing tens of thousands of lines of
code to crudely emulate an amplifier based on 60+ year old technology,
then I suppose you're right.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Get used to it and move on.
And finally, the usual pomposity. Fine. Here's my pomposity:

You're wrong. Deal with it.
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
I've been a professional guitar player and teacher for over 40 years.
I remember a saying that goes something like this: "Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach." Normally I wouldn't mock someone for being a
teacher, but I make an exception when the someone in question is a
ridiculously pretentious blowhard.
Well I've been doing BOTH for over 40 years.
Now answer the question asshole, what have you been doing?
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
What do you do, poser?
I'm an electrical engineer. I also happen to be a guitarist, and I've
also been playing for over 40 years.
I've been a professional guitarist and you've been an engineer.
No comparison.
You're just a hobbyist with an uninformed opinion of what professional
musicians need.
Post by Defiant
BTW, I haven't owned or played anything close to "nearly" all tube gear
ever made. Claiming to have owned "nearly all" tube gear ever made is
a pretty bold statement. In fact, it sounds like something a poseur might
Fenders: Twin, vintage Vibrolux, Rivera era Concert, Deluxe Reissues,
Super Reverb, Etc.
Traynor: Guitar Mate Reverb,
Marshall: JCM 900 combo, JMP-1.
Mesa: MKIIA, Triaxis, Simul-Satellite, MKIV, 50-50 power amp
And I've rented to try out many many many more.

Yes, you've caught me in an exaggeration to make my point.
Big deal.
Now GFY.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
I can hear the difference.
I just don't care.
So, you're going from "My modeler sounds as good or better than any tube
amp" to "I just don't care."?
If you were a player and your livelihood depended on your tone and form
factor, you'd understand.
But you're just a hobbyist and an ignorant fanboy for ancient technology.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
It's close enough now and in many ways now it's actually better.
To your ears. Has it ever occurred to you that others may not agree?
Of course.
At the moment most people don't agree.
They're simply wrong and have not put in enough time with the newer
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
The Axe-FX does EVERYTHING I need and want in a guitar rig in a way that
a tube rig never could.
Good for you.
Now GFY.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
And it all fits in a 4-space shallow rack.
Well, *THAT* is the important thing!
Yes it is, to a pro.
Something you wouldn't understand.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Tubes were NEVER all that.
No? Then why does every modeler attempt to emulate classic tube gear?
Because, like I said earlier, solid state amps never sounded any good.
Can't you read?
The newer modellers have transcended all of that.
I haven't played any of the new Fender modelling amps and I'll assume
that they f'd something up because their earlier modelling stuff wasn't
The folks at Fractal are different.
Their stuff has been on a par with real tube amps since at least 2009.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
And they're an expensive drag to maintain.
Really? I haven't replaced the tubes in my amp since I built it 14 years ago.
That's because YOU'RE an amateur and don't play regularly.
Post by Defiant
Granted I don't drag it to gigs every night, but it gets plenty of use every
month. It helps that I used quality parts in a conservative design, but even
the classic amps shouldn't need much in the way of maintenance, assuming
they have been properly maintained in the first place.
If you play, tubes don't last.
Maybe it's YOUR ears that can't hear shit?
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
I'd need two Fender Twins with effects loops and EV speakers, plus a
five-space rack, to do what I do with my Axe-FX rig.
I need one amp with two effects loops and a few all-tube stomps and wah. If I'm
using my LGXT I may sometimes also use another amp to run the hex outputs
Actually, to do what I do now with the Axe-FX, let's see, I'd really need:
A bunch of pedals on the floor with buffers all in the right place so I
minimize tone suck with some sort of gizmo to make them all programmable.
Or a programmable stomp box simulator with programmable level controls
so I can drive the two tube amps (see below) in power amp overdrive with
a boost setting.
Going into two tube amps with a least 20 watts of power that have a
their speaker output going into 2 reactive load boxes with uncompensated
line outs going into some programmable digital effects for reverb, etc.,
which is then fed into an IR loader like the Torpedo stuff (for the feed
to the FOH system) and then into a high quality FRFR solid state power
amp and then into my 2 1X12 EV loaded cabs.
I'd need to take two or 3 trips with the car just to get to the gig.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Solid state never caught on because it was never warm enough and musical
enough, and it's ugly when it distorts.
Not if it's done right.
I used Pearce amps throughout the late 80s and early 90s.
He was the only guy who did SS right.
I'm sure your estimation of your amp designing prowess is right on.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
I've been a professional guitar player and teacher for over 40 years.
I remember a saying that goes something like this: "Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach." Normally I wouldn't mock someone for being a
teacher, but I make an exception when the someone in question is a
ridiculously pretentious blowhard.
Well I've been doing BOTH for over 40 years.
Now answer the question asshole, what have you been doing?
Excuse me for butting in here, but there's a comma missing
from that sentence. Without that comma, the speaker is
identifying himself as "the question asshole," referring to
himself in the third person. Based on this particular usage,
would you like us to address you as "question asshole," "Mr.
Question Asshole," or do you have a non-gender-specific
honorific you would prefer? I don't wish to offend. I mean,
they put people in the slammer up in Canuckistan for that
sort of thing...

Lord Valve, ThD
Expert (fuck you)
5 years ago
Heh :-D
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Foiled again.
My grammatical errors will not slip past you two sleuths for truth.
[Fucking children.]
5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
I've been a professional guitar player and teacher for over 40 years.
I remember a saying that goes something like this: "Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach." Normally I wouldn't mock someone for being a
teacher, but I make an exception when the someone in question is a
ridiculously pretentious blowhard.
Well I've been doing BOTH for over 40 years.
Well, good for you. Did I mention you're a pretentious blowhard?
Post by Joey Goldstein
Now answer the question asshole, what have you been doing?
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
What do you do, poser?
I'm an electrical engineer. I also happen to be a guitarist, and I've
also been playing for over 40 years.
I've been a professional guitarist and you've been an engineer.
No comparison.
Did I mention I've been playing for over 40 years? Not bedroom jamming
or woodshedding solo. I mean *PLAYING*.

The difference between us is that I don't make my living playing the guitar,
I make it as an engineer. Which means I make a shitload more money than
you do, and I don't have to be a pretentious blowhard on an obscure, jerkwater
jazz guitar group on Usenet.
Post by Joey Goldstein
You're just a hobbyist with an uninformed opinion of what professional
musicians need.
Yeah, I never gigged twice a week, did session work, etc. Oh wait, that's
right... I *DID* do all those things! Then I became an engineer so I could
make a shitload of money.
Post by Joey Goldstein
"Good for you"? Yup, it's good for me.
So, not "nearly all". Got it.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Yes, you've caught me in an exaggeration to make my point.
I caught you bullshitting. If you bullshit about that, they you are likely
bullshitting about other things. Which makes you a bullshitter. and a poseur.
And a loser.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Big deal.
Not for a pretentious blowhard like you, I suppose. The rest of us don't need
to bullshit about what we've used or done.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Now GFY.
"Gone fishing yet?" Nope, not yet. Getting too cool now. Gotta wait 'till
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
I can hear the difference.
I just don't care.
So, you're going from "My modeler sounds as good or better than any tube
amp" to "I just don't care."?
So, you lied.
Post by Joey Goldstein
If you were a player and your livelihood depended on your tone and form
factor, you'd understand.
When I played for money, my livelihood depended on my guitar skills, not on a
rack full of effects and gadgets. For my tone, I depend on tubes.
Post by Joey Goldstein
But you're just a hobbyist and an ignorant fanboy for ancient technology.
I'm a serious player. You, OTOH, sound more like a gadget-obsessed fanboy rather
than someone truly interested in the art of music.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
It's close enough now and in many ways now it's actually better.
To your ears. Has it ever occurred to you that others may not agree?
Of course.
At the moment most people don't agree.
Probably because they have good hearing acuity.
Post by Joey Goldstein
They're simply wrong and have not put in enough time with the newer
Did I mention you're a pretentious blowhard. I guaran-fuckin-*TEE!* there's a
shitload of players whose chops make you sound like a first-year student who
agree that modelers are crap. You are either deaf or in denial. You're most
likely in denial about being deaf.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
The Axe-FX does EVERYTHING I need and want in a guitar rig in a way that
a tube rig never could.
Good for you.
Now GFY.
"Good for you"? I just said that, schmuck.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
And it all fits in a 4-space shallow rack.
Well, *THAT* is the important thing!
Yes it is, to a pro.
Something you wouldn't understand.
LOL, no, of course not. That's something only a pretentious blowhard could
possibly comprehend.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Tubes were NEVER all that.
No? Then why does every modeler attempt to emulate classic tube gear?
Because, like I said earlier, solid state amps never sounded any good.
I didn't imply that they should sound like classic SS gear, schmuck. I was saying that
they take a technology that can theoretically sound like ANYTHING they want, but
instead of trying to make some kind of "better" tone, they spend lots of money
and man hours to emulate the classic tube amp sound. Why? Because their market
is people who WANT a tube amp but either can't afford it, are weenies, or are
gadget-obsessed poseurs like you. Or, as I mentioned, they want a light piece of
gear for gigging, where the audience can't tell the difference.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Can't you read?
Very well. Can you?
Post by Joey Goldstein
The newer modellers have transcended all of that.
Not to folks with ears.
Post by Joey Goldstein
I haven't played any of the new Fender modelling amps and I'll assume
that they f'd something up because their earlier modelling stuff wasn't
Probably a safe assumption.
Post by Joey Goldstein
The folks at Fractal are different.
Their stuff has been on a par with real tube amps since at least 2009.
If you say so. You may want to get your hearing checked. Especially the HF
hearing. Just sayin...
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
And they're an expensive drag to maintain.
Really? I haven't replaced the tubes in my amp since I built it 14 years ago.
That's because YOU'RE an amateur and don't play regularly.
It gets flipped on at least twice a week, sometimes more. Other times I use either
another tube amp, my SS amp, or my Roland JC120. Often times I have two amps running,
so I can switch between them. Depends on what I'm doing, where I'm playing, who I'm
playing with, etc. Some of my other classic tube amps are hard on tubes, but my main
amp and the other two I've built are easy on the tubes.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Granted I don't drag it to gigs every night, but it gets plenty of use every
month. It helps that I used quality parts in a conservative design, but even
the classic amps shouldn't need much in the way of maintenance, assuming
they have been properly maintained in the first place.
If you play, tubes don't last.
Depends on the amps and the tubes, son.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Maybe it's YOUR ears that can't hear shit?
I doubt it. I have my ears checked every 5 years, and I have ALWAYS protected
my hearing. I've gotten shit from other musicians back in the day for playing
loud gigs with ear plugs, but I can still hear well. They can't.
Maybe you should depend more on your chops rather than dragging a bunch of
shit to your gigs?
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Solid state never caught on because it was never warm enough and musical
enough, and it's ugly when it distorts.
Not if it's done right.
I used Pearce amps throughout the late 80s and early 90s.
He was the only guy who did SS right.
Mine sounds better.
I'm sure it is.
Post by Joey Goldstein
"Light on LSI"? Actually, it has NO digital circuitry. All discrete analog, As
it should be.
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
Sounds like projection to me.
"Psychological projection, or "Freudian projection", a defense mechanism
in which one attributes to others one's own unacceptable or unwanted
attributes, thoughts, or emotions"

I'm out here using my real name.
And I actually have a name, a small name but a name nonetheless, in the
jazz guitar community.
When I talk it can affect my standing in the jazz guitar community and I
stand behind what I say.
When you talk, it means nothing.
Who the fuck are YOU you little shithead anonymous blowhard on Usenet?
Fuck off.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Now answer the question asshole, what have you been doing?
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
What do you do, poser?
I'm an electrical engineer. I also happen to be a guitarist, and I've
also been playing for over 40 years.
I've been a professional guitarist and you've been an engineer.
No comparison.
Did I mention I've been playing for over 40 years? Not bedroom jamming
or woodshedding solo. I mean *PLAYING*.
Links please.
Post by Defiant
The difference between us is that I don't make my living playing the guitar,
I make it as an engineer. Which means I make a shitload more money than
you do, and I don't have to be a pretentious blowhard on an obscure, jerkwater
jazz guitar group on Usenet.
I bet I have more money than you do.
[How much money is there is designing ss guitar amps these days?
And I teach jazz guitar in a major jazz music college.
I've been teaching jazz guitar at the college level since 1986.
I got these jobs at the colleges through word of mouth about my playing
and my teaching.
I have no degrees in music.
I'm just a guitar player.
I don't have a side gig.
This is ALL I do.
But I did inherit some money a few years ago so I don't have to work
gigs I don't want to do anymore.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
You're just a hobbyist with an uninformed opinion of what professional
musicians need.
Yeah, I never gigged twice a week, did session work, etc. Oh wait, that's
right... I *DID* do all those things! Then I became an engineer so I could
make a shitload of money.
Links please.
Let's hear all your guitaristic brilliance, please.
And why were you doing all those gigs if they didn't pay?
Must have have been great gigs.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
"Good for you"? Yup, it's good for me.
It means GO FUCK YOURSELF you little prot-fascist creep.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Big deal.
Not for a pretentious blowhard like you, I suppose. The rest of us don't need
to bullshit about what we've used or done.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Now GFY.
"Gone fishing yet?" Nope, not yet. Getting too cool now. Gotta wait 'till
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
I can hear the difference.
I just don't care.
So, you're going from "My modeler sounds as good or better than any tube
amp" to "I just don't care."?
So, you lied.
No I didn't.
Trying to compare the exact sound of a modelled amp with the =real amp
it's been modelled on is a fools errand.
There will always be too many variables.
But wh=en they do come close enough someone with enough intelligence
a=can realize that any small difference are meaningless because the
model can get the job done just as well as the real amp.
And any perceived differences are totally subjective and irrelevant to
getting =said job done.
And comparing any two tube amps of the exact same design is also a fools
There will always be a difference between them and oe person will like
one amp more than the other.
Modelling is at the point now where it sounds just as good for most
things a professional player needs to play, if you know what you're doing.
If there's one specific thing that a modeller can't do for you then
you'll need to use the exact piece of gear that you love.
My guess is that you've never spent any time with either a Fractal or a
Kemper product.
After I bought my Axe-FX Ultra, in 2009, I sold my Triaxis rig because
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
If you were a player and your livelihood depended on your tone and form
factor, you'd understand.
When I played for money, my livelihood depended on my guitar skills, not on a
rack full of effects and gadgets. For my tone, I depend on tubes.
Links please.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
But you're just a hobbyist and an ignorant fanboy for ancient technology.
I'm a serious player. You, OTOH, sound more like a gadget-obsessed fanboy

Now let's hear some of yours, idiot.
Post by Defiant
than someone truly interested in the art of music.
Wow. LMFAO. Literally.
Post some links 'Django'.
I've taught more people who can play circles around you than you can
probably count up to.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
The Axe-FX does EVERYTHING I need and want in a guitar rig in a way that
a tube rig never could.
Good for you.
Now GFY.
"Good for you"? I just said that, schmuck.
Go Fuck Yourself.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
And it all fits in a 4-space shallow rack.
Well, *THAT* is the important thing!
Yes it is, to a pro.
Something you wouldn't understand.
LOL, no, of course not. That's something only a pretentious blowhard could
possibly comprehend.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Tubes were NEVER all that.
No? Then why does every modeler attempt to emulate classic tube gear?
Because, like I said earlier, solid state amps never sounded any good.
I didn't imply that they should sound like classic SS gear, schmuck.
I never suggested you said that.
Post by Defiant
I was saying that
they take a technology that can theoretically sound like ANYTHING they want, but
instead of trying to make some kind of "better" tone, they spend lots of money
and man hours to emulate the classic tube amp sound. Why?
Because most pro guitar players spend a lot of time playing older music
that was developed when tube amps were the only choices.
There's lots of people using modellers in ways that somewhat new, like
in the metal community.
Post by Defiant
Because their market
is people who WANT a tube amp but either can't afford it,
The Axe-FX costs more than 3 or 4 good tube amps.
But then you get a piece of kit that can sound like virtually ANY amp,
tube or ss, ever made.
It's made for pros.
It's so complicated that amateurs can't even figure it out.
They still buy them.
But most of those amateur folks, like YOU, opt out for something simpler
like Deluxe Reissue because that's all they can handle.
Post by Defiant
are weenies, or are
gadget-obsessed poseurs like you. Or, as I mentioned, they want a light piece of
gear for gigging, where the audience can't tell the difference.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Can't you read?
Very well. Can you?
Post by Joey Goldstein
The newer modellers have transcended all of that.
Not to folks with ears.
Folks like amateurs, like you.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
I haven't played any of the new Fender modelling amps and I'll assume
that they f'd something up because their earlier modelling stuff wasn't
Probably a safe assumption.
Finally, we agree.
It's highly unlikely that Fender has made an amp with comparable
processing power to the Axe-FX Ultra, let alone their newer products.
The big companies, Line 6, Vox, Fender, etc. who put out modelling gear
always fuck it up so it's more affordable to kids.
Not so at Fractal.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
The folks at Fractal are different.
Their stuff has been on a par with real tube amps since at least 2009.
If you say so. You may want to get your hearing checked. Especially the HF
hearing. Just sayin...
GFY you tone deaf fool.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
And they're an expensive drag to maintain.
Really? I haven't replaced the tubes in my amp since I built it 14 years ago.
That's because YOU'RE an amateur and don't play regularly.
It gets flipped on at least twice a week,
That much, eh?
Depends on how much you play.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Maybe it's YOUR ears that can't hear shit?
I doubt it. I have my ears checked every 5 years, and I have ALWAYS protected
my hearing. I've gotten shit from other musicians back in the day for playing
loud gigs with ear plugs, but I can still hear well. They can't.
I get my hearing checked *every* year, so GFY.
Maybe you should go fuck yourself and post some links to your own music
you pretentious ignorant rude asshole.
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Solid state never caught on because it was never warm enough and musical
enough, and it's ugly when it distorts.
Not if it's done right.
I used Pearce amps throughout the late 80s and early 90s.
He was the only guy who did SS right.
Mine sounds better.
Let's hear it, with YOU playing it, dipshit.
All talk and no playing.
Aka a "poser".
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
"Light on LSI"? Actually, it has NO digital circuitry. All discrete analog, As
it should be.
I call bullshit, until I see and hear it and you.

And this isn't about who's a better player or how good modelling gear is
It's how you two are assholes and have ruined this group.

You can both fuck off and die as far as I'm concerned.
And take Trump with you.
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
Having said that, I will definitely check out these new amps from Fender
because if they DID get it right they will be a very welcome addition to
my gear.
I've wanted a loud, warm and lightweight, grab and go, combo amp, with
modern capabilities for a while now.
Advances in neodymium guitar speakers are another welcome trend.
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
And again, all of the guitar tracks on Thanks Charlie were recorded with
an Axe-FXII running ancient firmware in 2013.
The last firmware update (the AxeII was discontinued about 1.5 years
ago) sounds even better.

The first two tracks, Thanks Charlie and Hmm were the Axe w/o any IRs
going into a ss power amp and my 2 EV loaded 1 X 12 open back cabs,
mic'd with a 57, live off the floor, with only 1 or 2 punch ins for
mistake correction.

All the other tracks were recorded by me, at home, on my iMac, with the
Axe-FX, using the original stock EV IR.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
On Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 8:41:00 AM UTC-7, Anon Anon (we're not supposed to figure out that he's JG) haughtily proclaimed:

Post by Joey Goldstein

"Thanks Charlie" - one of those "Fusion? Hold my
beer..." tunes. Plenty of chops, no melody. Lots
of tunes just like this out there in the "nobody
but friends and family buys this" genre. Kinda
like standing in the rain waiting for a bus...jeez,
where's that fuckin' bus, I'm gettin' soaked, here...
but the bus never shows. Just more rain. Finally,
you give up and stick out your thumb. All jam, no
head. Ho-hum...

"Nor wood I" - 5/4, excellent, smooth, good swing,
has a real melody, not one of those "Hey, look, ma -
I kin play fusion!" heads. I like this, it's real
jazz. Good show, old chap.

"Nocturnal Heptagon" - smooth, not bad. Almost
had a melody. Once I figured out how to count it,
though, the show was over. Meh.

"Lemurian Waltz" - fuck me, I really like this -
it has an actual melody (I was beginning to suspect
that you couldn't write one) and the execution is
very smooth. One thing, though...couldn't you see
your way clear to laying out during the bass solo?
The bassist sounds like he knows the chords, he
doesn't need any help staying in the tunnel. You
got something against air? The bass man is a big
boy, let him off the leash. His tone, however,
well...yuck. I'm sure it's due to the recording
engineer using the wrong (or a cheap Chinese) mike.
There's an art to putting acoustic bass to tape,
and I'm not hearing it here. The low end is kind
of muddy and farty, no real definition. You can
hear it OK, but...it needs the top end of the
instrument to have more clarity, needs to sound
"stringier." The top end just isn't there.

"Hmm" - Hmmm...nice little waltz. As I listen
further into this album, I get the distinct
impression that a lot of the top end is missing.
It doesn't affect your guitar tone, because you
like that "filtered" sound a lot of fusion cats
like, but Rezza's kit sounds like it's under a
blanket - the cymbals have no cut to them.
Chinese mikes, maybe? Of course, YouTube's codec
may be at fault. Nothing wrong on this end, I
listened to this with a pair of AKG cans that
cost more than a lot of people make in a week.

"Girls with funny hair" - clever timing tricks.
I almost like it. Say - anyone besides me think
that Holdsworth royally fucked over fusion by
drenching everything in that horrid digital
chorus? (Rhetorical question, not aimed at you;
I already know where you're at on that one...)

"Fives" - well, this shows the disdain for the
listener that a lot of fusion tracks are guilty
of. Jeez, if I wanted to listen to four guys
jacking off, I could probably find a better example
on a porn channel somewhere. And...NO AIR! Were you
taught early on that you were expected to not stop
playing - ever? Phooey! Reminds me of of Niacin's
first album; you couldn't fall asleep while listening
to it, but you wanted to.

"Darkness and Light" - sounds just like what I
occasionally hear on the "smooth jazz" show on
the local PBS jazz-and-leftist-propaganda outlet
here in Denver (KUVO); once again, I'm perplexed
by the fact that you felt it was necessary to
chord your way through the bass solo. Silence is
golden. "It's taken me all my life to learn what
not to play." - Diz

So, I've listened to the whole album. Listened
to a couple of the tunes twice, to make sure I
was hearing what I thought I heard. It's pretty
good, although I'm no fusion freak. Good players.
I'd have liked Rezza a whole lot more if I could
hear his cymbals. Ditto for the bassist - no top
end. Could be poor recording technique, shitty
mikes...I don't know for sure. More top end on
the guitar would just make it sound fuzzier than
it does now, with your "blanket over it" Fusion
tone. BTW - the sax man was killer. His horn was
correctly recorded, too. It was all there. Did
he by any chance get the best mike?

You are a highly skilled player. Of course, that
doesn't keep you from being a self-aggrandizing
snotty asshole - just ask Buddy Rich (and a few
more I could mention). Note that my distaste for
your hoity-toity superior leftist snotbag routine
doesn't color what I hear - unlike most of the
jazz snobs on this NG, I don't rate anyone's chops
by who he voted for.

Well, that's my story and I'm a-stickin' to it. I'll
leave your world-famous ass alone so you can discuss
it with your 35 subscribers. (Hi, Mom!)

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
5 years ago
Youtube uses AAC running at 96kbit/s, which is generally
acceptable for speech and lo-fi music, but it is most
certainly NOT high fidelity by any stretch. Aside from
most of the usual lossy codec nasties, the first thing
that is sacrificed at limited bitrates is the high
frequencies. That is likely why the top end sounds
like you have a pillow over the tweeter.
Post by Lord Valve
You are a highly skilled player. Of course, that
doesn't keep you from being a self-aggrandizing
snotty asshole -
Describes him to a t.
Post by Lord Valve
just ask Buddy Rich (and a few
more I could mention). Note that my distaste for
your hoity-toity superior leftist snotbag routine
doesn't color what I hear - unlike most of the
jazz snobs on this NG, I don't rate anyone's chops
by who he voted for.
Nor do I. I never said Joey couldn't play. I haven't had time to
listen to his stuff yet, but I'm sure he's an excellent player.
That was never the discussion; the discussion was whether
modelers sound as good as the best tube guitar amps, and he
seems to take it personally when one suggests that they
don't. He takes it personally to the point of irrationality,
which is just flat out strange.

And, of course, as you mentioned his opinions about anything are
colored by the politics of the person he's having the "discussion"
with. It's obvious that he lives in his own little bubble, both
politically as well as musically.
Post by Lord Valve
Well, that's my story and I'm a-stickin' to it. I'll
leave your world-famous ass alone so you can discuss
it with your 35 subscribers. (Hi, Mom!)
Post by Lord Valve
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
Post by Defiant
Nor do I. I never said Joey couldn't play.
I *am* saying that *you* can't play.
Prove me wrong.
5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Nor do I. I never said Joey couldn't play.
I *am* saying that *you* can't play.
Am I supposed to give a shit what you think? ROTLFMAO!!!
Post by Joey Goldstein
Prove me wrong.
I don't have to prove shit to a wanker like you, son.
Deal with it.
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Blah, blah, blah.
Type, type, type.
Take a break, and Fuck Off.
Your ear for melody is that of a child and non musician.
The only tunes you liked had simple diatonic melodies.
Seems like chromaticism is beyond your musical experience.
Go practice more ore at least buy some more records.
Maybe you can catch up but probably not.
I take no credence from what you say about music, mine or anyone else's.
Go Fuck Yourself.

And I'm only "snotty" to you and your little fanboy because you are both
insufferable pricks as well as a host of other negative adjectives.
Why do you think nobody posts here anymore?
It's because of you two.
Fuck Off.
You're both pretentious posers with no useful information about jazz
guitar playing, *and* you're both insufferable pricks.
Anon Anon
5 years ago
On 2019-11-27 11:58 a.m., Anon Anon wrote:

Here's what Pat Metheny said about that same album in a private email to me:

"hi joey,

i hope you are doing great....

i am finally coming up for air after a half a year of writing and
working on a new record - and finally got a chance to really sit down
and listen to your cd...

wow! joey!! yeah!!

it is just great....as i was listening i wrote some quick impressions of
what it sounded like to me along the way....maybe these notes will be of
interest since i was your old teacher!

...the first tune is just unbelievably impressive compositionally and in
terms of quickly establishing a band sound - amazingly full for a quartet

the second tune is a classic - gb would record this...that is right up
his alley...

the open strings against the fretted notes - great ideas, great followthough

whenever you are playing double stops and chords - it is totally
something else..it really is something unique.

4th tune - just exactly what the record needed at this point - a totally
new angle on the band....and yet totally consistent with the pallette
you have going already...

the sax player is killing all the way until now....also the bass and
drums...it is just such a good band...

4th tune - sax solo is maybe a little too much of the pattern
thing.....but still at a really high level.

5th - totally keeps the variety coming....again just the new groove it
needs..i like that the record is so up too.....
alto and guitar is hard...there is just a little too much distance
between them...i alway have trouble with that when playing with alto
players....you kind of have to play higher voicings...when you do it
sounds good..mid range and lower voicings don’t seem to cover it quite
as well
nice handoff between sax and guitar...

good solo! really nice mix of the different sides of the grooves from
the triplets to the double time stuff..then the chords at the end....nice!

the trading at the end is really nice...

I continued to listen to the rest but daughter maya came in and i was
really distracted and my note taking got messed up but it sounded great
all the way through.

joey for me, it is an excellent recording in every way. but beyond that,
having known you for all these years what is so impressive is how much
you have grown. that is the best thing about it for me personally -
seeing a fellow musician who has worked hard over a long period of time
and really hearing that much progress. i can think of guys from back in
those days who sounded good then who still sound good but they are kind
of basically the same. you have really made a journey of it all...i
would like to hope that i am like that too...i think i have always been
able to function, but i feel like i am way further down the road than i
was then....you too.

so, yeah, joey!! you should be really proud of this record.

it has been great to see you a few times over the past few years and i
will keep you posted as to our next visit and if you are around and want
to come i will happy to leave you tix if you want...

in the meantime, hope all is well and i will see you soon...

best from pat"


So why the fuck would I listen to ANYTHING *you* or your little
boyfriend have to say?
BTW The "gb" he's referring to is Gary Burton.
Lord Valve
5 years ago

Or so you say. In any event - so what?
Opinions are like assholes - everybody has
one. Your engineering sux ass, sonny - buy
some good mikes. I had plenty of positive
things to say about your disk, but you're
such a punk you got as enraged about the
good shit as you did about the bad. And
like I said - go tell it to your 35 (Hi,
Mom!) subscribers on YT. And you gotta pull
Ye Olde I'm a Better Musician than (insert
anybody) because I can blah blah yakkity-yak
foo-rah humbug (etc.) I can hear chromatics
(and microtonal shit) just fine - only I'm
not as impressed with 'em as you think I
ought to be. So sue me. <fart>

As far as this NG goes, nobody has "ruined"
it but YOU - any dissension, you start pissing
all over the joint. Most folks would use their
killfiles, but you evidently *enjoy* getting
your leftist ass jerked in a knot every so often...
and I'm *ever* so good at that, hmmm? As is Tony
DiCaprio and Jimmy Bruno, either of whom can smoke
your lame ass on the stand. Shit, you even admitted
you punched in for error correction...can't do a
single pass recording? Got a bit of a problem with
clams, do you?

Maybe World Socialism will save you! Yeah, that's the
ticket - the New World Order gonna commission you
to write the Globalist World Anthem, and you gonna
be famous out da ASS - right? And your subscriber
count on YT (Hi, Mom!) will soar into the 40-50 region,
and all will be well. Yeah, that's the ticket...fame
and fortune...Joe's Bar and Grill, no more cobwebs in
the tip jar, plenty of free drinks, geriatric groupies
hoping to cop yer pole...it could happen, true dat.

Well, I'll leave you to stew in your vitriol. Try
some of this - I know it hurts, and I'm not really
uncompassionate...here, something fer whut ails ya:

Failed to load image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/85/cd/be85cd5a11c14edb4fb529676afd1532.png

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you - pick a key)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
Post by Lord Valve
I had plenty of positive
things to say about your disk, but you're
such a punk you got as enraged about the
good shit as you did about the bad.
I'm enraged against YOU and your ENTIRE thing.
And I don't have any reason to care what you think about mine.

I'm well beyond EVER wanting to have a rational conversation with the
likes of you or your little toady.
Fuck off.

But tell him to post some clips.
I've already heard yours.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Lord Valve
I had plenty of positive
things to say about your disk, but you're
such a punk you got as enraged about the
good shit as you did about the bad.
I'm enraged against YOU and your ENTIRE thing.
Um...you're enraged against my...thing?
That's kinda weird, dude, really.
Post by Joey Goldstein
And I don't have any reason to care what you think about mine.
Um...I don't think about your thing at all.
Post by Joey Goldstein
I'm well beyond EVER wanting to have a rational conversation with the
likes of you or your little toady.
My goodness.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Fuck off.
Mmmm, no; don't think I will. I'm enjoying the
progression of your case of The Willies. Damn
near terminal, I'd say.
Post by Joey Goldstein
But tell him to post some clips.
I ain't his pappy. You want 'em, you ask for 'em, see?
Post by Joey Goldstein
I've already heard yours.
Of course.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you - pick a key)

T R U M P 2 0 2 4 !
5 years ago
Post by Anon Anon
it is just great....as i was listening i wrote some quick impressions of
what it sounded like to me along the way....maybe these notes will be of
interest since i was your old teacher!
Did Metheny really write this? Like he needs to remind you that he was your old teacher? I have no dog in this fight, but I find that a bit implausible.
Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
Post by slowjammerukdog
Post by Anon Anon
it is just great....as i was listening i wrote some quick impressions of
what it sounded like to me along the way....maybe these notes will be of
interest since i was your old teacher!
Did Metheny really write this? Like he needs to remind you that he was your old teacher? I have no dog in this fight, but I find that a bit implausible.
Yes he wrote it.
5 years ago
[ horseshit deleted. ]
Post by Anon Anon
Blah, blah, blah.
Type, type, type.
Take a break, and Fuck Off.
Your ear for melody is that of a child and non musician.
I hope you did no more than read a few lines of our resident
"organist's" evaluations. This malevolent garage-dweller's only quest
in life is to; 1) Find any soup bowl, 2) Get his thumb in it. The usual
profile of a GOP robot. To hate is to live.

Wouldn't it be easier for him to continue playing with his "organ" and
not mingle with the actual "humans" in the neighborhood? No such luck.
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Oooooh, an organ joke! This one's *advanced*,
better not fuck with him!

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you - pick a key)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A
5 years ago
What he said ^^^. The guitar chops are fine, but the tone is
ho-hum. He said in another post that it was an older software
version. Maybe the later stuff gets better? Also, it sounds
like the sax player lost his air a couple times. Maybe he
was getting bored?
Post by Lord Valve
"Nor wood I" - 5/4, excellent, smooth, good swing,
has a real melody, not one of those "Hey, look, ma -
I kin play fusion!" heads. I like this, it's real
jazz. Good show, old chap.
Not bad. The bassist puts on a good show in
this one. Whole thing's tight.
Post by Lord Valve
"Nocturnal Heptagon" - smooth, not bad. Almost
had a melody. Once I figured out how to count it,
though, the show was over. Meh.
It's fine for a long elevator ride. <yawn>
The guitar tone ain't happening either. Sounds lifeless
and dull. Actually, so does the whole recording. It
would be nice to hear it in 16/44.1 or, better yet,
HD (24/96 minimum).
Its probably the settings on YT's AAC codec. Like
I said in another post, when your BW is that low the
first thing that gets sacrificed are the high freqs.
That said, the tone coming off the guitar chain ain't
nothing special. Maybe he's running the "nothing
special" patch?
Post by Lord Valve
"Girls with funny hair" - clever timing tricks.
I almost like it. Say - anyone besides me think
that Holdsworth royally fucked over fusion by
drenching everything in that horrid digital
chorus? (Rhetorical question, not aimed at you;
I already know where you're at on that one...)
I'm seeing a pretty routine formula here.....
Post by Lord Valve
"Fives" - well, this shows the disdain for the
listener that a lot of fusion tracks are guilty
of. Jeez, if I wanted to listen to four guys
jacking off, I could probably find a better example
on a porn channel somewhere.
An awful lot of jazz fits the category of "musical
masturbation" IME. I know we will disagree on that,
but we agree that this piece is certainly a good
demonstration of wankmanship.
Post by Lord Valve
And...NO AIR!
No kidding! Joey & The Gang needs some of this:

Post by Lord Valve
Were you
taught early on that you were expected to not stop
playing - ever? Phooey! Reminds me of of Niacin's
first album; you couldn't fall asleep while listening
to it, but you wanted to.
Nobody that narcissistic is gonna be able to palm it for more
than an eighth. He's so awesome that every millisecond has
to have him in it.
Post by Lord Valve
"Darkness and Light" - sounds just like what I
occasionally hear on the "smooth jazz" show on
the local PBS jazz-and-leftist-propaganda outlet
here in Denver (KUVO);
If he re-mixed it with the sax turned down a bit he could probably
make some money by selling it to Trump Tower for use in the elevators ;-)
Post by Lord Valve
once again, I'm perplexed
by the fact that you felt it was necessary to
chord your way through the bass solo. Silence is
golden. "It's taken me all my life to learn what
not to play." - Diz
Hey, it is the "Joey Goldstein Quartet". His name's on it, so he's
gotta be on every last byte.
I acknowledge that as well. However, listening to "A Strange
Little Tune" it's obvious that he likes to do a lot of guitar-
wanking. That's fine at a casual jam session, but not something
you want to lay to tape. Unless, of course, you're an insufferable
narcissist with delusions of awesomeness. Worse yet, despite all
the wanking there is still a dreadful monotony to the whole thing.
Post by Lord Valve
Of course, that
doesn't keep you from being a self-aggrandizing
snotty asshole -
And then some.
Post by Lord Valve
just ask Buddy Rich (and a few
more I could mention).
Did you ever meet him in person?
Post by Lord Valve
Note that my distaste for
your hoity-toity superior leftist snotbag routine
doesn't color what I hear - unlike most of the
jazz snobs on this NG, I don't rate anyone's chops
by who he voted for.
Nor do I. Like I said, I never questioned his chops, just his
hearing acuity and overall snobbiness.
Post by Lord Valve
Well, that's my story and I'm a-stickin' to it. I'll
leave your world-famous ass alone so you can discuss
it with your 35 subscribers. (Hi, Mom!)
Hi, Mrs. W!

Wow, a whole 35 subscribers huh? Truly a mover and shaker in
the world of jazz. There's people who post nothing but cat
videos that have more subscribers :-D
Post by Lord Valve
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
<fart> <- Joey's general direction.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Joey Goldstein
Of course, that
doesn't keep you from being a self-aggrandizing
snotty asshole -
And then some.
Post by Lord Valve
just ask Buddy Rich (and a few
more I could mention).
Did you ever meet him in person?
Ran sound for him at a three-day (Fri-Sat-Sun) gig
at a joint called the 1320 Club near Quantico, VA.
Lotsa Marines in the joint, they liked to fight with
the rednecks all the time. BR was cool, but gave
everybody a lot of shit about, well...*everything.*
He was funny as fuck, though. And - goes without
saying - he played his ass off. The gig paid pretty
good, too...$50/night was decent bread in 1970. I'd
have done it for free, though. ;-)

5 years ago
Sounds like a good time :-D
Anon Anon
5 years ago
And yet here's what Pat Metheny had to say about the same tune:
"4th tune - just exactly what the record needed at this point - a
totally new angle on the band....and yet totally consistent with the
pallette you have going already...
the sax player is killing all the way until now....also the bass and
drums...it is just such a good band...
4th tune - sax solo is maybe a little too much of the pattern
thing.....but still at a really high level."

I think I'll take Pat's criticisms to heart and just ignore the idiotic
comments here from Beavis and Butthead.
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
"Nor wood I" - 5/4, excellent, smooth, good swing,
has a real melody, not one of those "Hey, look, ma -
I kin play fusion!" heads. I like this, it's real
jazz. Good show, old chap.
Not bad. The bassist puts on a good show in
this one. Whole thing's tight.
You've both got lousy taste in music.
This is the weakest piece on the album, in my opinion.

But here's what Pat said about it:
"5th - totally keeps the variety coming....again just the new groove it
needs..i like that the record is so up too.....
alto and guitar is hard...there is just a little too much distance
between them...i alway have trouble with that when playing with alto
players....you kind of have to play higher voicings...when you do it
sounds good..mid range and lower voicings don’t seem to cover it quite
as well
nice handoff between sax and guitar...
good solo! really nice mix of the different sides of the grooves from
the triplets to the double time stuff..then the chords at the end....nice!
the trading at the end is really nice..."
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
"Nocturnal Heptagon" - smooth, not bad. Almost
had a melody. Once I figured out how to count it,
though, the show was over. Meh.
It's fine for a long elevator ride. <yawn>
OK. Let's hear YOU guys play it.
Just the head.
I'm absolutely sure you can't handle the blowing, Rhythm changes in 7/8.
But let hear it.
The tracks that I recorded at home had an idiot for an engineer, me.
But I needed to save some $ and I wanted the experience.
As it turns out, there was an issue with my detune/chorus effect on all
of these home-spun tracks where I introduced some unintentional comb
I'm not quite sure what the issue was though.
The first two tracks sound more like me because it was my actual cabs
being mic'd.
Yet here's Pat's comment about the same tune:
"the second tune is a classic - gb would record this...that is right up
his alley..."

BTW "GB" is Gary Burton.
But I disagree with Pat about this tune being for GB.
I think he really meant Darkness And Light, the 3rd track.
I can definitely hear GB playing on this.
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
"Girls with funny hair" - clever timing tricks.
I almost like it. Say - anyone besides me think
that Holdsworth royally fucked over fusion by
drenching everything in that horrid digital
chorus? (Rhetorical question, not aimed at you;
I already know where you're at on that one...)
I'm seeing a pretty routine formula here.....
Some of us still like that type of sound, because it enhances the music.
And this tune itself is anything but formulaic.
Get your heads out of your asses and then Go Fuck Yourselves.
And yet here's what Pat Metheny said about the same tune:
"...the first tune is just unbelievably impressive compositionally and
in terms of quickly establishing a band sound - amazingly full for a
quartet "

BTW complaints from my uninformed family members about this album were
that there was too much saxophone and not enough guitar.
And yet here's what Pat said about this tune:
with the open strings against the fretted notes - great ideas, great
whenever you are playing double stops and chords - it is totally
something else..it really is something unique."
And I acknowledge that you both are not.
Post by Defiant
However, listening to "A Strange
Little Tune" it's obvious that he likes to do a lot of guitar-
wanking. That's fine at a casual jam session, but not something
you want to lay to tape. Unless, of course, you're an insufferable
narcissist with delusions of awesomeness. Worse yet, despite all
the wanking there is still a dreadful monotony to the whole thing.
I do my wanking in a recording studio.
You two do yours here on rmmgj.
I question your whole thing.
It's disgusting.
Usenet trolls.
What a useless existence.
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
Well, that's my story and I'm a-stickin' to it. I'll
leave your world-famous ass alone so you can discuss
it with your 35 subscribers. (Hi, Mom!)
Hi, Mrs. W!
Wow, a whole 35 subscribers huh? Truly a mover and shaker in
the world of jazz. There's people who post nothing but cat
videos that have more subscribers :-D
I've never claimed to be a heavy.
But I'm heavier than you guys. (Except for Fat Willie, weight-wise that is.)
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
<fart> <- Joey's general direction.
Thanks so much to the both of you for taking the time to listen to my stuff.

Anon Anon
5 years ago
On 2019-11-28 11:33 a.m., Anon Anon wrote:

Pat seems to like this record a LOT more than I do.
He may have just been being kind to me.
We had met backstage at one of his shows a few months prior to this and
he may have sensed my general down mood and that I needed some cheering up.
That's when he agreed that it would be OK for me to send him my recordings.

On the other hand, he could have just said nothing.

*To me*, this record sounds more like a demo.
My chops at that time were not up to the task yet of playing those tunes.
Neither were the chops of the other guys.
We'd rehearsed a few times, but that was it.

I still put it out there because it's still a pretty good statement
about where my compositions and my playing are at and I'd like to leave
some sort of a record around after I die.
Anon Anon
5 years ago
On 2019-11-28 12:43 p.m., Anon Anon wrote:

And I often get compliments about the 'great' guitar tone on this record
from other *guitarists* and people who actually know about music, unlike
you 2 trolls.

And it's a modeller.

Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by Anon Anon
And I often get compliments about the 'great' guitar tone on this record
from other *guitarists* and people who actually know about music, unlike
you 2 trolls.
And it's a modeller.
My goodness - for someone who doesn't care what
we think, you certainly are shitposting quite
a bit. Is it SOP for you to post 10,000 words
to make sure everyone knows that you don't care?
I'm not really sure that you don't care; please,
sir - I want some more.

<fart> Ooops, sorry. I gotta go take a dump. I'm
pretty sure you don't care, but you'd better do
a couple hundred more lines to make certain. Here,
fill this out:


There's a good lad...
5 years ago
Post by Anon Anon
And I often get compliments about the 'great' guitar tone on this record
from other *guitarists* and people who actually know about music, unlike
you 2 trolls.
And it's a modeller.
You sure do seem to be spending a lot of time trying to convince a couple
"trolls" that your modeler doesn't suck. I wonder why that is? Maybe it's
not *US* you're trying to convince?
Lord Valve
5 years ago
This might help:

5 years ago
And yet, here you are...
Post by Anon Anon
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
"Nor wood I" - 5/4, excellent, smooth, good swing,
has a real melody, not one of those "Hey, look, ma -
I kin play fusion!" heads. I like this, it's real
jazz. Good show, old chap.
Not bad. The bassist puts on a good show in
this one. Whole thing's tight.
You've both got lousy taste in music.
This is the weakest piece on the album, in my opinion.
If anyone would know about being weak, it would be you.
Why would I want to? It's like an auditory version of a late Monet painting.
At least you know you're an idiot. Most idiots never realize their own
idiocy. Congrats!
Post by Anon Anon
But I needed to save some $ and I wanted the experience.
As it turns out, there was an issue with my detune/chorus effect on all
of these home-spun tracks where I introduced some unintentional comb
I'm not quite sure what the issue was though.
Loose nut behind the keyboard?
Post by Anon Anon
The first two tracks sound more like me because it was my actual cabs
being mic'd.
The first two sound like "you"? While the tone was bland, I didn't hear
any pomposity, arrogance, or assholery, all of which would have been
required to sound like "you".
Only if his alley is strewn with litter, dented metal trash cans, and
the occasional pile of dried dog shit.
Post by Anon Anon
BTW "GB" is Gary Burton.
But I disagree with Pat about this tune being for GB.
I think he really meant Darkness And Light, the 3rd track.
I can definitely hear GB playing on this.
Yeah, I'm sure he would definitely be honored to jam with a heavy
hitter like yourself.
My goodness! You seem to have a severe case of the vapors.
Oh, it's "amazingly full" alright. Amazingly full of wanking, especially from
the guitar section.
Post by Anon Anon
BTW complaints from my uninformed family members about this album were
that there was too much saxophone and not enough guitar.
More vapors from little Joey. It doesn't surprise me that your family members,
uninformed or not, would say that. I'm sure they've long ago learned how to
stroke your ego in order to avoid your tantrums.
Keep droppin' that name...
Post by Anon Anon
with the open strings against the fretted notes - great ideas, great
whenever you are playing double stops and chords - it is totally
something else..it really is something unique."
I think he's being kind. Do you blow up on him when he doesn't tell
you what you want to hear?
Unlike you, I don't have to write an entire novel describing, in
vivid detail, how I don't give a fuck what you think.
Post by Anon Anon
Post by Defiant
However, listening to "A Strange
Little Tune" it's obvious that he likes to do a lot of guitar-
wanking. That's fine at a casual jam session, but not something
you want to lay to tape. Unless, of course, you're an insufferable
narcissist with delusions of awesomeness. Worse yet, despite all
the wanking there is still a dreadful monotony to the whole thing.
I do my wanking in a recording studio.
That much is VERY apparent.
Post by Anon Anon
You two do yours here on rmmgj.
Oh gee, like, snap..... or something..... <yawn>
Sez the loser who just posted paragraph after paragraph of sniveling
Post by Anon Anon
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
Well, that's my story and I'm a-stickin' to it. I'll
leave your world-famous ass alone so you can discuss
it with your 35 subscribers. (Hi, Mom!)
Hi, Mrs. W!
Wow, a whole 35 subscribers huh? Truly a mover and shaker in
the world of jazz. There's people who post nothing but cat
videos that have more subscribers :-D
I've never claimed to be a heavy.
But I'm heavier than you guys. (Except for Fat Willie, weight-wise that is.)
Ah yes, fat shaming. The go-to of "tolerant" leftard losers everywhere.
Post by Anon Anon
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
<fart> <- Joey's general direction.
Thanks so much to the both of you for taking the time to listen to my stuff.
With *SEVEN* exclamation points for added emphasis! ROTFLMAO!!!

<pewwwttt> <- Because little Joey doesn't rate a full fart.
5 years ago
Says the pretentious blowhard ^^^ <yawn>
Post by Joey Goldstein
I'm out here using my real name.
And I actually have a name, a small name but a name nonetheless, in the
jazz guitar community.
When I talk it can affect my standing in the jazz guitar community and I
stand behind what I say.
Wow, you're a mover and a shaker. A legend in your own mind. ROTFLMAO!!!
Post by Joey Goldstein
When you talk, it means nothing.
Who the fuck are YOU you little shithead anonymous blowhard on Usenet?
Oh dear, did I strike one of your fwagile wittle nerves?
Post by Joey Goldstein
Fuck off.
Anger management issues noted.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Now answer the question asshole, what have you been doing?
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
What do you do, poser?
I'm an electrical engineer. I also happen to be a guitarist, and I've
also been playing for over 40 years.
I've been a professional guitarist and you've been an engineer.
No comparison.
Did I mention I've been playing for over 40 years? Not bedroom jamming
or woodshedding solo. I mean *PLAYING*.
Links please.
So, you say this...
Post by Joey Goldstein
Fuck off.
It means GO FUCK YOURSELF you little prot-fascist creep.
Go Fuck Yourself.
You can both fuck off and die as far as I'm concerned.
... and now you want me to post up links of my playing? I got a better
idea: why don't YOU go fuck yourself with a demolition hammer, you
pretentious blowhard, bent commie, flaming sack of dogshit.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
The difference between us is that I don't make my living playing the guitar,
I make it as an engineer. Which means I make a shitload more money than
you do, and I don't have to be a pretentious blowhard on an obscure, jerkwater
jazz guitar group on Usenet.
I bet I have more money than you do.
Of course you do, schmuck. <roll eyes> What's next, dick measuring?
Post by Joey Goldstein
[How much money is there is designing ss guitar amps these days?
When did I ever say I make a living designing guitar amps, fool? I do primarily
chip-level analog, mixed-signal, flash memory, and DSP peripheral integration.
I've also done a shitload of RF IC design. If you've ever used a 4G cellular
network (which you have if you own a cell phone) then your signal has likely
traversed some of my handiwork. I hold sixteen patents, have sold off four of them,
and collect royalties on nine.

The only guitar amps I have ever designed are the ones I built for myself and a
couple other players. Aside from the very unique SS combo, all are tube based,
including the rectifiers.
Post by Joey Goldstein
And I teach jazz guitar in a major jazz music college.
I've been teaching jazz guitar at the college level since 1986.
I got these jobs at the colleges through word of mouth about my playing
and my teaching.
I have no degrees in music.
I'm just a guitar player.
I don't have a side gig.
This is ALL I do.
But I did inherit some money a few years ago so I don't have to work
gigs I don't want to do anymore.
Well golly, you are a real somebody, eh? Practically a household name! LOL!

Did I mention you're a pretentious blowhard?
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
You're just a hobbyist with an uninformed opinion of what professional
musicians need.
Yeah, I never gigged twice a week, did session work, etc. Oh wait, that's
right... I *DID* do all those things! Then I became an engineer so I could
make a shitload of money.
Links please.
Maybe you should have asked without the "GO FUCK YOURSELF you little
prot-fascist creep". Now, my answer is simple: Why don't YOU go fuck
YOURSELF with a leaf blower, loser <spit>
Post by Joey Goldstein
Let's hear all your guitaristic brilliance, please.
Yeah, I'm sure I'd get a fair critique from a snot-nosed prick like
Post by Joey Goldstein
And why were you doing all those gigs if they didn't pay?
Must have have been great gigs.
I never said they didn't pay, fucktard. Nobody makes a lot of money gigging
unless you're a recording artist who can fill an arena.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
"Good for you"? Yup, it's good for me.
It means GO FUCK YOURSELF you little prot-fascist creep.
You first, you little snot-nosed, bent commie prick.
Fact. You just admitted it, fool.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Big deal.
Not for a pretentious blowhard like you, I suppose. The rest of us don't need
to bullshit about what we've used or done.
Truth. Don't like it? Log the fuck off.
The discussion was whether modelers sound as good as the real deal, not whether
they're "good enough". Like a typical leftard, you move the goal posts when
your bullshit fails.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
If you were a player and your livelihood depended on your tone and form
factor, you'd understand.
When I played for money, my livelihood depended on my guitar skills, not on a
rack full of effects and gadgets. For my tone, I depend on tubes.
Links please.
"GO FUCK YOURSELF you little prot-fascist creep"
"Go Fuck Yourself."
"You can both fuck off and die as far as I'm concerned."

That doesn't sound like you're asking nicely, prickhead.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
But you're just a hobbyist and an ignorant fanboy for ancient technology.
I'm a serious player. You, OTOH, sound more like a gadget-obsessed fanboy
Now let's hear some of yours, idiot.
Since you asked so nicely, I'll get right on it. You stupid fuck.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
than someone truly interested in the art of music.
Wow. LMFAO. Literally.
Post some links 'Django'.
I've taught more people who can play circles around you than you can
probably count up to.
Maybe so. Are they pretentious blowhards like yourself? Are they pontificating
bullshitters like yourself?
Punt, eh? Figures.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
The Axe-FX does EVERYTHING I need and want in a guitar rig in a way that
a tube rig never could.
Good for you.
Now GFY.
"Good for you"? I just said that, schmuck.
Go Fuck Yourself.
You first, schmuck. Use a DR Tree & Brush mower this time.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
And it all fits in a 4-space shallow rack.
Well, *THAT* is the important thing!
Yes it is, to a pro.
Something you wouldn't understand.
LOL, no, of course not. That's something only a pretentious blowhard could
possibly comprehend.
Punting again. Typical loser.
10 grand+? I suppose if I paid that much for a canned DSP in an aluminum
box I'd try as hard to convince myself that it sounds better than anything
else. So much so that I would argue about it endlessly on a jerkoff NG
as well. I'm sure your mover and shaker jazz gee-tah pals (all three of
'em) would be impressed. ROTFLMAO!!!
Post by Joey Goldstein
But then you get a piece of kit that can sound like virtually ANY amp,
tube or ss, ever made.
You already admitted that it doesn't sound like any tube amp, only that it's
"close enough". Make up your mind, son.
Post by Joey Goldstein
It's made for pros.
It's so complicated that amateurs can't even figure it out.
Hey, did I mention you're a pretentious blowhard?
Post by Joey Goldstein
They still buy them.
But most of those amateur folks, like YOU, opt out for something simpler
like Deluxe Reissue because that's all they can handle.
LOL, ok Guitar Hero. Whatever you say.

I *DID* mention you're a pretentious blowhard, right?
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
are weenies, or are
gadget-obsessed poseurs like you. Or, as I mentioned, they want a light piece of
gear for gigging, where the audience can't tell the difference.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Can't you read?
Very well. Can you?
Post by Joey Goldstein
The newer modellers have transcended all of that.
Not to folks with ears.
Folks like amateurs, like you.
Nonsensical pretentious blowhard reply noted.
Struck another tender nerve, eh? You poor schmuck.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
And they're an expensive drag to maintain.
Really? I haven't replaced the tubes in my amp since I built it 14 years ago.
That's because YOU'RE an amateur and don't play regularly.
It gets flipped on at least twice a week,
That much, eh?
Over a period of 14 years, it's a shitload of hours. More that what you would run
in a year, unless you leave the fucking thing on all the time.
Also depends on the quality of the tubes (which ain't what it used to be) and whether
the amp is a tube burner. It also depends on how far you crank it up.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Maybe it's YOUR ears that can't hear shit?
I doubt it. I have my ears checked every 5 years, and I have ALWAYS protected
my hearing. I've gotten shit from other musicians back in the day for playing
loud gigs with ear plugs, but I can still hear well. They can't.
I get my hearing checked *every* year, so GFY.
I smell more bullshit. Doesn't surprise me, given what you've laid down thus far.
Since you ask so nicely, you pretentious blowhard stupid motherfucker.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
Solid state never caught on because it was never warm enough and musical
enough, and it's ugly when it distorts.
Not if it's done right.
I used Pearce amps throughout the late 80s and early 90s.
He was the only guy who did SS right.
Mine sounds better.
Let's hear it, with YOU playing it, dipshit.
Again, you ask so nicely, chode.
Unlike you, I'm not a pretentious blowhard. I just state facts. Don't like it?
Bend over and stuff it up your gaping asshole, schmuck.
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
Post by Joey Goldstein
"Light on LSI"? Actually, it has NO digital circuitry. All discrete analog, As
it should be.
I call bullshit, until I see and hear it and you.
Once again, you ask so nicely. Followed by this vvvvv
Post by Joey Goldstein
And this isn't about who's a better player or how good modelling gear is
It's how you two are assholes and have ruined this group.
Go cry me a river. Don't like it? Log the fuck off. And don't let the virtual
door hit you in the virtual ass on the way out.
Post by Joey Goldstein
You can both fuck off and die as far as I'm concerned.
You first, asshole.
Post by Joey Goldstein
And take Trump with you.
And here we have the crux of it. I'm not a bent leftard snot-nosed tool like
you and the rest of the losers on this jerkoff group. Boo-fucking-hoo.
Go choke on a bag full of dicks, loser <spit>
Anon Anon
5 years ago
On 2019-11-27 6:02 a.m., Defiant wrote:

Why would I ask *you* anything "nicely".
You're a fascist prick and you and your big fat racist of an boyfriend
have ruined this group.

Now prove to us all how much you know about guitar and jazz guitar playing.
Lord Valve has.
But there aren't any, are there?
You've never played professionally on anyone's albums, including your
own, right?
You don't even have any clips of you playing at a casual jam session,
jazz or rock or blues or anything, right?
You don't have any clips of anyone playing your fantastic ss amp, right?
You don't even post your name because you know that people will learn
who you really are and what you think and you're actually ashamed of who
you are and what you think.

You're just another poser on the Internet with a keyboard typing your
ridiculous opinions day after day after day.
In and of itself, that'd be fine.
But you're also an uninformed blowhard and you're an enormous prick.

So post some links you stupid ignorant baby or shut the fuck up.

But of course you won't shut the fuck up because your whole gig is
trolling this group.

What a ridiculous existence.
5 years ago
Post by Anon Anon
Why would I ask *you* anything "nicely".
You're a fascist prick and you and your big fat racist of an boyfriend
have ruined this group.
And with that, you want me to post up clips for your "critique"? You're
the fascist little snot-nosed commie prick around here, and you can
go fuck yourself with a D-9 dozer, loser <spit>
Post by Anon Anon
Now prove to us all how much you know about guitar and jazz guitar playing.
Lord Valve has.
Yeah, and I saw what happened. Every leftist shitwad jumped all over him
and cut it up. Go fuck yourself with a live pole pig.
Post by Anon Anon
But there aren't any, are there?
Yup, but you ain't never gonna hear 'em.
Post by Anon Anon
You've never played professionally on anyone's albums, including your
own, right?
I never said I had an album, schmuck. Try some reading comp, and get
yourself a clue.
Post by Anon Anon
You don't even have any clips of you playing at a casual jam session,
jazz or rock or blues or anything, right?
I've got plenty? Wanna hear 'em? No problem; apologize to me and LV for all the
nasty shit you've spewed, then BEG me to post em up. That's right, I want your
sorry ass to beg like a bitch. Otherwise, go fuck yourself with a vintage
steam shovel.
Post by Anon Anon
You don't have any clips of anyone playing your fantastic ss amp, right?
Just me. Wanna hear? See above.
Post by Anon Anon
You don't even post your name because you know that people will learn
who you really are and what you think and you're actually ashamed of who
you are and what you think.
I don't post my name because fucking whackjob leftards (like you) stalk
me in meatspace. LV has to put up with that shit, but I have no intention of
doing so. I don't have shit to prove to anyone here, especially you,
so I damn sure ain't gonna tell you my name. *YOU*, OTOH, seem especially
concerned with your "reputation". Do your jazz pals know what kind of a
wanker you are online? How about the dean/chancellor/president of the
college where you teach? What would they think if they saw this thread?
Post by Anon Anon
You're just another poser on the Internet with a keyboard typing your
ridiculous opinions day after day after day.
If that's the case, then why are you humping my leg like a horny rat terrier?
Post by Anon Anon
In and of itself, that'd be fine.
But you're also an uninformed blowhard and you're an enormous prick.
Now *THAT* is projection if I've ever seen it! Fuck, you absolutely pinned yourself
with that description!
Post by Anon Anon
So post some links you stupid ignorant baby or shut the fuck up.
I already stated my requirements. Either do it or fuck off.
Post by Anon Anon
But of course you won't shut the fuck up because your whole gig is
trolling this group.
It's not my WHOLE gig, just a tiny one. And not the whole group,
just you, apparently. You poor pitiful schmuck.
Post by Anon Anon
What a ridiculous existence.
Says the loser who has posted paragraph after paragraph of whining, sniveling,
bullshitting, and loser-think. Shouldn't you be woodshedding and diddling with
the latest patch in your awesome amp that apparently only you understand?
ROTFLMAO!!! <fart> <- Here, catch! Attaboy!!!!!!
Anon Anon
5 years ago
On 2019-11-27 10:49 p.m., Defiant wrote:

Just can't decide which one of you is Beavis and which one is Butthead?

But you both don't know shit about being jazz musicians or guitarists.

Just 2 fat ugly fanboys typing in the night.
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Post by Anon Anon
Just can't decide which one of you is Beavis and which one is Butthead?
But you both don't know shit about being jazz musicians or guitarists.
Or people, for that matter.
Post by Anon Anon
Just 2 fat ugly fanboys typing in the night.
5 years ago
Post by Anon Anon
Post by Anon Anon
Just can't decide which one of you is Beavis and which one is Butthead?
But you both don't know shit about being jazz musicians or guitarists.
Or people, for that matter.
Post by Anon Anon
Just 2 fat ugly fanboys typing in the night.
So, that's a "no" on the apology and begging?

Joey Goldstein
5 years ago
Post by Defiant
So, that's a "no" on the apology
You got that right.
5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
So, that's a "no" on the apology
You got that right.
Well gosh, I'm crushed. Devastated, really. I guess I will have to
settle with you humping my shoe and sniffing my ass.

5 years ago
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
So, that's a "no" on the apology
You got that right.
Hey Joey,
I've been playing a lot of shows lately, mostly Mama Mia, but i might have Addams Family and Seussical coming up, also.
Do you use the AxeFXII for musicals like that? What are the advantages, if you do?
Anon Anon
5 years ago
Post by van
Post by Joey Goldstein
Post by Defiant
So, that's a "no" on the apology
You got that right.
Hey Joey,
I've been playing a lot of shows lately, mostly Mama Mia, but i might have Addams Family and Seussical coming up, also.
Do you use the AxeFXII for musicals like that? What are the advantages, if you do?
I almost used my Axe-FXII on a show a few years ago but realized that
I'd need to buy a backup.
So I used my Pearce and some pedals instead.

Way back in 2009 though I did use my Ultra on a rock musical show, and
well before I knew how to use it.
It was a weird, very tight stage setup and I thought I could pack a lot
of sound if I used the Ultra into a small keyboard amp and also sent the
direct signal to the FOH.
I've had to play weird setups through keyboard amps and hot spot
monitors and all sorts of obscenities in the npast and could never stand it.
But that little Ultra through a Yorkville keyboard amp (I think it was
the "K2"?), it sucked, but it was easy to get used to.

I think the advantages of the axe for a musical theo=atre gig with lots
of sound changes and effects would be obvious, no?
I've heard that they're udsing them here in toronto for a lot of the big
production shows.

I love my Axe-FX rig but I hardly ever get a chance to use it.
My only real gig for the last few years has been the regular monthly
thing at The Rex with John MacLeod's big band.
And I just settled into using the house's Deluxe Reissue.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.
5 years ago

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