I live in Massachusetts and we fall into the Dorian "Cone of Uncertainty". Does anyone else find this giggle-worthy? My students are definitely uncertain about Dorian.
Post by funkifized I live in Massachusetts and we fall into the Dorian "Cone of Uncertainty". Does anyone else find this giggle-worthy? My students are definitely uncertain about Dorian.
I never found Dorian to be all that uncertain. You want uncertainty, try Locrian. Gack!
On Mon, 2 Sep 2019 19:38:56 -0700 (PDT), funkifized
Post by funkifized I live in Massachusetts and we fall into the Dorian "Cone of Uncertainty". Does anyone else find this giggle-worthy? My students are definitely uncertain about Dorian.
Not especially in terms of the millions of people facing a hurricane. But in terms of naming a hurricane after a mode of the major scale, well... there is a bit of uncertainty for students in the use and utility of modes. ;-)