Let it Snow
(too old to reply)
2020-01-18 14:35:21 UTC
It's about time!


Lord Valve
2020-01-18 20:31:51 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
It's about time!
Hey, dude, there ain't no more snow 'cuz global warming.
The glaciers are melting and the polar bears are drowning.
And not only that, the climate...huh? What? It's bullshit?
Aw, fuck. Never mind.

Nice work, man. While I was listening to you, I was kind
of wishing you were playing something electric (say, a
Johnny Smith or a Byrdland or even a 335) through a nice
old Fender BF tube amp. Touch of reverb. But what do *I*
know...I'm an organist. ;-)

Lord Valve, ThD
2020-01-19 13:27:48 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by h***@gmail.com
It's about time!
Hey, dude, there ain't no more snow 'cuz global warming.
The glaciers are melting and the polar bears are drowning.
And not only that, the climate...huh? What? It's bullshit?
Aw, fuck. Never mind.
Nice work, man. While I was listening to you, I was kind
of wishing you were playing something electric (say, a
Johnny Smith or a Byrdland or even a 335) through a nice
old Fender BF tube amp. Touch of reverb. But what do *I*
know...I'm an organist. ;-)
Lord Valve, ThD
Thanks. I appreciate it and yes, that would be nice.
2020-01-20 16:03:44 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
It's about time!
I hear a little bit the other day, that sounded very nice, but I had to stop, and now I'm not getting any audio?
2020-01-21 06:29:01 UTC
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by h***@gmail.com
It's about time!
I hear a little bit the other day, that sounded very nice, but I had to
stop, and now I'm not getting any audio?
Audio still works fine.
Lord Valve
2020-01-21 17:30:01 UTC
Post by Gerry
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by h***@gmail.com
It's about time!
I hear a little bit the other day, that sounded very nice, but I had to
stop, and now I'm not getting any audio?
Audio still works fine.
Try this:

2020-01-21 22:44:16 UTC
Post by Gerry
Audio still works fine.
Thanks Gerry!
I tried it yesterday., but it wanted me to join facebook, which I'm not on.
I got thru it today, but it shut me down just a few seconds before the end.
Nice tho!
2020-01-22 18:53:01 UTC
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by Gerry
Audio still works fine.
Thanks Gerry!
I tried it yesterday., but it wanted me to join facebook, which I'm not on.
I got thru it today, but it shut me down just a few seconds before the end.
Nice tho!
Good. FB is full of shit. I just finished Jaron Lanier's "Ten Reasons Why You Should Delete Your Social Media Accounts", and Facebook and Google have screwed up the internet to such an extent, that the author thinks the only fix is for everyone to delete their accounts now, and let them start over again. I try to use FB as little as possible.
2020-01-23 00:36:03 UTC
Post by van
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by Gerry
Audio still works fine.
Thanks Gerry!
I tried it yesterday., but it wanted me to join facebook, which I'm not on.
I got thru it today, but it shut me down just a few seconds before the end.
Nice tho!
Good. FB is full of shit. I just finished Jaron Lanier's "Ten Reasons
Why You Should Delete Your Social Media Accounts", and Facebook and
Google have screwed up the internet to such an extent, that the author
thinks the only fix is for everyone to delete their accounts now, and
let them start over again. I try to use FB as little as possible.
FB It has its fans and its detractors. I find a lot of guitar and jazz
community there, and I like that. There are no fascist trolls stinking
up each and every argument and injecting, as in this thread, a lot of
obligatory brown shirt goose-stepping over climate change as part of a
"compliment" to the OP.

Sadly this kind of "freedom" killed usenet in general and much of it is
now inhabited almost solely by trolls and general nutcases. Like this

I'm not sure how Facebook is any worse thatn mingling with them.
Certainly Facebook has become a fascist troll farm for Putin/Trump
lackeys and their distribution of aimless lies and focused agitprop.
But it's pretty easy to killfile it.
2020-01-23 06:18:31 UTC
Post by Gerry
Post by van
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by Gerry
Audio still works fine.
Thanks Gerry!
I tried it yesterday., but it wanted me to join facebook, which I'm not on.
I got thru it today, but it shut me down just a few seconds before the end.
Nice tho!
Good. FB is full of shit. I just finished Jaron Lanier's "Ten Reasons
Why You Should Delete Your Social Media Accounts", and Facebook and
Google have screwed up the internet to such an extent, that the author
thinks the only fix is for everyone to delete their accounts now, and
let them start over again. I try to use FB as little as possible.
FB It has its fans and its detractors. I find a lot of guitar and jazz
community there, and I like that. There are no fascist trolls stinking
up each and every argument and injecting, as in this thread, a lot of
obligatory brown shirt goose-stepping over climate change as part of a
"compliment" to the OP.
How ironic when freedom-hating lefturds who want government to
control every aspect of people's lives accuse others of being
"fascist", "brown-shirts", and "goose-steppers". Projection-
deflection, the standard tactic of the left.
Post by Gerry
Sadly this kind of "freedom" killed usenet in general and much of it is
now inhabited almost solely by trolls and general nutcases. Like this
So, go the fuck away. Once you're gone there will be one less nutcase
troll on this NG.
Post by Gerry
I'm not sure how Facebook is any worse thatn mingling with them.
Certainly Facebook has become a fascist troll farm for Putin/Trump
lackeys and their distribution of aimless lies and focused agitprop.
But it's pretty easy to killfile it.
I think that should be "Putin/Obama lackeys". You know, as in Obama
telling Dmitry Medvedev "This is my last election. After my election
I have more flexibility." Only credulous idiots like you slurp up
the MSM Kiil-Aid about Trump "colluding" with Putin. Projection-
deflection, the standard tactic of the left. And you believe every
word, like a good little bot. No wonder you're a leftard.

Lord Valve
2020-01-23 16:29:11 UTC
Post by Gerry
Post by van
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by Gerry
Audio still works fine.
Thanks Gerry!
I tried it yesterday., but it wanted me to join facebook, which I'm not on.
I got thru it today, but it shut me down just a few seconds before the end.
Nice tho!
Good. FB is full of shit. I just finished Jaron Lanier's "Ten Reasons
Why You Should Delete Your Social Media Accounts", and Facebook and
Google have screwed up the internet to such an extent, that the author
thinks the only fix is for everyone to delete their accounts now, and
let them start over again. I try to use FB as little as possible.
FB It has its fans and its detractors. I find a lot of guitar and jazz
community there, and I like that. There are no fascist trolls stinking
up each and every argument and injecting, as in this thread, a lot of
obligatory brown shirt goose-stepping over climate change as part of a
"compliment" to the OP.
Sadly this kind of "freedom" killed usenet in general and much of it is
now inhabited almost solely by trolls and general nutcases. Like this
I'm not sure how Facebook is any worse thatn mingling with them.
Certainly Facebook has become a fascist troll farm for Putin/Trump
lackeys and their distribution of aimless lies and focused agitprop.
But it's pretty easy to killfile it.
Dude goes into a bar...

...and is surprised to find there's a robot bartender.
The robot says, "What'll you have?" "Whisky," replies
the man. The robot returns with his drink, sets it on
the bar, and asks, "What's your IQ?" "168," the man
answers. The robot begins to make conversation, the
topics including nuclear physics, space exploration,
advanced math and whatnot. The man polishes off his
drink and heads for the door. In the parking lot, he
begins to think about what just happened. He decides to
try an experiment... he goes back into the bar and sits
down. The robot walks over to where he's sitting and
says, What'll it be?" "Whisky," the man says, same as
before. The robot returns with the drink and asks him,
"What's your IQ?" This time, the man says "100." The
robot starts up a conversation, only this time he talks
about NASCAR, Budweiser, the Lions, and LSU. Again, the
man finishes his drink and leaves; he decides he'll go
back for one more drink, and again, the robot comes over
and says, "What'll you have?" Again, the man asks for a
whisky, and when the robot comes back with his drink it
asks him what his IQ is. "40," replies the man. The robot
bends over, close to the man's ear, and says, "Tell me -
do you people *really* think you can impeach Donald Trump?"

Lord Valve, ThD
Musician/Patriot (FUCK YOU - pick a key!)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A
Lord Valve
2020-01-23 18:23:52 UTC
Post by Gerry
obligatory brown shirt goose-stepping over climate change
Here - goose-step THIS, asswipe:

But hey - feelin' the Bern? What, AGAIN?? YOU STUPID FUCK!
Will you never learn?

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you - pick a key!)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A

Lord Valve
2020-01-23 18:19:27 UTC
Post by van
Post by o***@hotmail.com
Post by Gerry
Audio still works fine.
Thanks Gerry!
I tried it yesterday., but it wanted me to join facebook, which I'm not on.
I got thru it today, but it shut me down just a few seconds before the end.
Nice tho!
Good. FB is full of shit. I just finished Jaron Lanier's "Ten Reasons Why You Should Delete Your Social Media Accounts", and Facebook and Google have screwed up the internet to such an extent, that the author thinks the only fix is for everyone to delete their accounts now, and let them start over again. I try to use FB as little as possible.
Leftists ruin everything they touch. Why should the
Internet be immune from the machinations of liberalism?
You want to see where the Net is headed? Put an eyeball
on San Francisco, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago,
Philly, DC...the list is endless. ALL of those cities have
been under leftist control for decades. ALL of them are
approaching third-world shit-hole status; some have already

And Google is just a search engine...right?

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you - pick a key)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A
2020-01-23 16:59:00 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
It's about time!
Hey John,

Nice little arrangement John!

I'm curious which model cordoba that is C -9?

I have a Cordoba GK Studio Negra which I really like but Id like to pick up a non cut nylon

Again really enjoyable

Bill Godwin