(too old to reply)
2019-03-29 14:09:06 UTC
Running tab at the old sallon:

ok, to summarize- you're an idiot. Probably a racist... maybe worse. Cn you play? Not that I've heard, however, if a real player like Jimmy Bruno says so, logic extends to me that it's at least somewhat true. Does any of that matter? No. You're a fool and perhaps worse than that.

Back to Bruno. If he agrees with your nonsense, he too is a fool and probably worse, Does that mean he \can't play? Not in my book... Wagner and Miles could be jerks or worse, they were both also genius... that's how the world works buba!

Tony the Italian. Seemed like a jerk, sure was to me. Can he play, a little, not so bad but totally vanilla ice cream. Is he sane? I think so, yes I do... can we agree to disagree? In a perfect world, yes. Time will tell. I'm on board. Your move, champ, be a man.........

Me/ A fool? Probably, I posy here, right? Besides that it matters not a snow flake too me if any of you good boys and girls think I can play, that's moot. I gave plenty of evidence BOTH WAYS on purpose and for a desired result... I never knew I'd strike the freaking jack pot!

The future... despite adice from real men and Players I admire greatly that got shit on here too (Dom Dimasi to leave it alone, I'm my mother's son boys, and until you say “uncle” and not Lord Nutcase, I ain't going nowhere........ c u soon-------------

2019-03-29 14:17:13 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
ok, to summarize- you're an idiot. Probably a racist... maybe worse. Cn you play? Not that I've heard, however, if a real player like Jimmy Bruno says so, logic extends to me that it's at least somewhat true. Does any of that matter? No. You're a fool and perhaps worse than that.
Back to Bruno. If he agrees with your nonsense, he too is a fool and probably worse, Does that mean he \can't play? Not in my book... Wagner and Miles could be jerks or worse, they were both also genius... that's how the world works buba!
Tony the Italian. Seemed like a jerk, sure was to me. Can he play, a little, not so bad but totally vanilla ice cream. Is he sane? I think so, yes I do... can we agree to disagree? In a perfect world, yes. Time will tell. I'm on board. Your move, champ, be a man.........
Me/ A fool? Probably, I posy here, right? Besides that it matters not a snow flake too me if any of you good boys and girls think I can play, that's moot. I gave plenty of evidence BOTH WAYS on purpose and for a desired result... I never knew I'd strike the freaking jack pot!
The future... despite adice from real men and Players I admire greatly that got shit on here too (Dom Dimasi to leave it alone, I'm my mother's son boys, and until you say “uncle” and not Lord Nutcase, I ain't going nowhere........ c u soon-------------

Lord Valve
2019-03-29 16:37:32 UTC
The sallon? You're a hairdresser? Hmmm...that sort
of figures. But, you're just doing that until you
can become an interior decorator or a choreographer,
right? OK, I can dig it... (Yes, I know he misspelled
'salon'. Give it a rest, wankers...I'm workin' here.)
Post by s***@gmail.com
ok, to summarize- you're an idiot.
Sure. (The Lord, in the interest of NG harmony,
humors the tard...)

Probably a racist... maybe worse.

I don't hate anyone who doesn't hate me first.
I don't kiss anyone's ass based on the melanin
content of their epidermis, either, unlike some

Cn you play? Not that I've heard, however, if a real player like Jimmy Bruno says so, logic extends to me that it's at least somewhat true.

Yeah, I can play. Not with you, though - you couldn't
lay down a groove in an organ trio to save your bent
little soul. (Maybe "soul" is a poor choice of words;
I've seen precious little evidence that you're packing

Does any of that matter? No. You're a fool and perhaps worse than that.

Gosh. Mom?
Post by s***@gmail.com
Back to Bruno. If he agrees with your nonsense, he too is a fool and probably worse,
Yeah, even worse, he's an Italian too! HORRORS!

Does that mean he \can't play? Not in my book...

"LOOK,I could care less about JIMMMY Bruno, he is a prick, and an idiot on top of it, he's a FOOL." - Dan Stearns,

Wagner and Miles could be jerks or worse, they were both also genius... that's how the world works buba!

So, being a genius is a license to be an asshole?
How about that. Go figure!

"If somebody told me I only had one hour to live, I'd spend it choking a White man. I'd do it nice and slow." - Miles
Davis, 3/11/85
Post by s***@gmail.com
Tony the Italian. Seemed like a jerk, sure was to me.
Maybe you deserved it.

Can he play, a little, not so bad but totally vanilla ice cream.

He's not only left your lame ass so far behind you can't
even see his tail lights through his dust, he manages
to make decent money at it. You, on the other hand...
probably have a part-time job at McDonalds (I hear it
took them a week to try to teach you how to say "Fries
with that?" before they gave up and handed you a mop),
as well as some section 8 housing and an EBT card - which
guys like me pay for. No need to say thanks, we're used
to being fucked over by people who like to lay around on
their asses and suck on a forty. That won't be happening
that much longer, as we're getting ready to take care of
business. If I were you, I'd study up on how a hoe works
(no, not THAT kind - I'm sure you already know how one of
those works) so you can grow yourself something to eat.
You'll see, sweetheart. You'll see.

Is he sane? I think so, yes I do...

Yes, a judgement of sanity from the likes of a cracked-
pate asswipe like YOU is certainly a desirable credential,
I wanna tell you.

can we agree to disagree? In a perfect world, yes. Time will tell. I'm on board. Your move, champ, be a man.........

I don't give half of a dead rat's ass what you agree
or disagree with, you stupid shit.
Post by s***@gmail.com
Me/ A fool? Probably, I posy here,
You posy? Damn, I KNEW IT! See my first paragraph (above)
for proof...

right? Besides that it matters not a snow flake too me if any of you good boys and girls think I can play, that's moot.

You misspelled "mook."

I gave plenty of evidence BOTH WAYS on purpose and for a desired result... I never knew I'd strike the freaking jack pot!

You suck. No, really...you SUCK! Nobody outside of the
Army of Obsessed Microtonal Wankers and the completely
tonedeaf (both ends of the same spectrum) can stand to
listen to you masturbating your pitiful electric phallus.
Post by s***@gmail.com
The future... despite adice from real men and Players I admire greatly that got shit on here too (Dom Dimasi to leave it alone, I'm my mother's son boys, and until you say “uncle” and not Lord Nutcase, I ain't going nowhere........ c u soon-------------
Nobody gives a shit where you go. Just do it.
Post by s***@gmail.com
Is that what you tell the hoes to call you? Figures.

Lord Valve, ThD
Expert (obviously)

M A G A !
2019-03-29 22:09:31 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
ok, to summarize- you're an idiot. Probably a racist... maybe worse. Cn you play? Not that I've heard, however, if a real player like Jimmy Bruno says so, logic extends to me that it's at least somewhat true. Does any of that matter? No. You're a fool and perhaps worse than that.
Back to Bruno. If he agrees with your nonsense, he too is a fool and probably worse, Does that mean he \can't play? Not in my book... Wagner and Miles could be jerks or worse, they were both also genius... that's how the world works buba!
Tony the Italian. Seemed like a jerk, sure was to me. Can he play, a little, not so bad but totally vanilla ice cream. Is he sane? I think so, yes I do... can we agree to disagree? In a perfect world, yes. Time will tell. I'm on board. Your move, champ, be a man.........
Me/ A fool? Probably, I posy here, right? Besides that it matters not a snow flake too me if any of you good boys and girls think I can play, that's moot. I gave plenty of evidence BOTH WAYS on purpose and for a desired result... I never knew I'd strike the freaking jack pot!
The future... despite adice from real men and Players I admire greatly that got shit on here too (Dom Dimasi to leave it alone, I'm my mother's son boys, and until you say “uncle” and not Lord Nutcase, I ain't going nowhere........ c u soon-------------
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ives (self educate yourself humans, before it is too late, I am not on dan stearns, I am also Dan STEARNS! Get it? NO.

Let the lessons continue... c u soon little piggy ///sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like it, and you are doing a fine and upstanding job all by your own self BUBA!!!

how many toes you have?
you got a dick?
when was the last time you saw either over that gut of yours little pigggy girl? just askin, fella ta Fela(Kuti?
get it nope?
dumd assery is as dumb assery do.... you took hook, bait, line and sinker, and never saw it coming my friend (you are NOT

Lord Valve
2019-03-30 00:22:07 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
ok, to summarize- you're an idiot. Probably a racist... maybe worse. Cn you play? Not that I've heard, however, if a real player like Jimmy Bruno says so, logic extends to me that it's at least somewhat true. Does any of that matter? No. You're a fool and perhaps worse than that.
Back to Bruno. If he agrees with your nonsense, he too is a fool and probably worse, Does that mean he \can't play? Not in my book... Wagner and Miles could be jerks or worse, they were both also genius... that's how the world works buba!
Tony the Italian. Seemed like a jerk, sure was to me. Can he play, a little, not so bad but totally vanilla ice cream. Is he sane? I think so, yes I do... can we agree to disagree? In a perfect world, yes. Time will tell. I'm on board. Your move, champ, be a man.........
Me/ A fool? Probably, I posy here, right? Besides that it matters not a snow flake too me if any of you good boys and girls think I can play, that's moot. I gave plenty of evidence BOTH WAYS on purpose and for a desired result... I never knew I'd strike the freaking jack pot!
The future... despite adice from real men and Players I admire greatly that got shit on here too (Dom Dimasi to leave it alone, I'm my mother's son boys, and until you say “uncle” and not Lord Nutcase, I ain't going nowhere........ c u soon-------------
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ives (self educate yourself humans, before it is too late,
Anything posted to Shitopedia/Bullwiki is likely
to be leftist-inspired crappola. Just about your
speed, probably, since you display all the facility
of an orangutan when it comes to the English language.

I am not on dan stearns,

You're not on dan stearns? Who is, then? Fleas?

I am also Dan STEARNS! Get it? NO.

Um...whatever. (CLANG-HONK-TWEET!) Is this sort of
like how Superman puts on his glasses and everybody
thinks he's Clark Kent? Are you going to start ripping
your clothes off in phone booths and jumping out of
windows now?
Post by s***@gmail.com
Let the lessons continue... c u soon little piggy
You got a ticket to Denver? I'd suggest you dress
for the occasion. Something in Kevlar?


"Sequel?" Are you sure you're not squealing like a pig,
a la "Deliverance?" That corn is really special...

I like it,

You would.

and you are doing a fine and upstanding job all by your own self BUBA!!!

Buba. OK.
Post by s***@gmail.com
how many toes you have?
Why, ten. You?
Post by s***@gmail.com
you got a dick?
Ah, there it is - back on the dick highway again.
Tell me - do you think about my dick often?
Post by s***@gmail.com
when was the last time you saw either over that gut of yours little pigggy girl?
Why, you're the third short-horn this week who asked
me that. You figure it out, mmmkay?

just askin, fella ta Fela(Kuti?

Ewww. You're not right in the head, junior. Go take
your Lithium or Diazepam or whatever it is they have
you on this month.
Post by s***@gmail.com
get it nope?
dumd assery is as dumb assery do.... you took hook, bait, line and sinker, and never saw it coming my friend (you are NOT
Whatever are you on about? Been hitting the vino lately?
Post by s***@gmail.com
If you want to be CLEAR, go see the Scientologists.
They will probably understand your propensity to
believe in bent shit like crap circles, and - for
a not-so-modest fee - will attempt to straighten you

I don't see an alternate route for you, more's the
pity. Folks who have gone as far round the bend as
you have seldom returned.

Toodle-oo, fucktard.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A !
