Post by FrankdiggsI was just wondering if anyone had position suggestions. That may sound
like an basic question but I was looking for a way to approach the
etudes. In that regard the book gives no suggestions. I’m sure many
would say just play them, but I figured someone on here might have some
insight into approaching them.
I'll get a copy and see what I can see.
I'm surprised a book about sight-reading for the guitar doesn't address
positions or shifts. But perhaps that's part of the process. Years
ago my guitar teacher told me to "follow the triads". If I encountered
an arpeggio that was easily played in a triad location I should make
that my position. For instance: Bb (below middle C), D and F. This
could be played in a few places, but he would select one in which all
notes would get their own string.
Many such etudes have very few logical places to play them. They have
a low G or F over here, and an E above the staff. So you have to plot
a route between those and frequently the fingering will make itself
known by playing phrases in multiple places--only one really works
That *is* part of the basic difficulties of reading for guitar, but I'm
surprised to think Peterson doesn't address it directly.
I notice that Amazon has hardbound copy for $912.87.
-- Gerry