Post by Lord Valve"What socialism, fascism and other ideologies of the left have
in common is an assumption that some very wise people - like
themselves - need to take decisions out of the hands of lesser
people, like the rest of us, and impose those decisions by
government fiat.
That's what ANY form of government does, dummy.
Post by Lord ValveThe left's vision is not only a vision of the world, but also
a vision of themselves, as superior beings pursuing superior
It might seem that way to someone who is stupid.
The left's vision is merely one of attempting to achieve maximal
fairness in society.
Admittedly, if you're a robber baron or a sweat shop operator then
having the government take away your unfair advantages might be threatening.
Post by Lord ValveIn the United States, however, this vision conflicts with
a Constitution that begins, 'We the People...'
What part of the U.S. constitution is in conflict with universal health
care or trade unions?
Or are you saying that there's something in the particular phrase, "We
the people", that demonstrates the ills of socialism?
I.e. What's your point?
Post by Lord ValveThat is why the left has for more than a century been trying to
get the Constitution's limitations on government loosened
What limitations on government are built into your constitution?
Is it the size of government that the constitution attempts to limit?
I don't know that document very well.
But this is the first I've heard of it.
Seems to me that it's the GOP who is always trying to change the way
your Supreme Court is supposed to operate which is to change the way
your government was originally set up by your hallowed framers.
Post by Lord Valveor
evaded by judges' new interpretations,
That's exactly what the Supreme Court was created for, dummy.
Post by Lord Valvebased on notions of 'a
living Constitution,'
So 500 years from now, if your country still exists, you'd hope and
expect that the constitution would remain unchanged?
That's just stupid.
Post by Lord Valvethat will take decisions out of the hands
of 'We the People,' and transfer those decisions to our betters.
Again, that's what governments and the Supreme Court are SUPPOSED to do.
In the old days, "the people" had no say in the process at all.
Democracy was created so that people could choose their own leaders.
But they still expect these people to lead once elected.
Post by Lord ValveThe self-flattery of the vision of the left also gives its true
believers a huge ego stake in that vision,
You could just as easily be talking about the GOP here.
Post by Lord Valvewhich means that mere
facts are unlikely to make them reconsider, regardless of what
evidence piles up against the vision of the left, and regardless
of its disastrous consequences."
It's the GOP who are ignoring facts, especially those coming from science.
Divorce the GOP from it's religious leanings and you might have a viable
conservative party again in your country.
- Thomas Sowell, 2012
Post by Lord ValveDamn, another dumb-ass who suffers from
failure to accept socialism.
There are any number of other economists on the other side of this
argument, Krugman (Nobel prize winner) for example.
Your guy, evidently, IS a dumb-ass.
Even *I* can see that.
Post by Lord ValveMust be
stupid, stupid, stupid.
Post by Lord ValveYou leftist twats
keep right on telling yourselves that -
it makes you complacent. One day you'll
wake up to an M-16 in your face
Not yours.
They're coming for yours any day now.
Keep one eye open when sleeping.
Post by Lord Valveand the
realization that your shit is over with.
It's YOUR shit who's time gas come.
You're an anachronism.
Post by Lord ValveYou can only fuck with people for so long
before they figure out you're not going
to leave them alone and they fight back.
That's right.
People are fighting right now in your election against their corporate
You should be on their side because it's in your interests to be on
their side but you're too STUPID to understand that and prefer to
believe all the feel-good tripe and slogans that the GOP feeds you about
American exceptionalism and the superiority of unregulated capitalism
while they rob you blind.
Post by Lord ValveIn your complete and utter arrogance, you
figure the hapless bastards you force your
social engineering upon will put up with
anything you do, because they recognize
your superiority.
No, they'll do it because that's what they want for their society and
because they VOTED for it.
Post by Lord ValveThat is the stuff of
revolution, and eventually it will get
you killed.
If Sanders wins the Presidency then I actually expect some sort of civil
war in your country.
It'll be the ignorant, like you, against the rest of the intelligent
people of your country.
And it won't last long.
Post by Lord ValveRemember - you asked for it. Don't be
surprised when it happens.
Stupid, stupid, stupid earthling.
Post by Lord ValveLord Valve, ThD
Expert (fuck you)