2019-04-03 16:22:21 UTC
Ok el Bubba et al in his pocket..... I realize the following will be too long for you to read and you'll try to write it off as mad scribbling.... that said, I'm glad to see we've made some progress here in your therapy... ha, you know we're about a cunt's hair difference on most things and yet miles apart on others... binary they call it. So, seems like you've shot your load? Not bad, you sounded half-human... disingenuous as always and only MAGA BS point-oriented... it;s all about the hate and being Mr. i-know-it-all or wayyyyyyyyyy more than anyone I disagree with. You are impenetrable and you don't play fair. Fair enough, I've bit, scratched and gouged eyes in fights before, never mind grabbing testicles if that;s what it takes to get out of a jam... that's street fighting... anything goes. Your problem is you got a good gas tank for the wars of attrition, but you don't know when you're showing an empty hand for a good card player... I'm that player. With you, and here it's anything goes and I've crossed many lines og good taste in that battle... lost a few friends even because they don't know why I'd waste my time wit small potatoes like you. I'm that guy... your worse nightmare, all the gas tank you got but nothing to hide because I know one thing from another... I never tried to be hip or unhip... just me... always... 55yrs and going strong.
So in summery... you're an idiot. I'm not/
Because for a guy who's obviously bright enough (you), you sure as fuck ain't very bright, otherwise you wouldn't throw so many stupid stones living in a glass mansion buck-ass naked! For the record, I ain't even the best player in my family... never mind here...... Get it yet? No... maybe, but you'll never admit it even if you do... you sneeze at Soriabji because what... you don't get/like it, so HE'S the crazy one? This is the logic a foolish man such as yourself uses again and again.. until he's too old to care or tell if it's right or wrong... because you must keep the facade and party line perpetuated no matter truth and at all costs.... you are a disgrace as far as I can tell to anything I care about in music... a joke, that's how I see you... and boy, I'm telling your big fat candy ass to the God's honest truth the only damn thing I ever heard you do was Wipeout... and YOU sneeze at Tziji Muoz... laugh at Greewhich, and give the finger to Ives.... good God, don't you see the hypocrite you are... or at the very least the hypocrisy in your ridiculous nonstop filibustering? Honestly, and anyone who agrees with you and should know better is even worse no matter what the fuck the play like.... get it people? Seriously am beginning to doubt it... not here... no-one.
So until next time it's debauchery and good ole nonsense here,
See you, don't let the bed bugs bite.... as Arnold says, “I'll be back.....”
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
So in summery... you're an idiot. I'm not/
Because for a guy who's obviously bright enough (you), you sure as fuck ain't very bright, otherwise you wouldn't throw so many stupid stones living in a glass mansion buck-ass naked! For the record, I ain't even the best player in my family... never mind here...... Get it yet? No... maybe, but you'll never admit it even if you do... you sneeze at Soriabji because what... you don't get/like it, so HE'S the crazy one? This is the logic a foolish man such as yourself uses again and again.. until he's too old to care or tell if it's right or wrong... because you must keep the facade and party line perpetuated no matter truth and at all costs.... you are a disgrace as far as I can tell to anything I care about in music... a joke, that's how I see you... and boy, I'm telling your big fat candy ass to the God's honest truth the only damn thing I ever heard you do was Wipeout... and YOU sneeze at Tziji Muoz... laugh at Greewhich, and give the finger to Ives.... good God, don't you see the hypocrite you are... or at the very least the hypocrisy in your ridiculous nonstop filibustering? Honestly, and anyone who agrees with you and should know better is even worse no matter what the fuck the play like.... get it people? Seriously am beginning to doubt it... not here... no-one.
So until next time it's debauchery and good ole nonsense here,
See you, don't let the bed bugs bite.... as Arnold says, “I'll be back.....”
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse