Cashing Out with a Royal Flush-
(too old to reply)
2019-04-03 16:22:21 UTC
Ok el Bubba et al in his pocket..... I realize the following will be too long for you to read and you'll try to write it off as mad scribbling.... that said, I'm glad to see we've made some progress here in your therapy... ha, you know we're about a cunt's hair difference on most things and yet miles apart on others... binary they call it. So, seems like you've shot your load? Not bad, you sounded half-human... disingenuous as always and only MAGA BS point-oriented... it;s all about the hate and being Mr. i-know-it-all or wayyyyyyyyyy more than anyone I disagree with. You are impenetrable and you don't play fair. Fair enough, I've bit, scratched and gouged eyes in fights before, never mind grabbing testicles if that;s what it takes to get out of a jam... that's street fighting... anything goes. Your problem is you got a good gas tank for the wars of attrition, but you don't know when you're showing an empty hand for a good card player... I'm that player. With you, and here it's anything goes and I've crossed many lines og good taste in that battle... lost a few friends even because they don't know why I'd waste my time wit small potatoes like you. I'm that guy... your worse nightmare, all the gas tank you got but nothing to hide because I know one thing from another... I never tried to be hip or unhip... just me... always... 55yrs and going strong.

So in summery... you're an idiot. I'm not/

Because for a guy who's obviously bright enough (you), you sure as fuck ain't very bright, otherwise you wouldn't throw so many stupid stones living in a glass mansion buck-ass naked! For the record, I ain't even the best player in my family... never mind here...... Get it yet? No... maybe, but you'll never admit it even if you do... you sneeze at Soriabji because what... you don't get/like it, so HE'S the crazy one? This is the logic a foolish man such as yourself uses again and again.. until he's too old to care or tell if it's right or wrong... because you must keep the facade and party line perpetuated no matter truth and at all costs.... you are a disgrace as far as I can tell to anything I care about in music... a joke, that's how I see you... and boy, I'm telling your big fat candy ass to the God's honest truth the only damn thing I ever heard you do was Wipeout... and YOU sneeze at Tziji Muoz... laugh at Greewhich, and give the finger to Ives.... good God, don't you see the hypocrite you are... or at the very least the hypocrisy in your ridiculous nonstop filibustering? Honestly, and anyone who agrees with you and should know better is even worse no matter what the fuck the play like.... get it people? Seriously am beginning to doubt it... not here... no-one.

So until next time it's debauchery and good ole nonsense here,

See you, don't let the bed bugs bite.... as Arnold says, “I'll be back.....”

Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Lord Valve
2019-04-03 17:54:44 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 10:22:23 AM UTC-6, Danny de Shart eructated:
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?

you're an idiot. I'm not/

Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.

<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?

Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)

M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

2019-04-04 02:13:52 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”

The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
2019-04-04 03:17:02 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”
The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
2019-04-04 03:58:37 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”
The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!

<C D Eb F G Ab B C>

now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----

Lord Valve
2019-04-04 11:32:10 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!
<C D Eb F G Ab B C>
Holy shit, Danny deShart has discovered the harmonic
minor scale! He's one seriously advanced mother-
Post by s***@gmail.com
now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----
"This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more"

Glad I didn't have to listen to that - I *know* what
it sounded like, though: leftwing pig shit. <shrug>

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A !
2019-04-04 11:44:06 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!
<C D Eb F G Ab B C>
Holy shit, Danny deShart has discovered the harmonic
minor scale! He's one seriously advanced mother-
Post by s***@gmail.com
now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----
"This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more"
Glad I didn't have to listen to that - I *know* what
it sounded like, though: leftwing pig shit. <shrug>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Oringes" and Windmills

Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....

Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 11:56:12 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!
<C D Eb F G Ab B C>
Holy shit, Danny deShart has discovered the harmonic
minor scale! He's one seriously advanced mother-
Post by s***@gmail.com
now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----
"This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more"
Glad I didn't have to listen to that - I *know* what
it sounded like, though: leftwing pig shit. <shrug>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Oringes" and Windmills
Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....
Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
Um...do you ever think about checking yourself into
the laughing academy for awhile, so you could, ah...
detoxify? Being a leftist generates some powerful
mental toxins, as I'm sure everyone who is reading
your spew at present is well aware.

Get help. Seriously.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A !
2019-04-04 12:02:07 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!
<C D Eb F G Ab B C>
Holy shit, Danny deShart has discovered the harmonic
minor scale! He's one seriously advanced mother-
Post by s***@gmail.com
now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----
"This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more"
Glad I didn't have to listen to that - I *know* what
it sounded like, though: leftwing pig shit. <shrug>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Oringes" and Windmills
Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....
Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
Um...do you ever think about checking yourself into
the laughing academy for awhile, so you could, ah...
detoxify? Being a leftist generates some powerful
mental toxins, as I'm sure everyone who is reading
your spew at present is well aware.
Get help. Seriously.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
"Oringes" and Windmills

Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....

Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
2019-04-04 12:48:41 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!
<C D Eb F G Ab B C>
Holy shit, Danny deShart has discovered the harmonic
minor scale! He's one seriously advanced mother-
Post by s***@gmail.com
now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----
"This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more"
Glad I didn't have to listen to that - I *know* what
it sounded like, though: leftwing pig shit. <shrug>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Oringes" and Windmills
Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....
Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
Um...do you ever think about checking yourself into
the laughing academy for awhile, so you could, ah...
detoxify? Being a leftist generates some powerful
mental toxins, as I'm sure everyone who is reading
your spew at present is well aware.
Get help. Seriously.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
just in case you sissy girls forgot what an ELECTRIC Guitar sounds

Lord Valve
2019-04-04 13:05:20 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!
<C D Eb F G Ab B C>
Holy shit, Danny deShart has discovered the harmonic
minor scale! He's one seriously advanced mother-
Post by s***@gmail.com
now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----
"This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more"
Glad I didn't have to listen to that - I *know* what
it sounded like, though: leftwing pig shit. <shrug>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Oringes" and Windmills
Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....
Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
Um...do you ever think about checking yourself into
the laughing academy for awhile, so you could, ah...
detoxify? Being a leftist generates some powerful
mental toxins, as I'm sure everyone who is reading
your spew at present is well aware.
Get help. Seriously.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
just in case you sissy girls forgot what an ELECTRIC Guitar sounds http://youtu.be/mvPx_YhWqc4
Well. That's just not very good, is it. Bunch of
hippie assholes getting their hearing ruined
while they're high an acid. And the dude who
posted that vid uses a picture of Che for his
avatar. Che was a murdering communist turd
who enjoyed conducting "executions," and said

Losers. <shrug>
2019-04-04 12:53:20 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!
<C D Eb F G Ab B C>
Holy shit, Danny deShart has discovered the harmonic
minor scale! He's one seriously advanced mother-
Post by s***@gmail.com
now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----
"This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more"
Glad I didn't have to listen to that - I *know* what
it sounded like, though: leftwing pig shit. <shrug>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Oringes" and Windmills
Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....
Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
Um...do you ever think about checking yourself into
the laughing academy for awhile, so you could, ah...
detoxify? Being a leftist generates some powerful
mental toxins, as I'm sure everyone who is reading
your spew at present is well aware.
Get help. Seriously.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
"Oringes" and Windmills

Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....

Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
2019-04-04 12:58:59 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
I also play much more interesting things on the ole piano than u can dream of (limited imagination brain power/scope/heart/soul, and all....), this here is a piano tuned to Just Intonation-----sacred geometry.........look it up between all your charity work and wood-shedding and exercising of course....prioritize.... get it----> NO!
<C D Eb F G Ab B C>
Holy shit, Danny deShart has discovered the harmonic
minor scale! He's one seriously advanced mother-
Post by s***@gmail.com
now, go home go to bed, and try not to shoot anybody with all those guns, you idiot----
"This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more"
Glad I didn't have to listen to that - I *know* what
it sounded like, though: leftwing pig shit. <shrug>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Oringes" and Windmills
Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....
Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
Um...do you ever think about checking yourself into
the laughing academy for awhile, so you could, ah...
detoxify? Being a leftist generates some powerful
mental toxins, as I'm sure everyone who is reading
your spew at present is well aware.
Get help. Seriously.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Ives proposed in 1920 that there be a 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which would authorize citizens to submit legislative proposals to Congress. Members of Congress would then cull the proposals, selecting 10 each year as referendums for popular vote by the nation's electorate. He even had printed at his own expense several thousand copies of a pamphlet on behalf of his proposed amendment. The pamphlet proclaimed the need to curtail "THE EFFECTS OF TOO MUCH POLITICS IN OUR representative DEMOCRACY". His proposal joined his music in being ignored during his life.[38]

It is stated in the biographical film A Good Dissonance Like a Man that the first of Ives' crippling heart attacks occurred as a result of a World War I era argument with a young Franklin D. Roosevelt over his idea of issuing of war bonds in amounts as low as $50 each. Roosevelt was chairman of a war bonds committee on which Ives served, and he "scorned the idea of anything so useless as a $50 bond". Roosevelt changed his mind about small contributions as seen many years later when he endorsed the March of Dimes to combat poliomyelitis.
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 11:17:23 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”
The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
God, that's awful. No wonder you can't get a gig
anywhere. What caused you to play like that? Mental
aberration? Drugs? Sewer gas? Nitrous oxide? Why
post lame shit like that - is that supposed to buy
you some credibilty with normal musicians? Clue: it
doesn't - it just makes us laugh.

Hit the woodshed, schmuck.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A !
2019-04-04 11:28:25 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”
The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
God, that's awful. No wonder you can't get a gig
anywhere. What caused you to play like that? Mental
aberration? Drugs? Sewer gas? Nitrous oxide? Why
post lame shit like that - is that supposed to buy
you some credibilty with normal musicians? Clue: it
doesn't - it just makes us laugh.
Hit the woodshed, schmuck.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
usually when it involves so many other fine players, I won't post it here because ole Doink the Clown you boys keep for a pet around here is beginning to get rancid..... ha, such foolish idiots you are/ assuming there's more than you, as YOU seem to be the only thing deranged enough around these parts to deal with a customer like me.... but, that aside, there are a few real players here you might not want to just piss on because that's what animals like you do..... enjoy, it's called jazz/ idiot:

Lord Valve
2019-04-04 11:51:05 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”
The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
God, that's awful. No wonder you can't get a gig
anywhere. What caused you to play like that? Mental
aberration? Drugs? Sewer gas? Nitrous oxide? Why
post lame shit like that - is that supposed to buy
you some credibilty with normal musicians? Clue: it
doesn't - it just makes us laugh.
Hit the woodshed, schmuck.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Ah, I see. You've coined a new genre: "jazz/idiot."
I understand how this works: one starts with a
backing track from YouTube (or wherever) and then
an idiot (you) layers a bunch of confused, horrid
wanking on top of it. It's then presented as some
sort of work of art. I've produced better music
while taking a shit (playing the porcelain tuba,
as it were) but you hang in there, you poor skinny
little tard; eventually, you might lay something
down that resembles an actual tune - it's the 1000
monkeys with typewriters/Shakespeare postulate. I
mean, it could happen - right? I'm pretty sure I'm
not going to hold my breath waiting for it, though.

Have a nice day, and better luck next time.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A !
2019-04-05 06:31:37 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”
The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
God, that's awful. No wonder you can't get a gig
anywhere. What caused you to play like that? Mental
aberration? Drugs? Sewer gas? Nitrous oxide? Why
post lame shit like that - is that supposed to buy
you some credibilty with normal musicians? Clue: it
doesn't - it just makes us laugh.
Hit the woodshed, schmuck.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
Ah, I see. You've coined a new genre: "jazz/idiot."
I understand how this works: one starts with a
backing track from YouTube (or wherever) and then
an idiot (you) layers a bunch of confused, horrid
wanking on top of it. It's then presented as some
sort of work of art. I've produced better music
while taking a shit (playing the porcelain tuba,
as it were) but you hang in there, you poor skinny
little tard; eventually, you might lay something
down that resembles an actual tune - it's the 1000
monkeys with typewriters/Shakespeare postulate. I
mean, it could happen - right? I'm pretty sure I'm
not going to hold my breath waiting for it, though.
Have a nice day, and better luck next time.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
x1000. "As Eagles Fly"? The "album" should be called
"As Pigeons Shit" He can press it on white vinyl with
a black label, so it looks like a bird turd. Instead of
liner notes, it can have scratch-n-sniff of various bowel
movements. You know, to get the hapless listener "in the
mood". Include final instructions on how to chop it up
so it doesn't clog the shitter when you flush it.

2019-04-05 06:22:25 UTC
On Wed, 03 Apr 2019 20:17:02 -0700, stearnsd6 wrote:

<snip Stearns drug-soaked wank>
Post by s***@gmail.com
You should call it "Shut up and wank on the guitar in whatever off-key".
That is fucking CRAP! Just like all the other horrid shit you post up.
Go get yourself a Line 6. Then you can be like all the other no-talent
bedroom-jammer hacks.
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 11:09:32 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”
The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
So what?
2019-04-04 11:14:43 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
<el crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery...
Are you sure you don't mean fallery, or springery?
you're an idiot. I'm not/
Sure. To an ant, a rock looks like a mountain; a boulder
looks like a planet. A mountain is something which simply
cannot be perceived. The paucity of your perspective is
painfully apparent. You are willfully ignorant, and utterly
convinced of your superiority; you post godawful cacophony
as "proof" of this, and then piss and moan when no-one is
impressed. Diagnosis: Megalomania. Delusions of grandeur.
Possibly schizophrenia. You, sir, are a bona-fide nutbag.
Crop circles. Benevolent aliens from across the eighth
dimension. Global Marxism. Weed. CLANG! HONK! TWEET! An
irreparably failed pull detector on BOTH legs. Terminally
unemployable, other than as a menial. Violent. Sux to be
you, Shart. So sorry about that.
<mucho mas crappo snippo>
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Mostly worse. What - no piano? How did you get it to sound
like that - pee on it until the strings rusted?
Lord Valve, ThD
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
M A G A ! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. Another thing to think about, this is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical,’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. How this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. Think about it, how is this possible?
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done. Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.
Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so.
Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere. “In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?”
The Orion Mystery
It’s no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.” – Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza at Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ” – Robert Bauval. The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth “Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.” – Robert Bauv
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon. I do indeed believe that there is some connection between them, and beings that do not originate from this planet. I believe that to be true for the ancient period enigma that plagues multiple parts of the world. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted, and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history.
So what?
Spoken like a true dullard.... stick my head in the sand and everything is groovy..... you have not the slightest curiosity about ya? Nope, that requires critical thinking and imagination..... sorry pops, over your head I guess/
2019-04-05 05:54:34 UTC
On Wed, 03 Apr 2019 09:22:21 -0700, Some nutjob took a break
from scaring the rats with horrid guitar "playing" to write
an equally horrid and nonsensical screed:

<snip screed, because it's shit>
Post by s***@gmail.com
So in summery... you're an idiot. I'm not/
Idiots, particularly leftard idiots, ALWAYS think they're
the smartest people on the planet, and everyone else is
the idiot. Looks like Danny-boy is carrying the tard torch...
Post by s***@gmail.com
For the record, I ain't even the best player in my family... never mind here
You ain't even the best player in an average Guitar Center
Wednesday-night wankfest...
Post by s***@gmail.com
So until next time it's debauchery and good ole nonsense here,
That's it. Stick to your strengths.
Post by s***@gmail.com
See you, don't let the bed bugs bite.... as Arnold says, “I'll be back.....”
..... until your current manic episode subsides, at which point you will
disappear like a rat in your woodshed when you start tuning up.
Post by s***@gmail.com
Dan Stearns, earthling composer/guitarist- for better or worse
Worse. *DEFINITELY* worse!