MAGA, and Lord Valve's penis problem...
(too old to reply)
2019-03-29 21:59:56 UTC

what real composers /musicians do. Music for free because they love it and know what you smell like.... SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

And anybody who supports you, might just be worse. by enabling a lowlife broken record like this fool who don't know right from wrong, and sure as hell can't play 5:4 on a tambourine... your move DADDY WARBUCKS, I smell you, and until I don't anymore I ain't giving you your playground here back either...

so, sing another tune or prepare for the next chapter in------------------------

full out WAR

Why? To, alas.... MAGA, and get rid of maggot feces, like you good sir and upright American JAZZ BOY toy of mine

c u
next move charlie tuna
Lord Valve
2019-03-29 23:50:03 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
It's not only crap, it's thirty-year-OLD crap.
Post by s***@gmail.com
what real composers /musicians do. Music for free because they love it and know what you smell like.... SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
My goodness. You have a thing for smelling shit?
I think I'm starting to see a pattern here...do
Post by s***@gmail.com
And anybody who supports you, might just be worse. by enabling a lowlife broken record like this fool who don't know right from wrong, and sure as hell can't play 5:4 on a tambourine... your move DADDY WARBUCKS, I smell you, and until I don't anymore I ain't giving you your playground here back either...
You're coming apart at the seams. Fucking nutbag... <shrug>
Post by s***@gmail.com
so, sing another tune or prepare for the next chapter in------------------------
full out WAR
Um...war? WTF are you going to do...upload some sort
of earworm designed to make me throw up? Tell ya the
truth, the shit you're already "playing" is bad enough
to do that. If I'm listening to anything you've "played,"
I usually keep a bucket handy. Just sayin'.
Post by s***@gmail.com
Why? To, alas.... MAGA, and get rid of maggot feces, like you good sir and upright American JAZZ BOY toy of mine
c u
next move charlie tuna
You have problem with my penis? Yeah?
Look - you're posting and reposting
ball-grabber videos and titling threads
"penis problem." WTF is wrong with you?
Are you a poofter? Are you a twinkle-toes
cocksucker, a peter puffer? Do you smoke
pole? You're a rear admiral, a shit-freak,
a butt pirate? Tell us - how long have you
been a turd burglar? Is that why you act
like this?

Damn. You're a sicko.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (eat shit and die, schmuck)
