Post by s***@gmail.comPost by Lord ValvePost by s***@gmail.com
Astral Pinwheel
Dan Stearns - Ibanez acoustic steel string guitar
Melissa Keeling - amplified flute
John Clark - alto sax
and using Acid Jazz Funk Jam Track in D minor, 115 BPM
ps- in the "old days" here when guitarist posted here and not Lord Know-It-Alls, a thing like this might have three or four players have a go at the backing fucking way, why I ask? Well, not with idiotboy who don't even play the instrument by the way and thinks Ted Nugent is an okay jazz guitarist
(in A I assume) shitting on every thing that ain't smellin like him...........yup, carry on, you're doing a swell job promoting music===NOT
Jeezuz on a Harley, you don't get funk at all.
Your flute chickie gets it a little; if you had
CATS SOLO, she might've been able to hear the damn
chords. As it was, it was a valiant effort, if
insufficient. Ditto for the sax dude, although he
blew outside the tunnel quite a bit. Again, he
probably couldn't hear the fuckin' chords because
you were wanking all over the place. Funk is supposed
to have HOLES in it, so the rhythm can cook up something
tasty. You play EVERYTHING, fill all the holes, and
nothing is left for the other cats. YOU, SIR, DO NOT
KNOW HOW TO COMP! And your incessant wanking is the very
same shit you put into everything else you've posted
So - there are a few of the dudes from back in the "old
days" lurking here, I know for a fact. I invite any of
'em - especially the ones who hate my guts - to comment
on my analysis of this track. Let's see if any of 'em
disagree with my critique.
Standing by...
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
BTW Idiot, I have not one, but two friends with Perfect Pitch,
Plenty of folks with perfect pitch. Me, for instance.
(Relative.) do your two friends have anything
to do with the schlocky crap you post? I have a friend
who was a fighter pilot, but I can't fly. I have two
friends who were Seals...but I know nothing of SCUBA
gear or advanced survival technique. I have quite a few
friends who are cops - but I can't arrest anyone. If
you have friends with perfect what?
one is the outstanding Shirley Meyer-Blakekenship... yeah buddy, she be a drop dead virtuoso on three dissimilar instruments, Harp, violin, and piano.... she plays the shit nobody wants to because it's too hard.... she's eviscerate you in 2.5 seconds as a charlatan...
So what?
and get this fatass, one of her ex-husbands was a fucking kick-ass bop BLACK sax player... ha, few idiots here might've eve heard of him...
Well, there's no doubt about the fact that being
"BLACK" (as you put it) is a top requirement when
it comes to playing the saxophone. Frankly, I don't
see how any white person could dare to pick one up,
let alone put his inferior lips on it. I'm sure Stan
Getz, Paul Desmond, Art Pepper, Zoot Sims, Michael
Brecker, Pepper Adams, Tommy Newsome, Gerry Mulligan,
Jan Garbareck (sp?), Al Cohn, David Sanborn, Christopher
Hollyday, Steve Marcus and probably a couple of dozen
other cats I can't remember would agree, what with you
being a genius and all. Did I forget to mention Kenny
G? Yeah, he belongs on that list too, despite his
schmaltzy repertoire. (Please obsess.)
BTW - EX husbandS? Too bitchy to stay married? How
is this an accolade, or a desirable personality trait?
Don't you share the same trait? I've been married for
47 years. 'Nuff said.
shall I continue, because in this little old show and tell you got Wipeout, and Bruno (NOT BAD...POOR Jimmy gonna rue the day he took the Lord's side), and Tony the Tiger...not bad.... no contest.
Um...what does who you know have to do with how you
play? I know a few pretty famous players myself, but
so what?
Game over.
No, 'fraid not, schlockmeister.
My people are both improvisors and classical musicians, so you are righteously fucked....
"Your" people? Huh? This makes *you* a superior player how,
still want to play Boss Hog Little Piggy? Your problem is you can't discern your own private love mess....
Look - if you don't start speaking a language that
most folks are familiar with, this is going nowhere.
it's all about being boss, you ain't and your politics are EVEN WORSE-- WANT MORE? I'm just warming up.....
Yes, politics in Shitcago are *ever* so superior
compared to elsewhere...
Post by s***@gmail.com
An excellent player. Again - what does this have to do
with *your* shitty outlook and ridiculous "technique?"
Post by s***@gmail.complay times over buddy, you smell and nobody but your hand puppet has your back.... opposed to the thundering hordes of topnotch
musicians who have leapt to your defense here, right?
Wait...never mind.
what's up with that?
Is one more than zero?
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !