Post by JohnStill accessible and relevant?
John R.
"Black Lives Matter" is a revolutionary Marxist
organization which has as their *stated* goal the
dissolution of Capitalism and the destruction of
the United States of America. "Racism" is merely
a convenient hook upon which they hang their communist
revolutionary ideals; they don't give a rat's ass for
black people or black concerns. To sully Jazz with
filth of this nature is reprehensible to say the
least. Wake the fuck up and smell the smoke of your
burning cities, Americans - stop playing your "woke"
games. Stop shining shoes. Stop washing feet. Stop
kneeling before terrorists. Arm yourselves and prepare
to defend this Republic, or you shall lose it...and
Jazz, along with all the other cultural history of
America, will be tossed upon the ash-heap exactly the
way other traditions have been in all previous communist
takeovers throughout history. Takeovers which, in case
you didn't know, involved the killing of 100,000,000
people during the 20th century alone. These people were
"inconvenient," you see. The leftists gave no more thought
to their elimination than you would to ridding your house
of cockroaches. To them, the eradication of 100,000,000
lives was of little more consequence than calling the Orkin
*FUCK* BLM/antifa. (Same outfit, two different names.)
William Whittaker, American
Posted/sworn this Seventh Day
of September, Year of Our Lord
Two Thousand and Twenty, Denver,
Don't like this screed? Go get your shine
box and take a knee.