Post by s***@gmail.com
The standard confused wankfest. <shrug> Why bother?
All the shit you upload sounds exactly the same.
The trumpet guy has might see if
you could get him to actually listen to the chords,
so he won't blow outside the key. Don't tell me it's
"on purpose," I can hear what's happening and it's
BTW - I don't see anywhere that you've mentioned
that Dom Minasi is a great slobbering land-whale;
is your dissing of fat people reserved for right-
wingers like me only? One would have thought that
you, as an SJW PC snowflake, would have been more
egalitarian in your application of pejoratives.
Then again, as a wimpy microperson who looks like
he spends more money on dope than food, I guess we
can't expect any better of you. Being a libtard
means never having to say you're sorry, eh? Well,
you are indeed sorry. In fact, you're one of the
sorriest motherfuckers I've ever run into. If you
spent as much time woodshedding as you do dumping
on people who work for a living, you might learn
to play. Come to think of it, never mind - the suck
is so deeply ingrained in your personality and your
mentally aberrant outlook, you will never be rid
of it. Maybe the aliens will take you away in the
Mother Wheel along with Screwy Louie and the rest
of his ghetto-ass losers.
Won't that be fun?
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (Fuck you. Yes, YOU!)
M A G A !