One for The Dom
(too old to reply)
2019-04-04 08:33:07 UTC
2019-04-04 08:39:54 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 12:28:29 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Well, help me out, here - I can't decide if this is
a bunch of drunks warming up in the dressing room
or a recording of Guitar Center on Tuesday morning.

Please clear this up for me, so I can write an
informed review.

Lord Valve, ThD
Music Critic (fuck you)

M A G A !
2019-04-04 12:42:43 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Well, help me out, here - I can't decide if this is
a bunch of drunks warming up in the dressing room
or a recording of Guitar Center on Tuesday morning.
Please clear this up for me, so I can write an
informed review.
Lord Valve, ThD
Music Critic (fuck you)
M A G A !
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 12:53:17 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Well, help me out, here - I can't decide if this is
a bunch of drunks warming up in the dressing room
or a recording of Guitar Center on Tuesday morning.
Please clear this up for me, so I can write an
informed review.
Lord Valve, ThD
Music Critic (fuck you)
M A G A !

'Nuff said!
2019-04-04 13:07:09 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Well, help me out, here - I can't decide if this is
a bunch of drunks warming up in the dressing room
or a recording of Guitar Center on Tuesday morning.
Please clear this up for me, so I can write an
informed review.
Lord Valve, ThD
Music Critic (fuck you)
M A G A !
'Nuff said!
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 13:19:15 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Wash your hands - you've got skid marks on 'em.

Y'know, using a shitload of reverb doesn't cover
up the basic shittiness of your "performances."
And as far as your "guest artists" who you manage
to con into helping you make your noises, you
might give them a set of phones so they can hear
what fucking KEY the tune is in.

Just sayin'.

Oh, well - another day, another shitload of piss-poor
noises from the Sheriff of Outtatuneytown. <barf>

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A !
2019-04-04 13:21:13 UTC
"Oringes" and Windmills

Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....

Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
2019-04-04 13:42:47 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Wash your hands - you've got skid marks on 'em.
Y'know, using a shitload of reverb doesn't cover
up the basic shittiness of your "performances."
And as far as your "guest artists" who you manage
to con into helping you make your noises, you
might give them a set of phones so they can hear
what fucking KEY the tune is in.
Just sayin'.
Oh, well - another day, another shitload of piss-poor
noises from the Sheriff of Outtatuneytown. <barf>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
now if I'm going to run this nursery-school/saloon for old ugly white guys with real attitude problems, you know I'm going to be firing you first for incompetence and gross misconduct, besides that you 're just ain't that smart...as soon as you run out of ideas you get weak.... real weak....real quick.... it's called a not quite formed brain. Might be some doctors fault when you slithered out of your mother's womb.... who knows, but obviously, like your GOD, UNCLE TRUMPET, you jist ain't all that together or smart... plus you sit on enough dynamite and gunpowder to almost blow your own balls off by accident... a guy can hope, ey? Anyway Dim, ol dannyboy here ain't going nowhere until he has finally flushed your imbecilic ass down the toilet.... it's coming... but things take time and you've already pissed all over yourself, so there's that.... which is never enough BTW.... you go tossin around the ole "N" WORD there like you know what you're talking about... some these boys, fuck, even some of these girls I hang out with and make such lovin music with, might just kick your teeth in around here bub...this ain't Colorado, here boy, we run about 50/50 black and white around here, and I get along with no problem, you....fuckhead, might want to watch your mouth if you tiptoe out of your garden in your panties and machine gun..... come visits, we'll fix you up and make you almost a man again..... not that you are very interested in losing your face by actually not hiding like a dickless coward behind a pile of guns.... my oh my, what a man's man you are girlie....so, step on up, get the shit out of your ears and drop dead or something you can handle like that pops... you ain't fooling no one with a brain.... sorry there marshmallow man, your time on this planet is long over ripe/ die, or carry on...... I'll be here, kisses
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 16:24:34 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Wash your hands - you've got skid marks on 'em.
Y'know, using a shitload of reverb doesn't cover
up the basic shittiness of your "performances."
And as far as your "guest artists" who you manage
to con into helping you make your noises, you
might give them a set of phones so they can hear
what fucking KEY the tune is in.
Just sayin'.
Oh, well - another day, another shitload of piss-poor
noises from the Sheriff of Outtatuneytown. <barf>
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A !
now if I'm going to run this nursery-school/saloon for old ugly white guys with real attitude problems, you know I'm going to be firing you first for incompetence and gross misconduct, besides that you 're just ain't that smart...as soon as you run out of ideas you get weak.... real weak....real quick.... it's called a not quite formed brain. Might be some doctors fault when you slithered out of your mother's womb.... who knows, but obviously, like your GOD, UNCLE TRUMPET, you jist ain't all that together or smart... plus you sit on enough dynamite and gunpowder to almost blow your own balls off by accident... a guy can hope, ey? Anyway Dim, ol dannyboy here ain't going nowhere until he has finally flushed your imbecilic ass down the toilet.... it's coming... but things take time and you've already pissed all over yourself, so there's that.... which is never enough BTW.... you go tossin around the ole "N" WORD there like you know what you're talking about... some these boys, fuck, even some of these girls I hang out with and make such lovin music with, might just kick your teeth in around here bub...this ain't Colorado, here boy, we run about 50/50 black and white around here, and I get along with no problem, you....fuckhead, might want to watch your mouth if you tiptoe out of your garden in your panties and machine gun..... come visits, we'll fix you up and make you almost a man again..... not that you are very interested in losing your face by actually not hiding like a dickless coward behind a pile of guns.... my oh my, what a man's man you are girlie....so, step on up, get the shit out of your ears and drop dead or something you can handle like that pops... you ain't fooling no one with a brain.... sorry there marshmallow man, your time on this planet is long over ripe/ die, or carry on...... I'll be here, kisses
Yes, yes, you're going to come to Denver leading an
army of your ghetto-rat loser friends and kick my ass.

You'd better be wearing Kevlar and walking with steel
if you expect to survive the attempt. "Never pick a
fight with an old man. If he doesn't want to fight,
he'll just kill you." - John Steinbeck

Fuck you, poofter.

Lord Valve, ThD
American (kiss my fat ass)

M A G A !

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

2019-04-05 06:08:04 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Well, help me out, here - I can't decide if this is
a bunch of drunks warming up in the dressing room
or a recording of Guitar Center on Tuesday morning.
Please clear this up for me, so I can write an
informed review.
Lord Valve, ThD
Music Critic (fuck you)
M A G A !
'Nuff said!
More like fingers of shit. That is fucking AWFUL! And your
guest tromboner sounds like he's farting into the mouthpiece.
Outta key, outta tune, and outta time. Sounds just like what
we've come to expect from de Shart. <shrug>

2019-04-05 06:02:18 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Well, help me out, here - I can't decide if this is
a bunch of drunks warming up in the dressing room
or a recording of Guitar Center on Tuesday morning.
Please clear this up for me, so I can write an
informed review.
Lord Valve, ThD
Music Critic (fuck you)
M A G A !
'Nuff said!
Wanna know how I know he's fucking NUTS!?? LOL!
2019-04-05 06:01:22 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Well, help me out, here - I can't decide if this is
a bunch of drunks warming up in the dressing room
or a recording of Guitar Center on Tuesday morning.
Probably a bit of both. Ugh!
Post by Lord Valve
Please clear this up for me, so I can write an
informed review.
Lord Valve, ThD
Music Critic (fuck you)
M A G A !
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 12:22:39 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
The standard confused wankfest. <shrug> Why bother?
All the shit you upload sounds exactly the same.
The trumpet guy has potential...you might see if
you could get him to actually listen to the chords,
so he won't blow outside the key. Don't tell me it's
"on purpose," I can hear what's happening and it's

BTW - I don't see anywhere that you've mentioned
that Dom Minasi is a great slobbering land-whale;
is your dissing of fat people reserved for right-
wingers like me only? One would have thought that
you, as an SJW PC snowflake, would have been more
egalitarian in your application of pejoratives.
Then again, as a wimpy microperson who looks like
he spends more money on dope than food, I guess we
can't expect any better of you. Being a libtard
means never having to say you're sorry, eh? Well,
you are indeed sorry. In fact, you're one of the
sorriest motherfuckers I've ever run into. If you
spent as much time woodshedding as you do dumping
on people who work for a living, you might learn
to play. Come to think of it, never mind - the suck
is so deeply ingrained in your personality and your
mentally aberrant outlook, you will never be rid
of it. Maybe the aliens will take you away in the
Mother Wheel along with Screwy Louie and the rest
of his ghetto-ass losers.

Won't that be fun?

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (Fuck you. Yes, YOU!)

M A G A !
2019-04-04 12:28:47 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
The standard confused wankfest. <shrug> Why bother?
All the shit you upload sounds exactly the same.
The trumpet guy has potential...you might see if
you could get him to actually listen to the chords,
so he won't blow outside the key. Don't tell me it's
"on purpose," I can hear what's happening and it's
BTW - I don't see anywhere that you've mentioned
that Dom Minasi is a great slobbering land-whale;
is your dissing of fat people reserved for right-
wingers like me only? One would have thought that
you, as an SJW PC snowflake, would have been more
egalitarian in your application of pejoratives.
Then again, as a wimpy microperson who looks like
he spends more money on dope than food, I guess we
can't expect any better of you. Being a libtard
means never having to say you're sorry, eh? Well,
you are indeed sorry. In fact, you're one of the
sorriest motherfuckers I've ever run into. If you
spent as much time woodshedding as you do dumping
on people who work for a living, you might learn
to play. Come to think of it, never mind - the suck
is so deeply ingrained in your personality and your
mentally aberrant outlook, you will never be rid
of it. Maybe the aliens will take you away in the
Mother Wheel along with Screwy Louie and the rest
of his ghetto-ass losers.
Won't that be fun?
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (Fuck you. Yes, YOU!)
M A G A !
"Oringes" and Windmills

Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....

Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
Lord Valve
2019-04-04 12:50:27 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
The standard confused wankfest. <shrug> Why bother?
All the shit you upload sounds exactly the same.
The trumpet guy has potential...you might see if
you could get him to actually listen to the chords,
so he won't blow outside the key. Don't tell me it's
"on purpose," I can hear what's happening and it's
BTW - I don't see anywhere that you've mentioned
that Dom Minasi is a great slobbering land-whale;
is your dissing of fat people reserved for right-
wingers like me only? One would have thought that
you, as an SJW PC snowflake, would have been more
egalitarian in your application of pejoratives.
Then again, as a wimpy microperson who looks like
he spends more money on dope than food, I guess we
can't expect any better of you. Being a libtard
means never having to say you're sorry, eh? Well,
you are indeed sorry. In fact, you're one of the
sorriest motherfuckers I've ever run into. If you
spent as much time woodshedding as you do dumping
on people who work for a living, you might learn
to play. Come to think of it, never mind - the suck
is so deeply ingrained in your personality and your
mentally aberrant outlook, you will never be rid
of it. Maybe the aliens will take you away in the
Mother Wheel along with Screwy Louie and the rest
of his ghetto-ass losers.
Won't that be fun?
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (Fuck you. Yes, YOU!)
M A G A !
"Oringes" and Windmills
Can't we just like give the Right-winged Juggernaut of Destiny we got going on with MAGAFOXTRUMP society of the righteous Republic of the United Shtays of the royalKKK a few states.... then fence/wall (whatever fuck they want) the whole new AAAAMERIka up and let them do whatever the fuck they want.... in ten days they'll be unloading on each other and getting interesting.... give them a year and they'll either asphyxiate each other with chemical goffery BBBBIGGGGGGGG GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEN LAAAAAAAAAWNS filled with pesticide and god-only-knows-what other carcinogens..... arm them to the teeth..... let 'em free range a while... yep, about a year and they'll go nuclear on each other like rats in a cage eating each others entrails....
Ah, I do luv me some dumb-ass conservative wet-dreams cumming all over each other in a glory only old Hieronymus Bosch could'a dreamed up////
Lick it up ladies, it's breakfast time in the new millennium where dip-shit creations like youzzze folks don't even exist anymore.... bad dream......TRUMP IS GOD ha, you all got what you deserved.................
This is, what - the fourth or fifth time you've
posted this confused mess; it would appear that
your self-lovefest extends beyond your horrid
cacophonous wanking into the, um, literary "arts,"
if I may be so bold as to use the word in a sentence
aimed in your direction.

Work on it, tard - you not only can't play, you can't
write worth a fuck either. You might want to invest
in this:


I'll bet you have cats. Am I right? A large number
(both as a percentage and an absolute value) of
cat owners are infected with toxoplasmosis; there
are psychological effects to such infections, and
this is well-documented in the medical literature.

Maybe that's why you are bat-shit crazy. Maybe
you should have yourself tested for this.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A !