Lord Valve
2019-04-02 22:01:17 UTC
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
Try watching this:
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
Try watching this:
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !