Your leftwing bullshit is KILLING the arts!
(too old to reply)
Lord Valve
2019-04-02 22:01:17 UTC
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.

Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."

It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?

YOU are!

Try watching this:

And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.

Excuse me, I have to go puke now.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)

M A G A !
2019-04-02 23:52:46 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
Well said.
Lord Valve
2019-04-03 00:43:02 UTC
Post by bobhess
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
Well said.
Careful. ;-)
Lord Valve
2019-04-03 18:34:09 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !

Lord Valve
2019-04-04 00:38:32 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
C O M E D Y !

How could I forget Comedy, which may be fucked to
a greater extent than any of the other arts? Comedy
is screwed, blued, and tattooed. The PC police have
comedy by the balls, and they're not going to let go
any time soon. No ethnic humor, that's for certain.
Can't diss musloids, SHIT no. Or, for that matter, any
other religion besides Christianity. (You can beat the
Jews up a bit, if you're careful. Or a lot, if you're
a musloid congresstwat from Minnesota.) No, the only
acceptable target for "comedy" now is straight white
males. Even better if they're also Christians. "Comedy"
has become vicious...what passes for "humor" now is
thinly-veiled hatred for anything on the right, white
people, and (especially) President Trump. It's "funny,"
you see, to hold up the president's severed, blood-
dripping head, or to wish that his youngest son be put
into a cage with pedophiles. Hardy-har-har, eh? The PC
police will allow as much of that as the comedians want.
Everything else, though, is strictly off limits, because
the snowflakes have more triggers than the Tanner Gun Show,
and we wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, no siree
Bob. So "comedy" now is simply a vehicle for scorn and
naked hatred.

But hey - let's fire up the WayBack Machine, Mr. Peabody,
and have ourselves a peek at a few jokes which would be
absolutely verbotten in 2019, shall we? There are many,
many old jokes and routines which I can remember, but I
cant find them on YouTube now; my suspicion is that they've
been scrubbed away by a dedicated army of snowflakes. And
there is another army of snowflakes who *don't* work for
YouTube...but they crawl all over the platform looking for
things to be offended by, and narking said things to the
PC police, hoping to have them removed. And they do this
for FREE, you see, because they are THAT committed. But
I found a few old-school routines and jokes, and here they

First up, one of my all-time favorites (Redd Foxx) treats
us to an absolutely *hilarious* study of a most un-PC
term mostly applied to black people, and on network TV
to boot:

Next, Redd has a bit to say about Chinese food, and the
purveyors thereof:

Here, Buddy Hackett, a Jew, pokes fun at the Japanese:

So, above we have a black dude using the N-word,
and using a term that is a slur towards the Chinese,
and then we have a Jew dumping on the Japanese. And
in both cases, the shit is SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY
if you're not an uptight PC asshole...but you're
never going to see this kind of comedy again until
the PC police are purged from this country. For my
money, it can't happen soon enough. M A G A !

Lord Valve, Thd
American (fuck you!)

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

Lord Valve
2019-04-04 11:07:23 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
C O M E D Y !
How could I forget Comedy, which may be fucked to
a greater extent than any of the other arts? Comedy
is screwed, blued, and tattooed. The PC police have
comedy by the balls, and they're not going to let go
any time soon. No ethnic humor, that's for certain.
Can't diss musloids, SHIT no. Or, for that matter, any
other religion besides Christianity. (You can beat the
Jews up a bit, if you're careful. Or a lot, if you're
a musloid congresstwat from Minnesota.) No, the only
acceptable target for "comedy" now is straight white
males. Even better if they're also Christians. "Comedy"
has become vicious...what passes for "humor" now is
thinly-veiled hatred for anything on the right, white
people, and (especially) President Trump. It's "funny,"
you see, to hold up the president's severed, blood-
dripping head, or to wish that his youngest son be put
into a cage with pedophiles. Hardy-har-har, eh? The PC
police will allow as much of that as the comedians want.
Everything else, though, is strictly off limits, because
the snowflakes have more triggers than the Tanner Gun Show,
and we wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, no siree
Bob. So "comedy" now is simply a vehicle for scorn and
naked hatred.
But hey - let's fire up the WayBack Machine, Mr. Peabody,
and have ourselves a peek at a few jokes which would be
absolutely verbotten in 2019, shall we? There are many,
many old jokes and routines which I can remember, but I
cant find them on YouTube now; my suspicion is that they've
been scrubbed away by a dedicated army of snowflakes. And
there is another army of snowflakes who *don't* work for
YouTube...but they crawl all over the platform looking for
things to be offended by, and narking said things to the
PC police, hoping to have them removed. And they do this
for FREE, you see, because they are THAT committed. But
I found a few old-school routines and jokes, and here they
First up, one of my all-time favorites (Redd Foxx) treats
us to an absolutely *hilarious* study of a most un-PC
term mostly applied to black people, and on network TV
Next, Redd has a bit to say about Chinese food, and the
So, above we have a black dude using the N-word,
and using a term that is a slur towards the Chinese,
and then we have a Jew dumping on the Japanese. And
in both cases, the shit is SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY
if you're not an uptight PC asshole...but you're
never going to see this kind of comedy again until
the PC police are purged from this country. For my
money, it can't happen soon enough. M A G A !
Lord Valve, Thd
American (fuck you!)
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
Paul J. Watson NAILS the PC-inspired death of comedy:

2019-04-05 06:36:36 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
What he said ^^^^. There is no "art" anymore. It's all
just canned, PC-approved, mindless SHIT.
2019-04-05 06:37:57 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
SHHH!!! Don't out me! DOH!!!
Brian Oates
2019-04-12 21:41:16 UTC
Art is what it is, artists will make it whether they get funding or not. What you are confusing with high art is entertainment, which has always been at the whims of the masses. Good news, Art is self motivated, do you think anyone plays jazz solely for the idea of fame? Whether or not a political influence changes entertainment, it does not change or stop artists from pursuing their own ideas. Standup comedy became so omnipresent in the 1980’s that shopping malls started having comedy clubs in them. This created the idea by people who are not considered historic comic influences now to create character comedy like “funny voice,” “yelling man,” and “sledge hammer on large pumpkins,” characters. Comedy as an art form is done by comics who craft and change their dialogues at a fast rate and season themselves through long runs on the road in small rooms, if an audience doesn’t laugh the good comics rewrite until they do or remember which towns certain jokes don’t work well in. To blame the party you don’t affiliate yourself with is misguided. Mass entertainment will always be bent to public opinions because mass entertainment knows it isn’t art. There is no high purpose to car chases and explosions with profanity laced yelling and the entire cast of women wearing much less skin coverage than any of the men. Entertainment’s main purpose is getting people in seats, it is based on appealing to the largest group of people, if somehow the largest group of people becomes the Christian fundamentalists, then many more entertainment vehicles will be made with them in mind. It is not a conspiracy, there is no moral vendetta in the studios, they are trying to keep their stockholders rich and happy and the electric bills paid enough to make a tidy profit afterwards for themselves.
Lord Valve
2019-04-12 22:58:53 UTC
On Friday, April 12, 2019 at 3:41:18 PM UTC-6, Brian Oates wrote:


Have you been living in a fucking cave or something?

Just curious...
2019-04-13 00:47:57 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
Art is what it is, artists will make it whether they get funding or not. What you are confusing with high art is entertainment, which has always been at the whims of the masses. Good news, Art is self motivated, do you think anyone plays jazz solely for the idea of fame? Whether or not a political influence changes entertainment, it does not change or stop artists from pursuing their own ideas. Standup comedy became so omnipresent in the 1980’s that shopping malls started having comedy clubs in them. This created the idea by people who are not considered historic comic influences now to create character comedy like “funny voice,” “yelling man,” and “sledge hammer on large pumpkins,” characters. Comedy as an art form is done by comics who craft and change their dialogues at a fast rate and season themselves through long runs on the road in small rooms, if an audience doesn’t laugh the good comics rewrite until they do or remember which towns certain jokes don’t work well in. To blame the party you don’t affiliate yourself with is misguided. Mass entertainment will always be bent to public opinions because mass entertainment knows it isn’t art. There is no high purpose to car chases and explosions with profanity laced yelling and the entire cast of women wearing much less skin coverage than any of the men. Entertainment’s main purpose is getting people in seats, it is based on appealing to the largest group of people, if somehow the largest group of people becomes the Christian fundamentalists, then many more entertainment vehicles will be made with them in mind. It is not a conspiracy, there is no moral vendetta in the studios, they are trying to keep their stockholders rich and happy and the electric bills paid enough to make a tidy profit afterwards for themselves.
Well Said!
2019-04-13 00:48:42 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
To blame the party you don’t affiliate yourself with is misguided.
Not at all: Blaming the opposing party for anything and everything,
most of it imaginary (death panels, homosexuality training camps,
making the bible illegal, shariah law overtaking the courts, etc.), is
the primary method the GOP uses to make people angry and fearful, so
they will be motivated to vote for a party that doesn't care about them.

Liberal organizations and individuals have been the backbone of funding
the arts forever. I'm surprised fascists think they can wring some
terror out of the topic, but it proves that no microscopic enclave free
from fascist nuttery won't get their attention. Seems pretty low-yield

"Be afraid of everybody everywhere, except any GOP candidate with
opposing thumbs!"
Lord Valve
2019-04-13 12:21:15 UTC
On Friday, April 12, 2019 at 6:48:44 PM UTC-6, Gerry wrote:
<snip leftist mouthfoam>

Another cave-dweller. <shrug>

Hey, I bet you're in love with Chiquita Khruschev
(AOC) and Bernie Slanders (newly-minted millionaire)
- right?

Move to Venezuela, asshole.

Lord Valve, ThD
American (fuck you)

M A G A ! 1 8 6 1

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

Brian Oates
2019-04-14 02:47:29 UTC
“Lord Valve” I was being respectful by not dissecting each of your points. The creation of art has always existed throughout history, it has nothing to do with which political party or style of nation is in power. Art has been made and progressed within dictatorships, monarchies, fascism, and many other completely oppressed societies. But go ahead and say the sky is falling because you don’t like the entertainment on your radio, television, and film screens, art is a base instinct and will survive with or without making it to popular media. The love and devotion of art collectives find a way to keep each form alive. I suspect you have a grudge against those who don’t maintain your frame of political reference and not really a concern for the existence of art. The impulse to create art is not dependent on funding or popularity contests.
Lord Valve
2019-04-14 11:07:29 UTC
On Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 8:47:31 PM UTC-6, Brian Oates frothed:

<delusions snipped>

Yep, cave dweller. You might check into why
Seinfeld refuses to work college campuses
now. Just a thought.

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
Brian Oates
2019-04-14 16:52:28 UTC
Seinfeld can look back and complain, he doesn’t need gigs the same way a young comic does. College kids are over privileged and deluded youth who expect to be taken seriously by adults while still making bad choices for themselves constantly. College kids are given the freedom to create student run governing organizations as a learning device. Teachers and parents of these children cross their fingers and hope they will learn from their naive first attempts at self governing before they are allowed to make decisions of real consequence later in professional circumstances.
Lord Valve
2019-04-14 17:44:01 UTC
On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 10:52:30 AM UTC-6, Brian Oates hopefully postulated:

<snip wish list>

Well, I'll say one thing for you: your programming
was thorough. <shrug>

Lord Valve, ThD
American (fuck you)
2019-04-15 04:37:58 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
<snip wish list>
Well, I'll say one thing for you: your programming
was thorough. <shrug>
Indeed. He seems genuine and sincere, but he clearly doesn't
understand just what American universities have become. It
was bad enough many, many years ago when I earned my degrees,
but schools nowandays are completely useless for receiving
an actual education. They have turned into little more than
leftist re-education camps. They brainwash young minds with
endless leftist propaganda and groupthink, while saddling
most of them with immense amounts of debt. The American
taxpayers pay for this shit, both directly and indirectly.
It's quite a nice little racket.....
Brian Oates
2019-04-15 07:07:01 UTC
I’m 54 years old, I have nieces and nephews in college now and they are doing fine, no mind numbing there, not a single one of them is annoying at family get togethers. They are very kind and thoughtful individuals with their own personalities. Some younger college aged kids are just susceptible to the embarrassing trait of believing they are going through something unique that their parents never did and just don’t understand. It is an age based immaturity level they mostly all grow out of, the majority of my friends and relatives kids grew out of this phase to care more about learning career related knowledge than they did about student union activities like complaining about guest speaker invitations. I never went to comedy shows in college, I didn’t even know it was a thing then, I was practicing guitar, taking classes, rehearsing and performing with combos and looking for chances to play gigs. I went to movies with friends, but comedy shows sponsored by student unions were not even on my radar back then. You may be generalizing the activism of a small but loud group of young adults, it just takes as little as one loud protesting yelling person to ruin a lecture or speaking engagement, even if you watch videos of these disturbances you won’t see everyone complaining. The loud yelling people get the press while the students who came to listen and decide what the speaker’s point of view is get annoyed in silence at the protesters. Students protesting in the sixties and students protesting in groups now will mostly admit within a few years that they did it as a social activity to meet people, the same reason they like going to music festivals. The two person tag team here of posting about how anyone who doesn’t believe in the Republican philosophy is wrong or mind controlled sheep is ridiculous, read more literature and less blogs for your own mental health, you both sound quite unwilling to see any other viewpoints, life can be colorful and not black or white.
Lord Valve
2019-04-15 16:00:12 UTC
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
<snip wish list>
Well, I'll say one thing for you: your programming
was thorough. <shrug>
Indeed. He seems genuine and sincere, but he clearly doesn't
understand just what American universities have become. It
was bad enough many, many years ago when I earned my degrees,
but schools nowandays are completely useless for receiving
an actual education. They have turned into little more than
leftist re-education camps. They brainwash young minds with
endless leftist propaganda and groupthink, while saddling
most of them with immense amounts of debt. The American
taxpayers pay for this shit, both directly and indirectly.
It's quite a nice little racket.....
Did you read the other shit he spewed downthread?
This dude is a fuckin' BOT! Pretty funny, actually.
Check this leftoid screed: "The two person tag team here of posting about how anyone who doesn’t believe in the Republican philosophy is wrong or mind controlled sheep is ridiculous, read more literature and less blogs for your own mental health, you both sound quite unwilling to see any other viewpoints, life can be colorful and not black or white."

As if I give two thirds of a deceased rodent's posterior
for "Republican philosophy"! I'll bet he thinks leftists
*didn't* kill a hundred million people in the 20th
century; I think he's feeling the Bern. Almost certainly
voted for O'Butthole and Killary. 1861 approaches, and
he'll never see it coming.

'Scuse me, I got shit to do. Gotta read up on that
"Republican philosophy," make sure my "mental health"
doesn't get any better than it is.

This dude's a gas. ;-)

Lord Valve, ThD
Republican Philosopher (fuck thou)

M A G A ! 1 8 6 1

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

Lord Valve
2019-04-15 16:21:34 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
<snip wish list>
Well, I'll say one thing for you: your programming
was thorough. <shrug>
Indeed. He seems genuine and sincere, but he clearly doesn't
understand just what American universities have become. It
was bad enough many, many years ago when I earned my degrees,
but schools nowandays are completely useless for receiving
an actual education. They have turned into little more than
leftist re-education camps. They brainwash young minds with
endless leftist propaganda and groupthink, while saddling
most of them with immense amounts of debt. The American
taxpayers pay for this shit, both directly and indirectly.
It's quite a nice little racket.....
Did you read the other shit he spewed downthread?
This dude is a fuckin' BOT! Pretty funny, actually.
Check this leftoid screed: "The two person tag team here of posting about how anyone who doesn’t believe in the Republican philosophy is wrong or mind controlled sheep is ridiculous, read more literature and less blogs for your own mental health, you both sound quite unwilling to see any other viewpoints, life can be colorful and not black or white."
As if I give two thirds of a deceased rodent's posterior
for "Republican philosophy"! I'll bet he thinks leftists
*didn't* kill a hundred million people in the 20th
century; I think he's feeling the Bern. Almost certainly
voted for O'Butthole and Killary. 1861 approaches, and
he'll never see it coming.
'Scuse me, I got shit to do. Gotta read up on that
"Republican philosophy," make sure my "mental health"
doesn't get any better than it is.
This dude's a gas. ;-)
Lord Valve, ThD
Republican Philosopher (fuck thou)
M A G A ! 1 8 6 1
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
BTW - he's chickenshit. Deletes his comments as soon
as he figures out he's getting his ass handed to him.
If he posts anything else, make sure to quote the
whole post.

Lord Valve
2019-04-15 16:24:31 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
<snip wish list>
Well, I'll say one thing for you: your programming
was thorough. <shrug>
Indeed. He seems genuine and sincere, but he clearly doesn't
understand just what American universities have become. It
was bad enough many, many years ago when I earned my degrees,
but schools nowandays are completely useless for receiving
an actual education. They have turned into little more than
leftist re-education camps. They brainwash young minds with
endless leftist propaganda and groupthink, while saddling
most of them with immense amounts of debt. The American
taxpayers pay for this shit, both directly and indirectly.
It's quite a nice little racket.....
Did you read the other shit he spewed downthread?
This dude is a fuckin' BOT! Pretty funny, actually.
Check this leftoid screed: "The two person tag team here of posting about how anyone who doesn’t believe in the Republican philosophy is wrong or mind controlled sheep is ridiculous, read more literature and less blogs for your own mental health, you both sound quite unwilling to see any other viewpoints, life can be colorful and not black or white."
As if I give two thirds of a deceased rodent's posterior
for "Republican philosophy"! I'll bet he thinks leftists
*didn't* kill a hundred million people in the 20th
century; I think he's feeling the Bern. Almost certainly
voted for O'Butthole and Killary. 1861 approaches, and
he'll never see it coming.
'Scuse me, I got shit to do. Gotta read up on that
"Republican philosophy," make sure my "mental health"
doesn't get any better than it is.
This dude's a gas. ;-)
Lord Valve, ThD
Republican Philosopher (fuck thou)
M A G A ! 1 8 6 1
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
BTW - he's chickenshit. Deletes his comments as soon
as he figures out he's getting his ass handed to him.
If he posts anything else, make sure to quote the
whole post.
Brian Oates
2019-04-15 16:34:31 UTC
Believe what you want, I was cleaning out my posts on multiple topics across various groups. Leaving an argument of momentary concern doesn’t stand the test of being archived, times change and attitudes do too. My pride is stronger than to be hurt by a stranger on the internet.
Lord Valve
2019-04-15 18:56:18 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
Believe what you want, I was cleaning out my posts on multiple topics across various groups. Leaving an argument of momentary concern doesn’t stand the test of being archived, times change and attitudes do too. My pride is stronger than to be hurt by a stranger on the internet.
Boo Hoo.

Lord Valve
2019-04-15 19:02:22 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Brian Oates
Believe what you want, I was cleaning out my posts on multiple topics across various groups. Leaving an argument of momentary concern doesn’t stand the test of being archived, times change and attitudes do too. My pride is stronger than to be hurt by a stranger on the internet.
Boo Hoo.
BTW, junior - if you're posting through Google Groups
(which you are) your cancel message will only apply
to GG - your posts are still archived on hundreds (if
not thousands) of other servers, some of which may
have retention times measured in months to years.

His High Holy Thermionic Radiance, Lord Valve, ThD
Oberrohrenfuhrer, Thousand Year Glass Reich
Founding Member, Vast Rightwing Conspiracy
Wing Commander, Black Helicopter Squadron 7734
Founder, Million Dollar Snob Team (defunct)
Founder, HARM (Heavily Armed Rightwing Maniacs)
Grand Dragoon, Knights of the Vacuum Klan
Generally Mean Sumbitch
And So Forth
Brian Oates
2019-04-15 19:34:46 UTC
You enjoy being an ogre on line with no compassion, but I bet some part of you still is a teddy bear who loves others. I can hope for you that you have a life filled with joy and not consumed with political rage, the mind can get distracted into these meaningless obsessions.
Lord Valve
2019-04-15 20:12:54 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
You enjoy being an ogre on line with no compassion, but I bet some part of you still is a teddy bear who loves others. I can hope for you that you have a life filled with joy and not consumed with political rage, the mind can get distracted into these meaningless obsessions.
OK, that right there is key - you're a bigtime
lefty. Probably got a pussy-hat in your closet...

So I'm going to tell you what I think of worldwide
leftism, and especially the left in the USA, by
re-posting something I wrote in another group a few
days ago. Perhaps you won't play the "he's probably
a teddy bear" card after you read this:

"Your people kill babies. Your people gave a 6-minute
standing ovation to the passage of a law in New York
which allows infanticide. No matter how you traitors
try to spin it, that's what it is. Same thing in
Virginia. Your people are actively involved in
trying to remove the top elected official in the
government of the USA because...I have no idea why.
Because he won when your hand-picked evil bitch Killary
was supposed to win in a landslide? Um...because he
puts ketchup on his steak and likes two scoops of
ice cream for dessert? Because he's smarter than you
are? Your people manage the news - the evidence of
this is incontrovertible, it's everywhere. Your
people are intent on tearing this nation down and
rebuilding it as a socialist utopia - which is
destined to fail, as all such utopian governments
have failed in the past - time after time. Your
people insist that there is no difference between
a man and a woman, and passed laws which require
the citizenry to deny the evidence of their own
eyes, enforcing such laws with fines and even jail
time. Your people have allowed unelected officials
to conceive and enforce regulations which are not
only capricious and arbitrary, but have the force
of law, and the use of deadly force is authorized
to deal with citizens who break them. In many cases,
no appeal is possible. Your people have decided that
the USA should be flooded with unskilled and in
many cases untrainable people from third-world
countries who will vote to keep your elites in
positions of power; they will do this based on the
amount of goods and services tendered to them for
free, and paid for by people who spent a lifetime
obeying the law and working hard to obtain the
things they have. Your people are operating the
largest con-game in world history - "extreme climate
change" - and you are aided in the perpetration of
this con by communists and socialists all over the
world, who see it simply as the best opportunity to
transfer the wealth of the United States of America
to those who did nothing to earn it, have no right
to receive it and in any case don't deserve it. Your
people have committed egregious offenses against the
freedom-loving people of the United States which are
far in excess of anything done to them by King
George III prior to the Revolutionary War. The time
for revolution grows near, and I'm certainly not
alone in thinking so. There is a reason the Second
Amendment was added to the Constitution, and it has
nothing to do with duck-hunting or protection
from the predations of highwaymen or other criminals
one might encounter in daily life; the founders,
having just fought a war with a tyrannical power,
were wise enough to put in place a mechanism to
remove such a government should their noble
experiment in self-governance be subverted by men
of low character and evil intent. Since this
amendment stands in opposition to your takeover of
the government, your people have been fighting it
tooth and nail for decades. In your arrogance and
the self-assurance of your own superiority, your
people assume such a takeover is preordained and
ultimately destined for success. Your people, driven
by their warped ideology and their insane lust for
power over their fellow man, killed over 100 million
human beings to that end in the last century, and
continue apace in this one. The United States of
America, last best hope for freedom and democracy
on this planet, trembles on the brink of destruction
due to the offenses your people have committed and
continue to commit against it.

God damn you.

Lord Valve

Never call me a Republican - those stupid bastards
bear the same relation to Democrats that Bud Lite
bears to regular Bud - same shit, just weaker.

2019-04-16 02:50:02 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Brian Oates
Believe what you want, I was cleaning out my posts on multiple topics across various groups. Leaving an argument of momentary concern doesn’t stand the test of being archived, times change and attitudes do too. My pride is stronger than to be hurt by a stranger on the internet.
Boo Hoo.
not so easy zipper head...............

You wON the battle, you got the crown, but you ain't seen your lowest yet, that only comes when you die and wash clean as we all do, but thee are levels to things, and anybody who let you near music//////

the day will come

You wON the battle, but the WAR hasn't even gotten ff the porch, dig Honeysuckle Rose! NOPE

Brian Oates
2019-04-16 08:50:29 UTC
Okay, I watched the YouTube video. There is an easy solution to guarantee more variety in music and other art forms. Since the 1980’s there has been a push to accentuate the “three R’s” in public schools in the US at the expense of arts education. I was fortunate to go to public school at a time when classical orchestra playing was available to me since elementary school. I played in orchestras as a violinist from first grade through sophomore year in college where I switched to guitar as my major. I was able as a young kid to be familiar with Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Scriabin, Paganini and many other composers because that was available to me while attending public school. We had field trips to art museums and performances of ballets and live theater given at school assemblies. No young child can develop a taste for variety in arts with zero exposure to different forms. You can’t get new Frank Zappa level creativity in people who don’t listen to anything other than Led Zeppelin, The Doors, CCR, Eagles rotation classic rock radio. Everyone who hates the state of current entertainment as too similar and lacking in creativity has the ability to listen to more obscure artists and promote these other styles amongst those willing to listen. Arts funding is often denigrated by people as free money for otherwise unemployed obscure artists, but those are often the people that help push the boundaries of art to make it more varied. No art funding for public schools means no chance for expanding a child’s perception of what has already been done before, making many creative kids try to reinvent an already worn out wheel.
Lord Valve
2019-04-16 11:26:18 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
Okay, I watched the YouTube video. There is an easy solution to guarantee more variety in music and other art forms. Since the 1980’s there has been a push to accentuate the “three R’s” in public schools in the US at the expense of arts education. I was fortunate to go to public school at a time when classical orchestra playing was available to me since elementary school. I played in orchestras as a violinist from first grade through sophomore year in college where I switched to guitar as my major. I was able as a young kid to be familiar with Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Scriabin, Paganini and many other composers because that was available to me while attending public school. We had field trips to art museums and performances of ballets and live theater given at school assemblies. No young child can develop a taste for variety in arts with zero exposure to different forms. You can’t get new Frank Zappa level creativity in people who don’t listen to anything other than Led Zeppelin, The Doors, CCR, Eagles rotation classic rock radio. Everyone who hates the state of current entertainment as too similar and lacking in creativity has the ability to listen to more obscure artists and promote these other styles amongst those willing to listen. Arts funding is often denigrated by people as free money for otherwise unemployed obscure artists, but those are often the people that help push the boundaries of art to make it more varied. No art funding for public schools means no chance for expanding a child’s perception of what has already been done before, making many creative kids try to reinvent an already worn out wheel.
Like I said - the people who programmed you were experts.
The above spew proves it in spades - were you wearing your
pussy hat when you composed it? You want "Piss Christ" or
"Elephant Shit Madonna"? Fine - pay for it with your OWN
fucking ducats, NOT MINE!

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A ! 1 8 6 1
Brian Oates
2019-04-16 17:07:42 UTC
Without knowing anyone replying to your posts you are responding with character assumptions and lumping all dissenters into an imaginary agenda driven group you call “leftists.” By making this group your nemesis you make it easier for you to blame everything you don’t like on one nebulous ”them” which you perceive is against your ideal of an always reasonable ”us.” This oversimplification of issues takes away any chance that societal problems are a shared responsibility and need to be fixed by your group’s participation too.
2019-04-16 20:13:51 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
Without knowing anyone replying to your posts you are responding with character assumptions and lumping all dissenters into an imaginary agenda driven group you call “leftists.” By making this group your nemesis you make it easier for you to blame everything you don’t like on one nebulous ”them” which you perceive is against your ideal of an always reasonable ”us.” This oversimplification of issues takes away any chance that societal problems are a shared responsibility and need to be fixed by your group’s participation too.
why bother this ass with responses
he is a disgusting pile of puke.... and he does it again and again... like cookie cutter responses, and non-stop Republican tricks and shits.... he is a asshole. Period.....wake up you stupid fucks who got in this beasts' funhouse...you know who you are.... it is an embarrassment that this slander has gone on this long........and all you silent shills who hide in the dark should know that you allowed this idiot into the pool....fuck you all of you..... if you can't get your hands dirty with this scum you should at least weigh in with ,something. exterminate this fool before he becomes YOU
2019-04-16 21:51:11 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
Without knowing anyone replying to your posts you are responding with
character assumptions and lumping all dissenters into an imaginary
agenda driven group you call “leftists.” By making this group your
nemesis you make it easier for you to blame everything you don’t like
on one nebulous ”them” which you perceive is against your ideal of an
always reasonable ”us.” This oversimplification of issues takes away
any chance that societal problems are a shared responsibility and need
to be fixed by your group’s participation too.
That's not an accident: That's policy. It's the current GOP/fascist
operating system. Generalization, villification, and voting for
whichever corporate shill is the Republican. Honestly, have you not
watched FOX for an afternoon? This is all they do.

The local rodents just mimic what they hear on FOX and shriek radio,
with "fuck you" actually becoming a part of a *one name*. Doesn't look
like an advertisement for good-faith discussion does it?

You seem sincere in your beliefs, so I can't believe you would spend 10
seconds countering these dolts in the bowels of an abandoned jazz
guitar group on usenet! They don't listen, they don't hear; their
explicit intent is to stink things up and draw suckers in with anger.

You should check out rec.music.afro-cuban: A single raving anti-semite
dominated a really good group with numerous posts multiple times a
day--and shut it down. Hasn't been anything there in many years. The
rodents here have accomplished the same thing.

I hate to be "on topic" for this usegroup, but did you notice I
responded to your post earlier? The one about blogs that deal with
music instead of politics? Have you lost interest in discussion the
guitar/jazz/music thing?
Brian Oates
2019-04-17 04:07:46 UTC
I have learned my lesson, this group is a shell of its former self, I used to post here in the 1990s when it was full of on topic posts. That was then and it seems it is a ghost town now with a loud transient hiding behind every doorway trying to yell and scare off visitors. I saw and appreciated your post, in fact I just signed up at the jazzguitar.be and it appears much more civil than this, I’m assuming there are moderators there who help keep it focused. As a longtime teacher I get in the habit of trying to introduce logical solutions. My fault in this latest round of posts is that I tried to get through to an unreachable mind, I’ll stop now.
2019-04-17 06:17:53 UTC
Gerry,I have learned my lesson, this group is a shell of its former
self, I used to post here in the 1990s when it was full of on topic
posts. That was then and it seems it is a ghost town now with a loud
transient hiding behind every doorway trying to yell and scare off
visitors. I saw and appreciated your post, in fact I just signed up at
the jazzguitar.be and it appears much more civil than this, I’m
assuming there are moderators there who help keep it focused. As a
longtime teacher I get in the habit of trying to introduce logical
solutions. My fault in this latest round of posts is that I tried to
get through to an unreachable mind, I’ll stop now.
Yeah, clear out. It's now a dung heap, the dung extruded by the local
vermin, who then make a feast of it.

After skimming some of the current BS, larded with nothing but personal
insult and not a single element of rationale politics, policy, or
understandable logic, I'm reminded that being an audience for these
cretins makes you complicit in their masturbatory rituals. They pride
themselves on being stupid, being hateful and mostly being terrified of
all the boogie-men their preferred agitprop invents for them.

Picking between whether they are more pathetic or more disgusting is a
hard call, and pointless. I doubt I'll even check in here again; it's
depressing to turn on the lights and hear the vermin scampering. It's
like trying to reason with a junkie, and having him tell you no: he's
really happy, it's a lifestyle he's picked. It produces more nausea
than anything else.
Lord Valve
2019-04-17 10:47:43 UTC
Post by Gerry
Gerry,I have learned my lesson, this group is a shell of its former
self, I used to post here in the 1990s when it was full of on topic
posts. That was then and it seems it is a ghost town now with a loud
transient hiding behind every doorway trying to yell and scare off
visitors. I saw and appreciated your post, in fact I just signed up at
the jazzguitar.be and it appears much more civil than this, I’m
assuming there are moderators there who help keep it focused. As a
longtime teacher I get in the habit of trying to introduce logical
solutions. My fault in this latest round of posts is that I tried to
get through to an unreachable mind, I’ll stop now.
Yeah, clear out. It's now a dung heap, the dung extruded by the local
vermin, who then make a feast of it.
After skimming some of the current BS, larded with nothing but personal
insult and not a single element of rationale politics, policy, or
understandable logic, I'm reminded that being an audience for these
cretins makes you complicit in their masturbatory rituals. They pride
themselves on being stupid, being hateful and mostly being terrified of
all the boogie-men their preferred agitprop invents for them.
Picking between whether they are more pathetic or more disgusting is a
hard call, and pointless. I doubt I'll even check in here again; it's
depressing to turn on the lights and hear the vermin scampering. It's
like trying to reason with a junkie, and having him tell you no: he's
really happy, it's a lifestyle he's picked. It produces more nausea
than anything else.
Another one bites the dust. <shrug>

No-one will miss your lame ass; leftist scumbags
are a dime a dozen, and largely interchangeable.
Now you'll have more time in the trenches, fighting
for the cause of World Socialism. And fight you
will, having ingested copious amounts of Kool-Aid
through the usual sources - CNN, NYT, etc. At least,
you will until we blow the entire game. You're not
going to get the chance to kill us, like you did
100+ million times during the 20th century. We're
hip to your game, dude - and *THIS* time, *WE* have
all the guns.

You'll see.

Lord Valve, ThD
American (Fuck you. Yes, YOU! FUCK YOU!)

M A G A 1776/1861

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

2019-04-25 08:08:48 UTC
Post by Gerry
They pride
themselves on being stupid, being hateful and mostly being terrified of
all the boogie-men their preferred agitprop invents for them.
Classic libtard projection! This fools programming is so deep and thorough
that he has no hope of ever seeing reality.
Lord Valve
2019-04-17 10:37:17 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
I have learned my lesson, this group is a shell of its former self, I used to post here in the 1990s when it was full of on topic posts. That was then and it seems it is a ghost town now with a loud transient hiding behind every doorway trying to yell and scare off visitors. I saw and appreciated your post, in fact I just signed up at the jazzguitar.be and it appears much more civil than this, I’m assuming there are moderators there who help keep it focused. As a longtime teacher I get in the habit of trying to introduce logical solutions. My fault in this latest round of posts is that I tried to get through to an unreachable mind, I’ll stop now.
BUSTED! An NEA stooge - I had your lame ass nailed
from the git-go; to someone who is wise to the
keywords, your bias is plain as day. And - true
to the "progressive" metric - you will now bail,
as all libturds bail when they get nailed by the
facts. Toodle-oo, leftard - it's been nice owning

Lord Valve, ThD
Poser Exposer (first class)
Tim McNamara
2019-04-22 00:44:47 UTC
On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 21:07:46 -0700 (PDT), Brian Oates
Gerry, I have learned my lesson, this group is a shell of its former
self, I used to post here in the 1990s when it was full of on topic
posts. That was then and it seems it is a ghost town now with a loud
transient hiding behind every doorway trying to yell and scare off
visitors. I saw and appreciated your post, in fact I just signed up
at the jazzguitar.be and it appears much more civil than this, I’m
assuming there are moderators there who help keep it focused. As a
longtime teacher I get in the habit of trying to introduce logical
solutions. My fault in this latest round of posts is that I tried to
get through to an unreachable mind, I’ll stop now.
See you over there. Yes, the participants do a much better job of
self-governance than here, and there are moderators who step in if
things get negative or bitter. Civil disagreement is one thing, being a
jackass is another.

And, yes, that particular mind is unreachable. Best to leave it alone
to gnaw on itself than extending it a hand to chew on.
Lord Valve
2019-04-22 11:59:44 UTC
Post by Tim McNamara
On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 21:07:46 -0700 (PDT), Brian Oates
Gerry, I have learned my lesson, this group is a shell of its former
self, I used to post here in the 1990s when it was full of on topic
posts. That was then and it seems it is a ghost town now with a loud
transient hiding behind every doorway trying to yell and scare off
visitors. I saw and appreciated your post, in fact I just signed up
at the jazzguitar.be and it appears much more civil than this, I’m
assuming there are moderators there who help keep it focused. As a
longtime teacher I get in the habit of trying to introduce logical
solutions. My fault in this latest round of posts is that I tried to
get through to an unreachable mind, I’ll stop now.
See you over there. Yes, the participants do a much better job of
self-governance than here, and there are moderators who step in if
things get negative or bitter. Civil disagreement is one thing, being a
jackass is another.
And, yes, that particular mind is unreachable. Best to leave it alone
to gnaw on itself than extending it a hand to chew on.
"Unreachable" means that I am immune to your leftist

And that frosts your pathetic communist ass. <shrug>

Go fuck yourself with a 3" ship auger, you retarded
little leftist twat.

Lord Valve, ThD
American/Patriot (fuck you)

M A G A ! 1776/1861

Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis!

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

2019-04-25 08:01:35 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
I have learned my lesson, this group is a shell of its former self, I used to post here in the 1990s when it was full of on topic posts. That was then and it seems it is a ghost town now with a loud transient hiding behind every doorway trying to yell and scare off visitors. I saw and appreciated your post, in fact I just signed up at the jazzguitar.be and it appears much more civil than this, I’m assuming there are moderators there who help keep it focused. As a longtime teacher I get in the habit of trying to introduce logical solutions. My fault in this latest round of posts is that I tried to get through to an unreachable mind, I’ll stop now.
Translation: Defiant and LV are immune to being programmed with leftist groupthink,
so I'm gonna give up before I REALLY get my ass handed to me! WAHH!!!!!
2019-04-25 07:58:44 UTC
Post by Gerry
It's the current GOP/fascist
This one's programming has gone even further than Oates.

Any time Gerry injects himself into a conversation that
mentions conservatives, it's the same tired leftist

Hey Gerry, you want fascist? Stick your nose in my ass
crack and breathe deep! <brappPPPPP!!!!!> Whew! Stinky!
Lord Valve
2019-04-16 23:10:13 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
Without knowing anyone replying to your posts you are responding with character assumptions and lumping all dissenters into an imaginary agenda driven group you call “leftists.” By making this group your nemesis you make it easier for you to blame everything you don’t like on one nebulous ”them” which you perceive is against your ideal of an always reasonable ”us.” This oversimplification of issues takes away any chance that societal problems are a shared responsibility and need to be fixed by your group’s participation too.
ROFLMBFAO! *CLASSIC* leftard response. Dude, I
don't *need* to know who you are - all I need to
do is read your commie screeds. You spew leftwing
talking points like you were reading 'em off a
cheat-sheet. Go ahead - tell me you didn't vote for
Killary (or that greenweenie twat - can't remember
her name...) - I *might* believe you, but I wouldn't
bet my house on it. BTW - WTF is up with your newsreader?
Is it lame, or do you just not know how to quote
previous text so people can tell who the fuck you are
replying to? Get your shit together, junior!

BTW - my perspective is different from yours - it's
both taller and wider. When you were sucking your
mama's tits, I was playing jazz for decent money in
DC nightclubs. I *lived* all that shit in the 60s
and 70s that you look upon as "history." I *know*
the leftwing spin/hustle being applied to the news
by the deepstate/leftist media conglomerate, because I
watched Walter Cronkite *invent* many of the techniques
still in use today. I could *smell* the NEA's (teachers
union) leftist indoctrination when I was a kid, and I
made sure that most of it didn't take. It was fairly
subtle then - not like it is now, where you can be
kicked out of school for wearing a Trump hat or charged
with racial intimidation for chanting "USA! USA!" at
a sports event, or sent to a headshrinker for pointing
a finger-gun at someone and saying "POW!"

Fuck it, if you haven't gotten the idea by now, you
ain't gonna - like that clueless Stearns character,
you are unable to break your conditioning and look
(for a change) at things as they actually *are*, not
as CNN or the Washington Compost or the New York Slimes
tells you they are - so just write me off as another
Nasty Nazi and have yourself a fuckin' Coke and a Smile.
This time, the Revolution WILL be televised - live -
streamed on YouTube, FarceBook, Twitter, etc. Try not
to sleep through it, mmmkay?

Lord Valve, ThD
Rightwing Asshole (pro grade, unlimited edition)

M A G A ! 1 8 6 1

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

Tim McNamara
2019-04-22 00:39:38 UTC
On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 10:07:42 -0700 (PDT), Brian Oates
Post by Brian Oates
Without knowing anyone replying to your posts you are responding with
character assumptions and lumping all dissenters into an imaginary
agenda driven group you call “leftists.” By making this group your
nemesis you make it easier for you to blame everything you don’t like
on one nebulous ”them” which you perceive is against your ideal of an
always reasonable ”us.” This oversimplification of issues takes away
any chance that societal problems are a shared responsibility and
need to be fixed by your group’s participation too.
That would be the point of blaming others. ;-)

In your other thread you asked about whether there is a newsgroup that
discusses only music. The answer, as far as Usenet newsgroups is
concerned, is "no." The wingnuts and nutbars have taken over because
there is no one to moderate them and shouting to a nearly empty room
feels more satisfying to them than communicating with others to get
something constructive done. Some of the wingnuts deliberately try to
be so hostile as to drive everyone else out, which makes them think
they've "won." A Pyrrhic victory at best, but for some the pretense of
victory is enough. Such is the psychology of Usenet. It's a similar
mentality to those who find picking fights in bars to be a form of

My advice- especially if you're using the awful "Google Groups"- is get
a newreader that has filtering, sometimes known as a killfile, built in.
Then you can filter out the irredemiably intransigent and rude. I am
surprised that this is still up, but has some helpful resources:


Freedom of speech does not come with a guarantee of an audience.
2019-04-25 07:52:04 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Brian Oates
Okay, I watched the YouTube video. There is an easy solution to guarantee more variety in music and other art forms. Since the 1980’s there has been a push to accentuate the “three R’s” in public schools in the US at the expense of arts education. I was fortunate to go to public school at a time when classical orchestra playing was available to me since elementary school. I played in orchestras as a violinist from first grade through sophomore year in college where I switched to guitar as my major. I was able as a young kid to be familiar with Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Scriabin, Paganini and many other composers because that was available to me while attending public school. We had field trips to art museums and performances of ballets and live theater given at school assemblies. No young child can develop a taste for variety in arts with zero exposure to different forms. You can’t get new Frank Zappa level creativity in people who don’t listen to anything other than Led Zeppelin, The Doors, CCR, Eagles rotation classic rock radio. Everyone who hates the state of current entertainment as too similar and lacking in creativity has the ability to listen to more obscure artists and promote these other styles amongst those willing to listen. Arts funding is often denigrated by people as free money for otherwise unemployed obscure artists, but those are often the people that help push the boundaries of art to make it more varied. No art funding for public schools means no chance for expanding a child’s perception of what has already been done before, making many creative kids try to reinvent an already worn out wheel.
Like I said - the people who programmed you were experts.
The above spew proves it in spades - were you wearing your
pussy hat when you composed it? You want "Piss Christ" or
"Elephant Shit Madonna"? Fine - pay for it with your OWN
fucking ducats, NOT MINE!
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)
M A G A ! 1 8 6 1
Fuckin' A!!!
Lord Valve
2019-04-16 11:12:34 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Brian Oates
Believe what you want, I was cleaning out my posts on multiple topics across various groups. Leaving an argument of momentary concern doesn’t stand the test of being archived, times change and attitudes do too. My pride is stronger than to be hurt by a stranger on the internet.
Boo Hoo.
not so easy zipper head...............
Sure it is, fuckface................
Post by s***@gmail.com
You wON the battle, you got the crown, but you ain't seen your lowest yet, that only comes when you die and wash clean as we all do, but thee are levels to things, and anybody who let you near music//////
the day will come
Like most leftists, you are obsessed with dealing
death to those who don't buy into your warped
worldview. Wish me dead? Wish in one hand and
shit in the other - see which hand fills up first.
Post by s***@gmail.com
You wON the battle, but the WAR hasn't even gotten ff the porch, dig Honeysuckle Rose! NOPE
Indeed, it is NOT. You could get run over by a bus
this afternoon. You could become the victim of a
street crime perpetrated by any of thousands of
the "diverse" miscreants inhabiting that human
shitpile in which you dwell. Hey - tell your assailant
you voted for O'Butthole; see what that buys you.
No-one's continued existence is guaranteed, so
don't count on sticking around longer than I do;
the Universe may have different plans. Besides,
you have that massive bad karma you've piled upon
yourself with all the sonic assaults you've
committed against innocent ears who were expecting
music and received cacaphony. Note that this
misspelling is intentional, coining thereby a
new word which means "False Shit." The fact that
it is a homophone for the best descriptor of what
you produce in pursuit of (what you consider as)
"music" is not only icing on the cake, but fully

Remember - it's your fault that you suck, not mine.
You made a conscious decision to do so, and I'll
admit that I'm perplexed by your apoplectic responses
to anyone who points out the obvious.

And, oh, BTW - stay away from anything with black and
white keys on it; you're fortunate to be living in the
USA in that regard, as I'm sure there are countries in
which you could be charged with pianocide for playing
that badly.

Had enough?

Probably not...

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A ! 1 8 6 1

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

2019-04-25 07:50:10 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Brian Oates
Believe what you want, I was cleaning out my posts on multiple topics across various groups. Leaving an argument of momentary concern doesn’t stand the test of being archived, times change and attitudes do too. My pride is stronger than to be hurt by a stranger on the internet.
Boo Hoo.
not so easy zipper head...............
You wON the battle, you got the crown, but you ain't seen your lowest yet, that only comes when you die and wash clean as we all do, but thee are levels to things, and anybody who let you near music//////
the day will come
You wON the battle, but the WAR hasn't even gotten ff the porch, dig Honeysuckle Rose! NOPE
You seriously need to lay off the shit before posting up
screeds on usenet, sonny.

2019-04-25 07:45:34 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
Believe what you want, I was cleaning out my posts on multiple topics across various groups. Leaving an argument of momentary concern doesn’t stand the test of being archived, times change and attitudes do too. My pride is stronger than to be hurt by a stranger on the internet.
Sure pal, whatever you say. When your mama caught you
jackin' off and you claimed you were just washing your
dick, do you think she believed you?
2019-04-25 07:40:54 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Defiant
Post by Lord Valve
<snip wish list>
Well, I'll say one thing for you: your programming
was thorough. <shrug>
Indeed. He seems genuine and sincere, but he clearly doesn't
understand just what American universities have become. It
was bad enough many, many years ago when I earned my degrees,
but schools nowandays are completely useless for receiving
an actual education. They have turned into little more than
leftist re-education camps. They brainwash young minds with
endless leftist propaganda and groupthink, while saddling
most of them with immense amounts of debt. The American
taxpayers pay for this shit, both directly and indirectly.
It's quite a nice little racket.....
Did you read the other shit he spewed downthread?
This dude is a fuckin' BOT! Pretty funny, actually.
Check this leftoid screed: "The two person tag team here of posting about how anyone who doesn’t believe in the Republican philosophy is wrong or mind controlled sheep is ridiculous, read more literature and less blogs for your own mental health, you both sound quite unwilling to see any other viewpoints, life can be colorful and not black or white."
As if I give two thirds of a deceased rodent's posterior
for "Republican philosophy"! I'll bet he thinks leftists
*didn't* kill a hundred million people in the 20th
century; I think he's feeling the Bern. Almost certainly
voted for O'Butthole and Killary. 1861 approaches, and
he'll never see it coming.
'Scuse me, I got shit to do. Gotta read up on that
"Republican philosophy," make sure my "mental health"
doesn't get any better than it is.
This dude's a gas. ;-)
Lord Valve, ThD
Republican Philosopher (fuck thou)
M A G A ! 1 8 6 1
Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q
BTW - he's chickenshit. Deletes his comments as soon
as he figures out he's getting his ass handed to him.
If he posts anything else, make sure to quote the
whole post.
That doesn't surprise me. He obviously doesn't have any
thoughts of his own. Just the lefty propaganda that has
been shoveled into his willing eyes and ears 24/7 for
his entire life.
2019-04-14 19:14:24 UTC
Post by Brian Oates
College kids are over privileged and deluded youth who expect to be
taken seriously by adults while still making bad choices for themselves
I know it's de riguer these days to piss on college students and
generalize that they are deluded and "still make bad choices for
themselves constantly", as well as being pampered, coddled and
protected, but that's just politically correct recitation. I'm not
even sure what the difference between "privileged" versus "over
privileged" means, but I'm sure it's really bad, and also doesn't apply.

Young adults don't become deluded as a matter of entry into an academic
environment. Some of them are mature and reasonable, some aren't, just
like other people. Similarly, college-aged young adults that couldn't
afford college or had other obligations that precluded further
education aren't inherently devoid of delusion, privilege, or
consistently "make good choices for themselves".

Competing generalizations aren't of much aid in discussing a topic,
they are just mutually-exclusive politically correct clichés.
Brian Oates
2019-04-15 06:34:58 UTC
I base my assumptions on the reality that 18-25 year olds in are in a different social reality than people older than them, school has safety nets for bad decisions that don’t exist away from school. Anyone fresh out of high school who hasn’t been saddled with responsibility early due to having to grow up prematurely because of family issues like incapacitated parents or being kicked out of the foster system has to learn as they mature that the web of friends and relatives that looked out for them as they grew up eventually leave them to fend for themselves. This can be traumatic for freshman learning their tolerance levels for sleep deprivation, peer pressure to fit in against their family belief systems, and substance abuse limits. This age is a crucial brain development age and psychological disorders like bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder can show up during this period, many medications for these disorders are not recommended to be given to young adults as this is a high suicide risk time for adolescents so the medication that can help later in life is often not prescribed to this age group. I have no grudge against college kids, I was one myself through my Master’s degree, I spent a majority of the 1980’s going to college. The age of undergraduate students is where they learn to make choices independent of their parents’ decisions. This is what colleges try to do, give leeway to young adults to make choices while providing advisers and counselors when these decisions start to go wrong. Universities let students create their own guidelines for themselves but have boards of directors and faculty ready to step in when necessary. When people mess up in the working world, it has more immediate consequences to heir livelihood: loss of employment, trouble getting jobs from past behavior, and police records. Universities often give kids the benefit of the doubt in petty crimes like stealing food or breaking into buildings as “pranks.” Outside of dorms and fraternity/sorority systems they won’t find the same forgiveness.
2019-04-15 23:49:01 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
If I ruled things, I'd take Daffy Donald Duck out of his misery, and every last republican link to them, and promptly liquidated their assets. Then I put them before the people.... they shall not be slain, it is beneath them, but they would be shamed.... every last overdone party nightmare hung out for public inspection.... you motherfucker's do NOT deserve the air you breath... what you deserve is EACH OTHER, AND Those fucking Walls you are all so fond of.... give them enough territory to free roam comfortably.... whatever it takes..... Then fence the fuckers in, arm them back up with their own guns and pesticides and other fun NRA stuff, and let the slimey pricks of both sexes duke it out until there's a clear consensus... then reevaluate!

How you like them Hot Dogs?
Lord Valve
2019-04-16 01:39:16 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
If I ruled things, I'd take Daffy Donald Duck out of his misery, and every last republican link to them, and promptly liquidated their assets. Then I put them before the people.... they shall not be slain, it is beneath them, but they would be shamed.... every last overdone party nightmare hung out for public inspection.... you motherfucker's do NOT deserve the air you breath... what you deserve is EACH OTHER, AND Those fucking Walls you are all so fond of.... give them enough territory to free roam comfortably.... whatever it takes..... Then fence the fuckers in, arm them back up with their own guns and pesticides and other fun NRA stuff, and let the slimey pricks of both sexes duke it out until there's a clear consensus... then reevaluate!
How you like them Hot Dogs?
We will bury you. <shrug>
2019-04-16 01:45:27 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
ALL of them. Since - as we all certainly know - the
arts are completely permeated with leftism, it would
follow that leftwing "sensibilities" (ROFLMAO!) and
rules - PC restrictions on speech and concepts expressed
in speech, SJW strictures placed upon expression, sidelining
works and performances by people based on race (no whiteys
allowed up in this here mutha-fucka), intimidation of artists
based on their political stance, etc., a "chilling effect"
is *absolutely* in play now, and the result is a stultifying
mediocrity across the broad spectrum of artistic endeavor.
I know for a fact that there are musicians who have to
pretend that they are leftists in order to work. In fact,
several of them post on this very NG, and this is not a new
thing: since I am not shy about labeling myself as a
rightwinger, and have done so online for the better part of
two decades, I have, over the years, received a *lot* of
e-mail from other rightwingers in the music industry. I
will not, of course, name a single one of these people, since
some of them have kids to feed and mortgages to pay off.
Leftists, you see, are vicious and vindictive people who
think *nothing* of destroying careers for PC rules violations.
Rosanne Barr is a good example. The PC mafia exerts control
over *all* artistic expression - music and film, certainly,
but also graphic arts, writing, poetry, lyrics, painting,
sculpture, even cooking and architecture - all of which is
now drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Hollywood is so bereft
of ideas they are endlessly re-making "the classics," and
nearly all of these remakes are pale shadows of the originals,
distinguished only by CGI and better equipment. The actors
are all afraid to step outside the PC walls, and movies
are all tame and boring, even though the tools of their
production are hundreds (if not thousands) of times better
than what was available when the originals were made. What
are we up to now....Fast and Furious 19? Rocky 27? The
"franchise" films are formulaic and seldom surprising. And
music - well, music SUCKS. I have a perspective which spans
nearly three-quarters of a century, and I'm flat-ass laying
it down, people...there isn't a damn thing being done today
which can hold a candle to the old Motown stuff. Muscle
Shoals. Wrecking crew. And Jazz, well...there are exceptional
players, yes, but who's writing anything worth listening to?
Everyone is scared to death they'll get called a racist or
a homophobe if they crack wrong, and they're all walking on
eggshells. There ain't a gonad in a trainload of you; all
you have now is "Orange Man BAD!" That's your "art."
It's just fucking sad. And YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES. *YOU*
put the arts in this terrible position with your PC nonsense,
and you are *directly* responsible for the river of shit
which flows from Hollywood and New York, and oozes nastily
forth from the Internet. And you worship at the altars of
Google and Twitter and FaceBook and whatnot, and beg your
gods to place more and more restrictions on those who dare
to think differently than you do, and you can't understand
why Art is withering. What's wrong? What the absolute FUCK
is WRONG with the arts?
YOU are!
And when you're finished with that, write up a nice rant
about what an asshole I am because I voted for Trump.
Yeah, that's the ticket...you'll feel better after that,
sure you will.
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
If I ruled things, I'd take Daffy Donald Duck out of his misery, and every last republican link to them, and promptly liquidated their assets. Then I put them before the people.... they shall not be slain, it is beneath them, but they would be shamed.... every last overdone party nightmare hung out for public inspection.... you motherfucker's do NOT deserve the air you breath... what you deserve is EACH OTHER, AND Those fucking Walls you are all so fond of.... give them enough territory to free roam comfortably.... whatever it takes..... Then fence the fuckers in, arm them back up with their own guns and pesticides and other fun NRA stuff, and let the slimey pricks of both sexes duke it out until there's a clear consensus... then reevaluate!
How you like them Hot Dogs?
We will bury you. <shrug>
but why....

I mean if you have everything you want, want's next?

I say you go over there build a wall with your best men ans women if there are any that don't resemble farm cattle or Witches.... let you have your selves every thing you want.....

then , check in on you periodically and see how the crime/slime stats are doing.... I'm sick of this double talk bull shit, you dig? No Nukes.... those ARE WALLS with real BALLS
2019-04-16 01:38:23 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
Lord Valve
2019-04-16 10:41:33 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
Another pile of audio poo from Dan de Shart.


Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you)

M A G A ! 1 8 6 1

Q+ - WWG1WGA - Q

2019-04-27 06:44:03 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Lord Valve
Excuse me, I have to go puke now.
Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)
M A G A !
Sounds like de Shart of Notuningham is having another
explosive BM. Back to the woodshed, junior! <fart>
