soup kitchen
(too old to reply)
2019-05-05 19:13:16 UTC
Lord Valve
2019-05-05 22:48:30 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
YOU are fucking DELUSIONAL if you call yourself
a pianist and then post bogus shit like that.
That SUCKS! So...there's a beater piano in some
joint where they hand out free soup, and there
are a bunch of drunk-ass winos in there watching
a retard bang on the keys. Man, what a gig! You're
down with the celebration, eh? Cinco de Mayo is
the celebration of a battle the Mexican Army
managed to win while they were losing a war to
the French. It is not widely celebrated in Mexico,
but Mexican beer companies like Grupo Modelo
started pushing Cinco de Mayo as a reason for
Mexicans in the USA to party down and drink shitloads
of Modelo Negra, Pacifico, and Corona. It is not
"Mexican Independence Day," as many think. The
main thing it is, is a marketing campaign. It's
also a damn good reason to stay off the road,
because "cruisers," who are all drunk on their
asses, will run into everything in the city.

Playing excruciatingly bad piano isn't going to
help matters - cut it out! Drink your Corona,
puke, and go the fuck home.

Lord Valve, ThD
Gringo (fuck you)

M A G A ! 1776/1861 T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !

B U I L D T H A T W A L L - 1 0 F E E T H I G H E R !
Lord Valve
2019-05-06 11:01:08 UTC
Post by Lord Valve
Post by s***@gmail.com
YOU are fucking DELUSIONAL if you call yourself
a pianist and then post bogus shit like that.
That SUCKS! So...there's a beater piano in some
joint where they hand out free soup, and there
are a bunch of drunk-ass winos in there watching
a retard bang on the keys. Man, what a gig! You're
down with the celebration, eh? Cinco de Mayo is
the celebration of a battle the Mexican Army
managed to win while they were losing a war to
the French. It is not widely celebrated in Mexico,
but Mexican beer companies like Grupo Modelo
started pushing Cinco de Mayo as a reason for
Mexicans in the USA to party down and drink shitloads
of Modelo Negra, Pacifico, and Corona. It is not
"Mexican Independence Day," as many think. The
main thing it is, is a marketing campaign. It's
also a damn good reason to stay off the road,
because "cruisers," who are all drunk on their
asses, will run into everything in the city.
Playing excruciatingly bad piano isn't going to
help matters - cut it out! Drink your Corona,
puke, and go the fuck home.
Lord Valve, ThD
Gringo (fuck you)
M A G A ! 1776/1861 T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !
B U I L D T H A T W A L L - 1 0 F E E T H I G H E R !

2019-05-06 02:37:07 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
you realize that you're acting like have a 3rd grade education, and the scary thing is slimeballs like you actually touch people. It makes me sick... you are poster-boy for whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttt?

yes, America got what it deserves with Trump, because he speaks TV/golden spoon, and gibberish.... he is infantile and you're just a wart on his not so favorite nutsack..... to you I wish nothing more than a quick death/ I'd do it myself except you're fat and protected... mista, USA IDIOT NUMBER 1
I actually predicated that you would one day be the president/
It just happened that Trump was you on glue..... and now we are an international embarrassment, and you fucks now rule this once great country that will never ever recover from shit-stain you fucking cowards put on it.... NEVER!
President Trump///////////////////// Are you kidding me-----it is a SHIT STAIN ON HUMANITY.
Lord Valve
2019-05-06 10:33:04 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
I realize that I'm acting like I have a 3rd grade education, and the scary thing is slimeballs like me actually touch people. It makes me sick.... I am poster-boy for whatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt?
yes, America got what it deserved with O'Buttplug, because he speaks
TV/welfare spoon, and ebonics.... he is infantile and I'm just a wart on his
favorite nutsack..... to myself I wish nothing more than a quick death/ I'd do
it myself except I have no guns (afraid)... I'M USA IDIOT NUMBER 1!
I actually predicated that I would one day be the president/
It just happened that O'Butthole was me on glue..... and now we are an
international embarrassment, and we fucks now rule this once great country
that will never ever recover from shitstain we fucking cowards put on it....
President O'Buttplug///////////////////// Are you kidding me-----he is a

There ya go - fixed that for you. If you're going
to project that hard, you might as well write in
the first person. Glad to be of assistance!

Lord Valve, ThD
Organist (fuck you!)

M A G A ! 1776/1861 T R U M P 2 0 2 0 !

B U I L D T H E W A L L - 1 0 F E E T H I G H E R !
2019-05-06 09:30:15 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Great. A bunch of down-and-outers trying to get a
hot meal, and you torture them with this absolute
*SHIT!*. If any of 'em were trying to get off the
sauce or the shit, you just blew it for 'em. No
doubt they will need a bottle of Night Train or
a poke of the dragon to kill the pain you just

Next time you want to bang keys like a stoned
monkey, treat it like jacking off: Do it in private,
and don't fucking share it!
