Post by Lord ValvePost by Lord Valve
Still got your shine box? Take a knee!
So - a crowd of people was in the area where
the cowardly nigger (damn right I called him
a nigger - there seem to be a lot of folks who
can't tell the difference between black people
and niggers; perhaps my usage will clear that
up for some of them) shot two cops in the face.
Some cheered. Some laughed. Not a single one
called 911 to get help for the cops. Despite
being shot in the jaw, the female cop managed
to improvise and apply a tourniquet to save
her partner's life. Not one person in the crowd
offered to help. Not one. That's BLM - a crew
of fucking communist revolutionaries who specialize
in murder, arson, race-war instigation, intimidation,
terrorism, extortion, assassination, you name it.
And you assholes want to call this "the age of Black
Lives Matter?" Are you fucking crazy?
Got guns? No? Tell ya what - when BLM rolls into YOUR
neighborhood and demands some "reparations," tell 'em
you voted for O'Butthole. Offer to shine their shoes.
That'll keep you safe and sound - right? As for me,
I have a slightly different plan. Can you say "Hornady
Critical Defense?" Can you say "Dragon's Breath?"
I'm an American. I don't kneel. FUCK YOU if you do,
or think I should. Ain't gonna happen.
You stupid shits!