2019-04-01 13:38:51 UTC
Hey pops, for a guy who said he put in his time and was done you sure flip back to standard operation of deny and debunk with candy ass cut and paste answers to all opposition questions easy don't you... ? Listen, I don't like you, we know that, but there are bigger fish to fry than your lard ass. You are despicable, but not a murder or such sorry ass monster types as that... so there's room for upward mobility for you, you know?
Anyway, I should be out to visit Haversticky this summer, you up for a man to man talk and no BS? I'm offering an olive branch... or we could duke it out or just continue this horseshit forever... your move champ/chump
your fan/daddy
Or you can come find me, I ain't hard to find:
805 E main apt 1
Urbana, Il
Anyway, I should be out to visit Haversticky this summer, you up for a man to man talk and no BS? I'm offering an olive branch... or we could duke it out or just continue this horseshit forever... your move champ/chump
your fan/daddy
Or you can come find me, I ain't hard to find:
805 E main apt 1
Urbana, Il